LASCO MONTHLY MINIMUM (BACKGROUND) IMAGES (updated 2002/09/26 by N. Rich) created by PROCEDURE: A sequence of daily median images is read. For each pixel, the minimum non-zero value is selected. The amount of images used varies, but it is no more than 27 days for single-year minimums. The date in the filename is the MID-POINT in the sequence, and corresponds to the date of the file for which you want a background. The number of days used appears in the header, as does the first and last days used. The characters 'xx' in the place of the year in a filename indicates that images from more than one year were used. (As of now, the date for the xx files is still the last day in the sequence.) For C3, images used are from 1996/05/01 - 1998/06/24. For C2, images used are from 1996/02/27 - 1999/12/31. The same interval is chosen for each year. (For example, March 3-30 for 1997 and 1998, in the case of C3.) In the case of yearly images, all daily medians for a given year are used to compute the minimum image. FILE NAMING schemes: tm_fwpw_yymmdd.fts where t = telescope [1,2,3] m = m (monthly image) fw = filter abbreviation from pw = polarizer abbreviation from yymmdd = date of the MIDPOINT of the range of days used -or- in the case of xx, date of the LAST day used - or - ty_fwpw_yyyy.fts where y = y (yearly image) yyyy = year See FITS header for additional information about a given image. OTHER FILES: changes.txt: Lists symbolic links providing "bookends" to periods adjacent to large gaps or stray light changes. rolled.txt: Lists daily median images in $MONTHLY_IMAGES/rolled/. Corresponds to days when SOHO was rolled GT 2 degrees, and the regular backgrounds can not be used. Written 2001/12/10 by N. Rich, NRL .