;+ ; NAME: ; CHECK_SIGMOID ; PURPOSE: ; write a .gif file and check coordinates for sigmoid TOO campaign ; CATEGORY: ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; INPUTS: ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; nogif defeats writing the .gif file to /home/www/sxt_co ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 3-May-01, written by HSH ; 4-May-01, interface slightly improved by AkT ; 7-May-01, revised order of heliographic coordinates (HSH) ; 4-Sep-01, fixed a bug causing a too-early image (HSH) ; 6-Nov-01, improved color table via Z buffer (HSH) ; 6-Nov-01, add time to epoc presentation (AkT) ;- pro check_sigmoid, noaa, nogif=nogif, qdebug=qdebug rd_nar,!stime,!stime,nar,/near ss = where(nar.noaa eq noaa) print,'epoch: ',fmt_tim(nar(ss)) nsew = fltarr(2) nsew(0) = (nar(ss).location)(1) nsew(1) = (nar(ss).location)(0) print,'heliog. coord.: (NS, EW) = ', nsew print,'SoHO coord.: (x,y)=',conv_h2a(nar(ss).location) ; lastsfd,index,data,20,/notv good = where(gt_filtb(index) eq 3 and gt_res(index) eq 1) nn = n_elements(good) index = index(good(nn-1)) & data = data(*,*,good(nn-1)) deltat = max( int2secarr( [fmt_tim(nar(ss)),fmt_tim(index)] ) ) xy = nar(ss).location xy(0) = xy(0)+deltat/86400.*13.5 xyp = conv_h2p(xy,index)/2 tt = tim2dset(index,nar(ss)) ; epoc=strmid(fmt_tim(nar(ss)),0,16) ew=nar(ss).location(0) ns=nar(ss).location(1) if ew gt 0 then loncom='W' else loncom='E' if ns gt 0 then latcom='N' else latcom='S' hcord=latcom+strtrim(string(abs(ns)),2)+loncom+strtrim(string(abs(ew)),2) temp=round(conv_h2a(nar(ss).location)) ax=strtrim(string(temp(0)),2) ay=strtrim(string(temp(1)),2) ; print,'**********************************************************' print,'NOAA AR: ',strtrim(string(noaa),2) print,'Heliographic coordinates: ',hcord,' epoch ',epoc,' UT' print,'Angular coordinates: [',ax,', ',ay,'] epoch ',epoc,' UT' print,'**********************************************************' ; wdef,0 loadct,15 tvscl,data(*,*) sxt_grid,index(tt) xyouts,10,10,/dev,charsi=2,'SXT '+fmt_tim(index) xx = xyp(0)+30*cos(findgen(101)/100*2*!pi) yy = xyp(1)+30*sin(findgen(101)/100*2*!pi) plots,xx,yy,/dev if n_elements(nogif) eq 0 then begin set_plot,'z' wdef,0 loadct,15 tvscl,data(*,*) sxt_grid,index(tt) xyouts,10,10,/dev,charsi=2,'SXT '+fmt_tim(index) xx = xyp(0)+30*cos(findgen(101)/100*2*!pi) yy = xyp(1)+30*sin(findgen(101)/100*2*!pi) plots,xx,yy,/dev print,'... now writing a gif image ...' out = tvrd() tvlct,r,g,b,/get write_gif,'/home/www/sxt_co/sigmoid.gif',out,r,g,b print,' print,'http://isass1.solar.isas.ac.jp/sxt_co/sigmoid.gif' print,' set_plot,'x' endif if keyword_set(qdebug) then stop end