; ; ; IDL startup file ; ; Edited to include /cs/update directory at front of path. CDP, 27-Feb-96 ; Modified for reorganized directories, William Thompson, 12-Jun-1996 ; Add extra expand_path. CDP, 19-Jun-96 ; Modified for fast startup. DMZ, 13-Aug-96 ; Inhibit numerical error warnings. CDP, 21-Oct-96 ; Add both /cs/update and /cs/idl/update to front of path, WTT, 22-Oct-1996 ; ; increase program space above default (needed for Alpha) ; .size 64000 64000 ; ; Set the IDL !PATH variable. ; IF !VERSION.OS EQ 'vms' THEN SEP = ',' ELSE SEP = ':' !PATH = EXPAND_PATH('+$CDS_IDL_TOP') + SEP + !PATH IF GETENV('CDS_NO_UPDATE') EQ '' THEN BEGIN & $ !PATH = CONCAT_DIR('$CDS_IDL_TOP','update') + SEP + !PATH & $ !PATH = CONCAT_DIR('$CDS_TOP','update') + SEP + !PATH & END DELVAR,SEP !PATH = EXPAND_PATH(!PATH) ; ; initialise image and device systems as used in SERTS s/w ; imagelib devicelib ; ; and the database system variables ; uitdblib ; ; ensure that ops version of STM is run by default ; useops ; ; inhibit warnings ; ;check = check_math(1,1) ; ; set env. var. for xdoc ; setenv,'XDOC_ONLY=1' ; ; define system variable for default GSET_ID ; defsysv,'!def_gset_id',22 ; ; bail out if fast startup requested ; if getenv('FAST_CDS_STARTUP') eq '1' then stop,'% FAST_CDS_STARTUP completed' ; ; ; time calculation ; d2l = strtrim(string(days2launch()),2) get_utc,utc doy = strtrim(string(utc2doy(utc)),2) ; ; check database definitions ; if not fix_zdbase(/user) then $ if not fix_zdbase(/cds) then print,'Error selecting databases.' ; ; random selection of one-liners for general edification ; tftd, lines=6 ; ; encourage les autres ; print,' ' print,'Currently in day '+d2l+' of the SOHO mission. (DOY '+doy+')' print,' '