Preliminary 2010 SOHO LASCO Coronal Mass Ejection List (Revised 01-Sep-2009 --- GAS). This is a working version of a catalogue of activity and probable coronal mass ejections detected in white light observations of the LASCO coronagraphs. This list is maintained at the SOHO Experimenters' Operations Facility, and it is based on an examination of only quick-look data, which represents a subset of the final LASCO dataset. Questions about this list should be directed to: . DATE: UT time: Location @ ~PA: Comment: 01-Jan-2010: ************ 06:54 SW@250 - Wide loop front, very faint. Expanding with multiloops, develops slowly to a large emission, PA 200-295 degrees wide. Breaks free by 20:06 UT with outflows. 15:54 NNE@40 - Starts as radial jet narrow, also a burst of material along with it with a south spray, fast and bright. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02-Jan-2010: ************ Quiet corona. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-Jan-2010: ************ 05:30 SW@225 - Ragged front, faint burst dissipates into EQ region, outflows. 17:30 SE@105 - Slow helmut front along streamer line. Dissipates quicly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 04-Jan-2010: ************ 21:54 SW@270 - Rough LE, faint emission into/along streamer line near EQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05-Jan-2010: ************ 10:30 SW@260 - Faint release of material into EQ lines. 18:30 SE@115 - Very large bright non-radial loop front. Multiloop interior and defined circular core. Breaks free by 21:54 UT. Additional north spray near PA 45 deg probably related. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06-Jan-2010: ************ 06:54 SSW@255 - Non-radial jet-like event with a spike LE. Outflows. 10:30 SSE@125 - Narrow lead develops to a fast jet-like event with northward convex shift. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07-Jan-2010: ************ *** 19:00-22:00 UT EIT shutterless #38 segment 1 program *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08-Jan-2010: ************ Quiet corona. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09-Jan-2010: ************ 16:30 W@280 - Non-radial jet with southward direction, outflows. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10-Jan-2010: ************ 02:06 NNE@55 - Bright loop front slowly emerges over limb. A second loop system possibly layered with start, expands toward south at PA 95 deg. Top loop is defined with dark core, while fainter expanding area spreads to width PA 40-140 deg wide. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-Jan-2010: ************ *** 11-Jan 00:00 UT to 18-Jan 24:00 UT, JOP225