;NAME: ; ffi_header_info ;PURPOSE: ; extract some of the image header for an FFI image in KSC raw ; format ;CATEGORY: ; SXT operation software ;CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ffi_header_info,header,filtb,dpe ;PROGRAM INPUTS: ; header ;PROGRAM OUTPUTS: ;INPUT PARAMETER: ; None ;COMMON BLOCKS: ; None ;;SIDE EFFECTS: ; None. ;Restrictions: ;Modification history: ; H.Hara Oct 2, 1991 ; HSH 18-jan-96, changed some output stuff ; HSH 20-jul-96, use SUN2VAX for decoding integers ; HSH, written 12-Jul-99 based on FFI_HEAD ; pro ffi_header_info, header, filtb, dpe ; &&&&&&&&&& READ HEADER INFORMATION &&&&&&&&&&& ;rint,' ' ; ### Day ### ; day=string(header(52:55)) ;Observed Day ; print,'DAY, mmdd = '+day ; ### DP Mode ### ; h=header(20) ; case 1 of ; h eq 0: dpmode='Quiet' ; h eq 1: dpmode='Flare' ; endcase ; print,'DP MODE = '+dpmode ; ### Bit Rate ### ; h=header(22) ; case 1 of ; h eq 0: bitrate='High' ; h eq 1: bitrate='Medium' ; endcase ; print,'BIT RATE = '+bitrate ; #### DP time ##### ; h=long(header,56) ; sun2vax,h ; h=h/1000 ; hh=h/3600 ; h=h-3600*hh ; mm=h/60 ; ss=h-60*mm ; print,'S/C TIME = '+strmid(string(hh),10,2)+$ ; ':'+strmid(string(mm),10,2)+$ ; ':'+strmid(string(ss),10,2) ; #### Resolution #### ; h=header(89) ; case 1 of ; h eq 0: res='Full' ; h eq 1: res='Half' ; h eq 2: res='Quarter' ; endcase ; print,'RESOLUTION = '+res ; #### Exposure Time #### hhh = header(80:83) hhh = long(hhh,0) sun2vax,hhh h = hhh/100. exposure=h/1000. case 1 of h lt 1000. : begin exp=strmid(string(h),6,5) c=' ms' end h ge 1000. : begin h=h/1000. exp=strmid(string(h),6,5) c=' s' end endcase ; print,'EXPOSURE = '+exp+c dpe = exp ; #### Filter Information #### fila=strmid(string(fix(header(87))),7,1) filb=strmid(string(fix(header(88))),7,1) ; print,'B/A = '+filb+'/'+fila,' (',gt_filtb(filb,/str),')' filtb = filb ; #### Exposure Mode #### ; h=fix(header(64)) ; exmod=['Normal','Dark ','Cal ','Error '] ; print,'EXP = '+exmod(h) ; #### Compression Mode #### ; h=fix(header(90)) ; com=['Comp','Low ','High'] ; print,'COMPRESSION = '+com(h) ; print,' ' end