accommodation information

Mass 13 kg (+ 0.5 kg harness)
Power 12 W (+ 0-12 W op. heaters)
Dimensions 38.2 cm x 21.9 cm x 16.3 cm (ESU)
18.9 cm x 15.3 cm x 6.6 cm (LVPC)
24.6 cm x 20.4 cm x 8.8 cm (CDPU)
Telemetry 1 kbps
Field of view 64° (LED)
120° (HED)
Pointing accuracy± 1°

The ERNE instrument measures energetic ion fluxes covering elements from hydrogen to zinc with isotopic resolution up to neon (LED) or beyond (HED). The energy range covers about two orders of magnitude for each ion species being 1.5 - 110 MeV/n for protons and alphas, 3-300 MeV/n for CNO, and 4-600 MeV/n for iron. The geometric factor of the instrument is large: 0.26-0.92 cm² sr for LED and 25-40 cm² sr for HED depending on particle energy.


ERNE Energetic and Relativistic Nuclei Experiment
ESU ERNE Sensor Unit
LED Low Energy Detector
HED High Energy Detector
LVPV Low Voltage Power Converter
CDPU Common Data Processing Unit

Information provided by Dr. Jarmo Torsti, University of Turku, Finland.