Solar Orbiter pointing from 2022-04-04T16:25:00 to 2022-04-05T20:30:00

Solar Orbiter spacecraft boresight

Date/Time at SO       SO view (arcsec)       Carrington lon/lat       Time at Earth       Earth view (arcsec)
2022-04-04T16:25:00 0 2542 90.0 90.0 16:30:11 ****** ******
2022-04-05T20:30:00 0 2460 85.3 90.0 20:35:11 ****** ******

EUI/HRI/EUV telescope boresight

Assumed offset: -115, 143

Date/Time at SO       SO view (arcsec)       Carrington lon/lat       Time at Earth       Earth view (arcsec)
2022-04-04T16:25:00 -115 2685 NaN NaN 16:30:11 -25 1011
2022-04-05T20:30:00 -115 2603 NaN NaN 20:35:11 -24 1013

EUI/HRI/LYA telescope boresight

Assumed offset: -143, 48

Date/Time at SO       SO view (arcsec)       Carrington lon/lat       Time at Earth       Earth view (arcsec)
2022-04-04T16:25:00 -143 2590 NaN NaN 16:30:11 -19 976
2022-04-05T20:30:00 -143 2508 NaN NaN 20:35:11 -16 977

Note: Some pointings were off-limb, so Carrington coordinates could not be calculated. A different algorithm was used to calculate the Earth-equivalent pointings for these cases.

File modified: 17-Jun-2022 15:51:04.079 UTC