pro fig_sxt_ratios, hc=hc, eps=eps, ps=ps, xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff, qtest=qtest ;+ ; ROUTINE: ; fig_sxt_ratios ; PURPOSE: ; Generate the SXT filter ratio plots vs Temp figure ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; fig_sxt_ratios ; fig_sxt_ratios,/hc ; Send the plot to the printer ; fig_sxt_ratios,/eps ; Generate a PostScript eps file ; fig_sxt_ratios,/ps ; Generate a ordinary .ps file ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 16-Dec-93, J. R. Lemen (LPARL), Written ; 14-Mar-94, J. R. Lemen (LPARL), 2*Al12/Al.1 curve corrected ;- xpage = 15 & ypage = 10 if n_elements(xoff) eq 0 then xoff = 3 if n_elements(yoff) eq 0 then yoff = 3 if keyword_set(hc) or keyword_set(eps) or keyword_set(ps) then begin set_plot,'ps device,/portrait,xsize=xpage,ysize=ypage,xoffset=xoff,yoffset=yoff, $ encapsulate=keyword_set(eps) endif te = 5.5 + findgen(51)*0.05 ; Generate Te vector if ! eq 'PS' then font = 0 else font = 1 charsize0 = .85 ; Title label size charsize1 = 1.06 ; Axis label size charsize2 = 1.3 ; xyouts label size clearplot ; ------------------------------------------ ; Plot Filter Ratios ; ------------------------------------------ xtitle= 'Log10(TEMPERATURE )' ytitle= 'SXT SIGNAL RATIO' title = 'SXT FILTER RATIOS' ratio0 = sxt_flux(te,4,version=version)/(2*sxt_flux(te,5)) ratio1 = sxt_flux(te,3)/sxt_flux(te,2) ratio2 = 2*sxt_flux(te,4)/sxt_flux(te,2) ; 2*Be119/Al.1 plot,te,ratio0,font=font,charsize=charsize0, $ xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, title=title, $ xcharsize=charsize1, ycharsize=charsize1, $ xrange=[5.5,9.],xstyle=1 title2 = '(sre'+version+')' oplot,te,ratio1 oplot,te,ratio2 xx = max(te) + .05 ttt = [ gt_filtb(4,/str)+'/(2x'+gt_filtb(5,/str)+')', $ gt_filtb(3,/str)+'/'+gt_filtb(2,/str), $ '2x'+gt_filtb(4,/str)+'/'+gt_filtb(2,/str) ] ; Fixed label - JRL (14-mar-94) nn = n_elements(te) yy = [ratio0(nn-1),ratio1(nn-1),ratio2(nn-1)] for i=0,2 do begin xyouts,xx,yy(i)-.015,ttt(i),charsize=charsize1,/data,font=font endfor if not keyword_set(qtest) and not keyword_set(eps) then begin xxc = 6. yy = .85 yyc = !y.crange(0) + yy * (!y.crange(1)-!y.crange(0)) xyouts,xxc,yyc,title2,size=charsize1,/data xyouts,.35,0.,'(Plotted '+!stime+')',charsize=1.,/normal endif pprint,/reset end