pro fig_sxt_resp, hc=hc, guide=guide, ps=ps ;+ ; ROUTINE: ; fig_sxt_resp ; PURPOSE: ; Generate the SXT signal vs Temp figure that corresponds to Fig. 9 in ; the Tsuneta et al Redbook paper. ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; plot_sxt_fig9 ; plot_sxt_fig9,/hc ; Send the plot to the printer ; plot_sxt_fig9,/eps ; Generate a PostScript eps file ; plot_sxt_fig9,/ps ; Generate a ordinary .ps file ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 15-Dec-93, J. R. Lemen (LPARL), Written ; 16-Dec-93 (MDM) - Replaced /EPS with /GUIDE ;- clearplot ; if keyword_set(hc) or keyword_set(guide) or keyword_set(ps) then begin set_plot,'ps device,xsize=6.,ysize=5.,/inch if (keyword_set(guide)) then device, /encapsulated, file='fig_sxt_resp.idlps' endif te = 5.5 + findgen(51)*0.05 ; Generate Te vector if ! eq 'PS' then font = 0 else font = 1 plot_io,te,sxt_flux(te,1), $ ytitle='SXT SIGNAL (DN/sec for EM=10!U44!N cm!U-3!N)', $ xtitle='Log( Temperature )', $ charsize=1.5,charthick=2,xthick=2,ythick=2,thick=2, $ font=font, $ xr=[5.5,8.5],yr=[.01,1000.],/xstyle for i=2,6 do oplot,te,sxt_flux(te,i),thick=2 ; Put on the labels off = fltarr(7) off(1) = 40 ;open off(2) = 0 ;Al.1 off(3) = -10 ;AlMg off(6) = -5 ;Mg3 for i=1,6 do xyouts,8.06,sxt_flux(max(te),i)+off(i),gt_filtb(i,/str), $ charsize=1.3 ,charthick=2,/data if keyword_set(guide) or keyword_set(ps) then device,/close if not keyword_set(hc) then set_plot,'X if not keyword_set(guide) then pprint,/reset end