CCSD3ZS00001markerzzCCSD3FS00005markeryyCCSD3CS00004markeraa ADIDNAME = NSSD0227; DDRID = CCSD0006; /* Uses Parameter Value Language (PVL) */ CCSD$$MARKERmarkeraaCCSD3KS00007markerbb PACKAGE_TYPE = RP; REVISION_NUMBER = 0; SUBMISSION_DATE = 1995-12-04; REVISABLE = YES; RELEASABLE = NO; TITLE = "SOHO Archive Tape/CD Volume Description"; DESCRIPTION = "All tape and CD data products from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory's (SOHO) archive will contain this form of volume description." REVISION_COMMENT = "Original Version"; BEGIN_GROUP = ORIGINATOR; NAME = "Luttermoser, Dr. Donald Gerard"; AFFILIATION = "Applied Research Corporation/NASA/GSFC"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+1 301 286 2371" FAX = "+1 301 286 0264" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "SOHO/EAF, Building 26, Room G-1" , "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center" , "Code 682.3" , "Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA" ); END_GROUP = ORIGINATOR; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Luttermoser, Dr. Donald Gerard"; AFFILIATION = "Applied Research Corporation/NASA/GSFC"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+1 301 286 2371" FAX = "+1 301 286 0264" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "SOHO/EAF, Building 26, Room G-1" , "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center" , "Code 682.3" , "Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Thompson, Dr. William T."; AFFILIATION = "Applied Research Corporation/NASA/GSFC"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+1 301 286 2040" FAX = "+1 301 286 0264" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "SOHO/EAF, Building 26, Room G-1" , "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center" , "Code 682.3" , "Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Pike, Dr. David"; AFFILIATION = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+44 1235 82 5835" FAX = "+44 1235 44 6509" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "Space Science Department" , "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory" , "Chilton, Didcot" , "Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Harrison, Dr. Richard A."; AFFILIATION = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+44 1235 44 6884" FAX = "+44 1235 44 6509" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "Space Science Department" , "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory" , "Chilton, Didcot" , "Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Poland, Dr. Arthur I."; AFFILIATION = "NASA/GSFC"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+1 301 286 7076" FAX = "+1 301 286 0264" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "LASP" , "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center" , "Code 682.1" , "Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; CCSD$$MARKERmarkerbbNSSD3KS00230markercc PROJECT_NAME = "Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)"; MISSION_NAME = "Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)"; INSTRUMENT_NAME = ""; CCSD$$MARKERmarkerccCCSD3ES00002markeree The information below describes the parameters which must appear in the value field of the volume description Label Value Object. Note that square brackets indicates the value type: [STRING] for string, [INT] for integer, [LONG] for long integer, [FLOAT] for single-precision real, [DOUBLE] for double-precision real, or [LOGICAL] for logical (i.e., T for true or F for false). Note that SOHO data can be archived to either "tape" or "CD" media. In the definitions below, the terms "VOL" and "volume" are synonymous to one of these two media. A Tape/CD information PVL object must appear and must contain these fields: BEGIN_OBJECT = VOLUME_INFORMATION; VOL_CREATION_TIME = /* The date and time the archive volume (i.e., tape/CD) was made -- CCSDS format [STRING] */ VOL_BYTES_RECORD = /* The number of bytes in each record for each file on the tape/CD (= 2880*n, 1<=n<=10) [INT] */ TOTAL_VOL_BYTES = /* Total number of bytes (including this SFDU header file) on the tape/CD (i.e., FITS + SFDU sizes) [LONG] */ TOTAL_FITS_FILES = /* Total number of FITS files on the tape/CD [INT] */ TOTAL_FITS_BYTES = /* Total number of bytes associated with the FITS files (i.e., TOTAL_VOL_BYTES - SFDU size) [LONG] */ TOTAL_VMS_BLOCKS = /* Total number of VMS blocks (1 block = 512 bytes) associated with the FITS files. This number may be useful for those working in a VMS environment [LONG] */ END_OBJECT; CCSD$$MARKERmarkereeCCSD$$MARKERmarkeryyCCSD$$MARKERmarkerzz