CCSD3ZS00001markerzzCCSD3FS00005markeryyCCSD3CS00004markeraa ADIDNAME = NSSD0229; DDRID = NSSD0006; /* Conforms to NOST Definition of FITS */ SUPID = NSSD0238; /* Logically include Description of SOHO/CDS Instrument */ CCSD$$MARKERmarkeraaCCSD3KS00007markerbb PACKAGE_TYPE = RP; REVISION_NUMBER = 0; SUBMISSION_DATE = 1995-12-04; REVISABLE = YES; RELEASABLE = NO; TITLE = "SOHO/CDS Archive - FITS File Description"; DESCRIPTION = "All data products from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory's (SOHO) Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) archive are FITS files. The FITS header keywords below are defined specifically for the CDS instrument."; REVISION_COMMENT = "Original Version"; BEGIN_GROUP = ORIGINATOR; NAME = "Luttermoser, Dr. Donald Gerard"; AFFILIATION = "Applied Research Corporation/NASA/GSFC"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+1 301 286 2371" FAX = "+1 301 286 0264" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "SOHO/EAF, Building 26, Room G-1" , "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center" , "Code 682.3" , "Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA" ); END_GROUP = ORIGINATOR; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Luttermoser, Dr. Donald Gerard"; AFFILIATION = "Applied Research Corporation/NASA/GSFC"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+1 301 286 2371" FAX = "+1 301 286 0264" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "SOHO/EAF, Building 26, Room G-1" , "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center" , "Code 682.3" , "Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Thompson, Dr. William T."; AFFILIATION = "Applied Research Corporation/NASA/GSFC"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+1 301 286 2040" FAX = "+1 301 286 0264" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "SOHO/EAF, Building 26, Room G-1" , "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center" , "Code 682.3" , "Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Pike, Dr. David"; AFFILIATION = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+44 1235 82 5835" FAX = "+44 1235 44 6509" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "Space Science Department" , "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory" , "Chilton, Didcot" , "Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Harrison, Dr. Richard A."; AFFILIATION = "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+44 1235 44 6884" FAX = "+44 1235 44 6509" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "Space Science Department" , "Rutherford Appleton Laboratory" , "Chilton, Didcot" , "Oxfordshire, OX11 0QX, United Kingdom" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; BEGIN_GROUP = REVISER; NAME = "Poland, Dr. Arthur I."; AFFILIATION = "NASA/GSFC"; EMAIL = ( Internet, "" ); PHONE = "+1 301 286 7076" FAX = "+1 301 286 0264" POSTAL_ADDRESS = ( "LASP" , "NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center" , "Code 682.1" , "Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA" ); END_GROUP = REVISER; CCSD$$MARKERmarkerbbNSSD3KS00230markercc PROJECT_NAME = "The Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS)"; MISSION_NAME = "Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)"; INSTRUMENT_NAME = "The Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS)"; CCSD$$MARKERmarkerccCCSD3ES00002markeree FITS files associated with the CDS Instrument make use of the common SOHO keywords (registered under NSSD0238) for use in the FITS headers as well as these additional keywords which appear below. Note that square brackets indicates the value type: [STRING] for string, [INT] for integer, [LONG] for long integer, [FLOAT] for single-precision real, [DOUBLE] for double-precision real, or [LOGICAL] for logical (i.e., T for true or F for false). FITS Header Keywords: (Note: this line is needed for the CHECKCDSFITS proc.) /* Keywords always present */ ANGLE = /* Preliminary orientation of field-of-view (i.e., instrument) to solar north [FLOAT] */ BITPIX = /* Number of bits per pixel for the data [INT] */ CATEGORY = /* Study category: "T" for Test, "S" for science, "C" for calibration -- implied by STUDY_ID [STRING] */ CMP_NAME = /* Campaign name (if applicable) [STRING] */ CMP_NO = /* SOHO campaign ID number (if applicable) [INT] */ COMP_ERR = /* True (T) if data compression scheme error was encountered [LOGICAL] */ COMP_ID = /* Telemetry data compression scheme ID [INT] */ COMP_OPT = /* Telemetry data compression option [INT] */ DATE = /* Date FITS file was created, dd/mm/yy [STRING] */ DATE_OBS = /* Start date/time of observation (raster) -- CCSDS format [STRING] */ DATE_END = /* End date/time of observation [STRING] */ DETECTOR = /* CDS detector: "NIS" - Normal Incidence Spectrometer or "GIS" - Grazing Incidence Spectrometer [STRING] */ DW_ID = /* Data extraction window list ID [INT] */ EV_ENAB = /* True (T) if event recognition enabled, false (F) otherwise [LOGICAL] */ EXPCOUNT = /* Number of exposures in the raster [INT] */ EXPTIME = /* Exposure time in seconds [FLOAT] */ EXTNAME = /* 'DATA' if FITS contents is scientific data, etc. [STRING] */ FILENAME = /* FITS filename on originator machine w/o extension or path [STRING] */ GCOUNT = /* Group count [INT] */ INS_ROLL = /* Instrument roll angle (from calibration) [FLOAT] */ INS_X0 = /* Instrument origin pointing (legs) X-axis [FLOAT] */ INS_Y0 = /* Instrument origin pointing (legs) Y-axis [FLOAT] */ INSTRUME = /* The instrument onboard SOHO for which the data were taken, i.e., 'CDS ' = Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer [STRING] */ IXWIDTH = /* Size of instrument field of view in X direction -- calculated from the pointing information, data window tables, and binning factors [FLOAT] */ IYWIDTH = /* Size of instrument field of view in Y direction [FLOAT] */ LL_ID = /* Line list ID number -- implied by DW_ID [INT] */ LL_DESC = /* The name of the line list used -- implied by DW_ID [STRING] */ MIR_POS = /* Mirror position at start of raster [INT] */ NAXIS = /* Number of axes for the data (=2 for image) [INT] */ NAXIS1 = /* Array size in X direction [LONG] */ NAXIS2 = /* Array size in Y direction [LONG] */ NWINDOWS = /* Number of data extraction windows [INT] */ NX = /* Number of steps in X direction [INT] */ NY = /* Number of steps in Y direction [INT] */ OBJ_ID = /* Object ID (if applicable) [INT] */ OBJECT = /* Type of object or event observed [STRING] */ OBS_MODE = /* Observing mode -- a character string combining the values of DETECTOR, SLIT_NUM, RAS_ID, and EXPTIME, e.g., "NIS-S1-R3-E100" [STRING] */ OBS_PROG = /* Name of the study -- implied by STUDY_ID [STRING] */ OBT_TIME = /* On-board start time [DOUBLE] */ OBT_END = /* Onboard end time [DOUBLE] */ OPSLBITS = /* OPS L status bits at start of raster, as a character string of "0"s and "1"s [STRING] */ OPSRBITS = /* OPS R status bits at start of raster [STRING] */ OPS_L = /* OPS L position at start of raster [INT] */ OPS_R = /* OPS R position at start of raster [INT] */ ORIGIN = /* Institute where file was written: SOHO-EOF or RAL [STRING] */ PCOUNT = /* Random parameter count [INT] */ PROG_ID = /* Observing program ID, linking studies together [LONG] */ PROG_IND = /* Repeated study index [LONG] */ PROG_NUM = /* Study counter number [LONG] */ PROGNAME = /* Observing program name, if applicable [STRING] */ RAS_ID = /* Raster ID number -- determined from STUDY_ID and SEQ_IND [LONG] */ RAS_VAR = /* The raster variation index [INT] */ SC_ROLL = /* Spacecraft roll [FLOAT] */ SC_X0 = /* Spacecraft X-direction pointing [FLOAT] */ SC_Y0 = /* Spacecraft Y-direction pointing [FLOAT] */ SCI_OBJ = /* General science objective [STRING] */ SCI_SPEC = /* More specific science objective [STRING] */ SER_ID = /* On-board sequence load ID -- taken from the "Sequence ID" in the telemetry stream [LONG] */ SEQ_IND = /* Raster index within the study [INT] */ SEQ_NUM = /* Unique number of each file. This number is intended to serve as a unique identifier to a specific instance of a raster. Each data file generated by a CDS raster would have a unique value of SEQ_NUM [LONG] */ SEQVALID = /* True (T) if the raster contains useful data. One possible use of this keyword is to signal whether or not the pointing was changed during the execution of the raster. If so, then the software will need to be able to distinguish between solar feature tracking and true pointing changes [LOGICAL] */ SFDUADID = /* SFDU Authority and ADID label of INSTRUME, i.e., 'NSSD0229 ' for the CDS [STRING] */ SIMPLE = /* First header line of all standard FITS files [LOGICAL] */ SLIT_NUM = /* The number of the slit used [INT] */ SLIT_POS = /* Slit position at start of raster [INT] */ STUDYVAR = /* Study variation index [INT] */ STUDY_ID = /* The study ID number of the program [LONG] */ TELESCOP = /* Name of the telescope, i.e. 