Written Kim Tolbert 19-Nov-2019 Updated Kim Tolbert 28-Jan-2024 Updated Kim Tolbert 27-Jun-2024 These directories contain the following: fits_gamma_ray: For the less than 20 RHESSI gamma-ray flares, count spectrum and SRM FITS files at appropriate energy and time binning, as well as FITS files of suitable background for each flare. fits_hires: Count spectrum and SRM files for the higher energy RHESSI flares (events seen above 50 keV). Separate files are available for each separate detector as well as a file combining all functional detectors. The time interval in the files includes the entire orbit containing the flare (midnight-to-midnight) to include background data. Time bins are 4s and energy bins are: 1/3 keV bins from 3 to 15 keV, 1 keV bins from 15 to 100 keV, 5 keV bins from 100 to 1820 keV (except 2 keV bins around lines at 339, 450, 847, 937, 1238, 1369, 1634, and 1778 keV, and 1 keV bins from 50 to 520 keV for the 511 keV line), 10 keV bins from 1820 to 2.5 MeV (except 1 keV bins from 2210 to 2230 keV for the 2223 keV line), and 25 keV bins from 2.5 to 3.0 MeV. (This is similar to binning code 19, but modified to replace bins < 15 keV with 1/3 keV bins, and to limit the high end to 3 MeV.) The corresponding (same energy binning) Spectral Response Matrix (SRM) files are also provided for each flare interval. NOTE: Some of the events identied as high energy flares are actually particle events - the signature of particle events is that the time profile of all energies have the same gaussian shape (e.g. the event at 14-dec-2009 09:41). FITS files written by routine hsi_ar_sp_hires_main.pro fits_standard: Count spectrum files for every orbit of the RHESSI mission (midnight-to-midnight) with 4s bins, 77 energy bins 3-250 keV, combining all functional detectors. The corresponding (same energy binning) Spectral Response Matrix (SRM) files are also provided for each flare interval. FITS files written by routine hsi_ar_sp_main.pro flare_plots: PNG plot files in year/month/day directories Plots of count flux and photon flux spectra for each detector for each RHESSI flare Front detectors only Photon flux is computed using semi-calibrated option in spectrum object - this is a rough estimate of photon flux. Plots written by routines hsi_spectrum_mk_det_plots.pro, hsi_spectrum_check_dets.pro The file rhessi_flare_spectra.txt is used by Browser to determine the name of a flare plot file. minute_plots: PNG plot files in year/month/day directories Plots of count flux spectrum for each detector for each minute of mission Front detectors only Plots written by routines hsi_min_spectra_plot.pro, hsi_spectrum_sepdet_plot.pro fits: FITS files organized in year/month/day directories for every orbit of RHESSI mission 100 1-minute bins 138 energy bins from 1.0 to 300.0 keV, .333 keV wide from 1 to 10 keV and then logarithmically spaced up to 300 keV Separate detectors (one file for each detector for each orbit) Front detectors only Thare are no corresponding DRM files. These FITS files are used to make the plots in the minute_plots directory. FITS files written by routines hsi_min_spectra_main.pro, hsi_min_spectra_write_fits.pro The flare plots and minute plots are useful for determining which detectors are good for that time interval. The plots are shown in the RHESSI Browser when: for minute plots - Time-Based Quicklook / Per-min. det. spectra is checked for flare plots - Flare-Based Quicklook / Peak det. spectra is checked For a discussion on how to interpret the flare spectrum plots, please see the nugget titled 'Which detectors can I use to analyze this flare?' published 15-Sep-2014 here http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/Which_detectors_can_I_use_to_analyze_this_flare%3F