%% GENERAL SXT ROUTINES yodat stepper sswhere show_obs3 show_obs4 plot_fov lcur_image plot_arc xmovie_sfm get_sfm disp_month %% %% SXT I/O ROUTINES rd_sot rd_xda %% %% SXT INFORMATION ROUTINES get_info pr_sxtobs sxtpnt_sum pfi_loc %% %% SXT DATA REDUCTION ROUTINES sxt_prep xsxt_prep exp_norm %% %% PLASMA PARAMETER ROUTINES go_teem sxt_teem tv_teem sxt_interp sxt_flux sxt_erg_per_dn sxt_dn2ph % %% ALIGNMENT/POINTING ROUTINES sxt_prep sxt_center sxt_cen sxtpnt_sum get_rb0p coal_image get_gbo_pfi %% portion of the GBO image which corresponds to the PFI %% %% SXT PLOTTING ROUTINES sxt_grid profiles tprofiles xy_raster plot_clon %% %% GENERAL IMAGE PROCESSING ROUTINES unsharp_mask sxt_merge compst sxt_composite wdefroi ext_subset de_spiker spikes rm_darklimb sxt_off_axis sxt_vignette %% %% MOVIE MAKING AND VIEWING ROUTINES go_nvs5 go_per2opt mk_vcr video_menu video_title %% %% DATA REDUCTION ROUTINES leak_sub dark_sub sxt_decomp sxt_comp sfd_decomp sfd_comp restore_low8 get_dc_image sxt_satpix dprate2sec pr_image %% %% LOW LEVEL SXT ACCESS ROUTINES gt_filta gt_filtb gt_res gt_expdur gt_time gt_day gt_explat gt_dpe gt_mbe gt_dp_mode gt_dp_rate gt_corner gt_center gt_temp_ccd gt_temp_hk gt_comp gt_pfi_ffi gt_sxt_cen gt_sxt_roll gt_sxt_axis %% %% ISAS OPERATIONS ROUTINES contacts first_light lastsfd goes_summary plot_fem pr_fem pr_evn pr_gev % %% SXT CHIEF OBSERVER ROUTINES gtab_entry gtab_pfi gtab_ffi gtab_comm gtab_roi gtab_summary seq_summary get_sunset plot_sls plot_sld sld_sls_vstrips sxt_obs_coord plot_sot plot_temps plot_ssl %%