'SOHO ' = Solar Heliospheric Observatory [STRING] */ TFIELDS = /* Number of data columns in the binary tables [INT] */ TITLE = /* Study title [STRING] */ TITLE_ID = /* Study title ID [LONG] */ TRACKING = /* Solar feature tracking: True (T) if solar feature tracking is used, otherwise false (F) [LOGICAL] */ WAVEMAX = /* Maximum wavelength observed in Angstroms [FLOAT] */ WAVEMIN = /* Minimum wavelength observed in Angstroms [FLOAT] */ XCEN = /* Preliminary center in X-direction of field-of-view [FLOAT] */ XSTEP = /* Step size in arcsec in X direction -- deduced based on STUDY_ID and SEQ_ID [FLOAT] */ XTENSION = /* First header line of binary table FITS files, typically set to 'BINTABLE' [STRING] */ YCEN = /* Preliminary center in Y-direction of field-of-view [FLOAT] */ YSTEP = /* Step size in arcsec in Y direction [FLOAT] */ /* Keywords present only for VDS data */ VDS_ACC = /* True if VDS is operated in accumulate mode [LOGICAL] */ VDS_MODE = /* VDS readout mode [STRING] */ VDS_ORI = /* True if VDS telemetry data oriented by columns [LOGICAL] */ VDS_PMCP = /* VDS MCP programmable voltage setting [INT] */ /* Keywords present only for GIS data */ BUGHV1 = /* High voltage, detector 1 [FLOAT] */ BUGHV2 = /* High voltage, detector 2 [FLOAT] */ BUGHV3 = /* High voltage, detector 3 [FLOAT] */ BUGHV4 = /* High voltage, detector 4 [FLOAT] */ BKGCHK1 = /* Lookup table checksum, detector 1 [LONG] */ BKGCHK2 = /* Lookup table checksum, detector 2 [LONG] */ BKGCHK3 = /* Lookup table checksum, detector 3 [LONG] */ BKGCHK4 = /* Lookup table checksum, detector 4 [LONG] */ BIGMCP1 = /* High voltage current, detector 1 [FLOAT] */ BIGMCP2 = /* High voltage current, detector 2 [FLOAT] */ BIGMCP3 = /* High voltage current, detector 3 [FLOAT] */ BIGMCP4 = /* High voltage current, detector 4 [FLOAT] */ BUGMCPB1 = /* MCP F/face, detector 1 [FLOAT] */ BUGMCPB2 = /* MCP F/face, detector 2 [FLOAT] */ BUGMCPB3 = /* MCP F/face, detector 3 [FLOAT] */ BUGMCPB4 = /* MCP F/face, detector 4 [FLOAT] */ BKGRCD1 = /* Raw event count, detector 1 [LONG] */ BKGRCD2 = /* Raw event count, detector 2 [LONG] */ BKGRCD3 = /* Raw event count, detector 3 [LONG] */ BKGRCD4 = /* Raw event count, detector 4 [LONG] */ BKGULCD1 = /* Upper level discriminator count, detector 1 [LONG] */ BKGULCD2 = /* Upper level discriminator count, detector 2 [LONG] */ BKGULCD3 = /* Upper level discriminator count, detector 3 [LONG] */ BKGULCD4 = /* Upper level discriminator count, detector 4 [LONG] */ BKGHV1L = /* High voltage last set value, detector 1 [FLOAT] */ BKGHV2L = /* High voltage last set value, detector 2 [FLOAT] */ BKGHV3L = /* High voltage last set value, detector 3 [FLOAT] */ BKGHV4L = /* High voltage last set value, detector 4 [FLOAT] */ BKGLDLD1 = /* Last setting low level discriminator, detector 1 [FLOAT] */ BKGLDLD2 = /* Last setting low level discriminator, detector 2 [FLOAT] */ BKGLDLD3 = /* Last setting low level discriminator, detector 3 [FLOAT] */ BKGLDLD4 = /* Last setting low level discriminator, detector 4 [FLOAT] */ /* Binary table column headers -- note that the "n" in these keywords * represent integers which associates the given keyword to the specific * column "n", "n" always starts from 1 */ TFORMn = /* Data format and number of data points [STRING] */ TTYPEn = /* Label for data [STRING] */ TDIMn = /* Dimensions [STRING] */ TDESCn = /* Dimension labels [STRING] */ TCUNIn = /* Units along each of the dimensions [STRING] */ TRPIXn = /* Reference pixel position [STRING] */ TRVALn = /* Axes values at reference point [STRING] */ TDELTn = /* Pixel spacing along axes [STRING] */ TROTAn = /* Rotation angle of dimensions [STRING] */ TUNITn = /* Units of the data [STRING] */ TNULLn = /* Data missing flag value [LONG] */ TDMINn = /* Data minimum value [LONG or FLOAT depending on TUNITn] */ TDMAXn = /* Data maximum value [LONG or FLOAT depending on TUNITn] */ TDETXn = /* Start column on detector [INT] */ TDETYn = /* Start row on detector (NIS detector only) [INT] */ TBINXn = /* Detector binning across columns [INT] */ TBINYn = /* Detector binning across rows [INT] */ TWAVEn = /* Principle wavelength of first order [FLOAT] */ TWMINn = /* Minimum wavelength of first order [FLOAT] */ TWMAXn = /* Maximum wavelength of first order [FLOAT] */ TWBNDn = /* Wavelength band (NIS: 1 or 2, GIS: 1 to 4) [INT] */ TGORDn = /* Grating order [INT] */ CCSD$$MARKERmarkereeCCSD$$MARKERmarkeryyCCSD$$MARKERmarkerzz