;+ ; NAME: ; BP_CATALOG.PRO ; PURPOSE: ; list and measure the BP's in a daily data cube. The /read_out ; option from SXT_GRID gives you a chance to write down coordinates. ; LCUR_IMAGE is used to produce time series. ; CATEGORY: ; Yohkoh ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; main program ; INPUTS: ; must have infil determined for FFI's ; OPTIONAL (KEYWORD) INPUT PARAMETERS: ; ROUTINES CALLED ; LCUR_IMAGE, SXT_GRID, MARKS2BOX ; OUTPUTS: ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; grabs IDL window 0 ; RESTRICTIONS: ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; HSH, SKS 12-Jan-96, Written ; 12-Jan-96, JRL, If infil is undefined, call newsfd to set it up ;- if n_elements(infil) eq 0 then begin dd = newsfd(sfds=infil,/nodata) if n_elements(infil) gt 5 then infil = infil(n_elements(infil)-5:*) endif rd_roadmap,infil,roadmap ss = where(gt_dpe(roadmap) eq 25 and gt_filtb(roadmap) eq 3 and $ gt_percentd(roadmap) eq 100) fmt_timer,roadmap(ss) rd_xda,infil,ss,index,data nn = n_elements(index) print,nn sum_img= intarr(512,512) loadct,0 over for i = 0,nn-1 do sum_img = sum_img+sxt_decomp(data(*,*,i)) wdef tvscl,sxt_comp(sum_img) print,' ' print,'Write the coordinates down on a piece of paper? Stubby pencil preferred. print,' ' sxt_grid,index(nn/2),/read clearplot lcur_image,index,sxt_decomp(data),lcur,/nodisp,/total,marks=marks ymax = max(lcur) clear_utplot clearplot utplot,index,lcur(*,0),yr=[0,ymax],psym=-1 for i = 0,nn-1 do outplot,index,lcur(*,i),psym=-1 clearplot clear_utplot print,' ' print,' Minimum Maximum print,' ' mm = n_elements(lcur(0,*)) for i = 0, mm-1 do print,min(lcur(*,i)),max(lcur(*,i)),format='(2e10.2)' wset,0 marks2box,sxt_comp(sum_img),marks sxt_grid,index(mm/2) end