The files in these directories contain data used for calibration of SUMER spectral images. In particular: The directory [flight.ff] contains all flatfield correction matrizes available as IDL restore files. The orientation of the images is compatibel with the FITS files orientation (, i. e., North is down, wavelength to the right). The data can be used for flatfield correction using the program contrib:[schuehle] The directory [flight.ffraw] contains all flatfield raw images used to calculate the flatfield correction matrizes. They can be used to build your own flatfield correction. The directory [flight.fflatfield] contains the flatfield data obtained from the telemetry converted to FITS files. U. Schuehle, 5. MAY 1998 --------------- The Original files appear in CALIBRATION:[000000] in Sumer VMS machine SUMOP1.NASCOM.NASA.GOV (NON anonymous access) They are currently mirrored in CALIBRATION:[000000] in Sumer VMS machine SIRIUS.MEDOC-IAS.U-PSUD.FR (NON anonymous access) They are currently mirrored for public access in HTTP://SOHOWWW.NASCOM.NASA.GOV/SDB/SOHO/SUMER/CALIBRATION/ Programs to use this data appear in CONTRIB:[SCHUEHLE] in Sumer VMS machine SUMOP1.NASCOM.NASA.GOV (NON anonymous access) They are currently mirrored in CONTRIB:[SCHUEHLE] in Sumer VMS machine SIRIUS.MEDOC-IAS.U-PSUD.FR (NON anonymous access) They are currently mirrored for public access in HTTP://SOHOWWW.NASCOM.NASA.GOV/SOLARSOFT/SOHO/SUMER/CONTRIB/SCHUEHLE/ C. Maurel, 5 Mai 1998