The Wide Band Spectrometer (WBS), consisting of three kinds of spectrometers, soft X-ray spectrometer (SXS), hard X-ray spectrometer (HXS), and gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS), is installed on Yohkoh to investigate plasma heating, high-energy particle acceleration, and interaction processes.

SXS has two proportional counters and each counter provides 128-channel pulse height data in the 2-30 keV range every 2 s and 2-channel pulse count data ever 0.25 s. The SXS observations enable one to study the thermal evolution of flare plasma by obtaining time series of electron temperatures and emission measures of hot plasma.
HXS has a NaI scintillation detector and provides 32-channel pulse height data in the 20-400 keV range every 1 s and 2-channel pulse count data every 0.125 s. The HXS observations enable one to study the electron acceleration and heating mechanisms by obtaining time series of the electron spectrum.
GRS has two identical BGO scintillation detectors and each detector provides 128-channel pulse height data in the 0.2-10 MeV range every 4 s and 4-channel pulse count data (0.2-0.7, 0.7-4, 4-7, and 7-10 MeV) every 0.25-0.5 s. In addition, each of the BGO scintillation detectors provides 16-channel pulse height data in the 8-100 MeV range every 4 s and 4-channel pulse count data (8-30 and 30-100 MeV) every 0.5 s. The GRS observations enable one to study the high-energy electron and ion acceleration and interaction processes by obtaining time series of electron and ion spectra.
Example data from Yohkoh/WBS