Written 20-Jun-2024 by Kim Tolbert The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) recorded X-ray and gamma-ray data between 3 keV and 17 MeV from the Sun between February 2012 and April 2018. Please see the RHESSI web site at https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/rhessi for a complete description of the mission, the instrument, and the software needed to analyze the data. These directories contain the RHESSI image archive. Science-ready images and related products were generated for >75,000 RHESSI flares (all identified flares that had sufficient counts, and whose position could be determined) using six image reconstruction methods. Click hsi_flare_image_archive.html in this directory for entry into the image archive. Please see the following two documents in this directory for more information: 1. image_archive_strategy.html - RHESSI Image Archive Strategy contains information on how the parameters for imaging, including the time and energy bins, were chosen. 2. image_archive_guide.html - Guide to RHESSI Image Archive provides an explanation of how to access the archive, and a detailed description of each type of plot shown in the archive. The imagecube FITS files containing the images in the archive are stored in the imagecube_fits_v2 directory (up one level from here).