Preliminary 2001 SOHO LASCO Coronal Mass Ejection List (Revised 1-January-2002 -- GRL) N.B. This is a working version of a catalogue of probable coronal mass ejections detected in white light observations of the LASCO coronagraphs. This list is maintained at the SOHO Experimenters' Operations Facility, and it is based on an examination of only quick-look data, which represents a subset of the final LASCO dataset. Questions about this list should be directed to Russ Howard at NRL ( or to Gareth Lawrence of CUA/NRL ( Note some changes to lists from earlier years: 1) Some smaller events may be left out of the list. As solar activity increases, it is becoming harder to distinguish and keep account of smaller eruptions. Date(s) UT Location Comment 01-Jan-2001 10:30 W Loop or arcade with trailing outflow for rest of day. Maybe two events. 02-Jan-2001 05:54 SW Material ejected. 02-Jan-2001 08:30 W Loop with core. 02-Jan-2001 12:30 SW+ Large faint arcade possibly forms partial halo. Probably backside. 02-Jan-2001 13:54 NE Narrow loop or jet. 02-Jan-2001 17:54 SE Faint loop or arcade. 02-Jan-2001 21:30 NE+ Arcade with core becomes partial halo. Behind NE limb. 02-Jan-2001 21:54 NW Bright loop, followed by bursty material outflow over several hours. 03-Jan-2001 04:30 S Material ejected. 03-Jan-2001 07:31 W Ragged front with trailing material. 03-Jan-2001 10:54 W Material ejected. 03-Jan-2001 12:54 NE+ Large faint arcade becomes partial halo. Backside event. 03-Jan-2001 14:30 W Material ejected. 04-Jan-2001 01:31 NE Material ejected. 04-Jan-2001 07:54 SE Jet. 04-Jan-2001 21:54 W Material ejected. 04-Jan-2001 23:06 NE Material ejected. 05-Jan-2001 11:54 SE Broad jet of tongue. 05-Jan-2001 14:30 NW Material ejected. 05-Jan-2001 17:06 Halo Bright front in W becomes full halo. Backside event. Outflow at all PA continues into next day. 06-Jan-2001 08:30 SW Multiple blobs of material. 06-Jan-2001 12:30 SW Two loops, one with bright core. 06-Jan-2001 ~17:30 NE "Smoke ring" structure. 06-Jan-2001 18:06 NW Blob of material, followed by outflow along W limb over next few hours. 07-Jan-2001 04:06 NW Large bright loop with loop-like core. 07-Jan-2001 13:54 W Material ejected. 07-Jan-2001 14:54 E Loop front with trailing outflow. 07-Jan-2001 21:30 SE Bright ragged front. 07-Jan-2001 22:30 SW Material ejected. 08-Jan-2001 04:30 NE Large arcade. 08-Jan-2001 08:54 SE Jet. 08-Jan-2001 12:54 E Bright ragged loop with trailing material. 08-Jan-2001 17:54 NE Slow moving loop. 08-Jan-2001 21:54 E Ragged loop front. 09-Jan-2001 02:54 W Narrow loop with bright core. 09-Jan-2001 13:31 SW Material ejected. 09-Jan-2001 23:06 SW Loop front disintegrates in C2. 10-Jan-2001 00:54 Halo Bright front in E becomes full halo. C5.9 flare in AR 9306. 10-Jan-2001 08:54 SW Material ejected. 10-Jan-2001 11:54 E Loop with core. 10-Jan-2001 20:30 N Bright jet. 10-Jan-2001 21:30 NW Slowly expanding arcade. 11-Jan-2001 18:54 SE Ragged front with another in same location at 21:30. 11-Jan-2001 22:30 E+ Bright loop in E becomes partial halo. Remains faint over N and S poles. Probably backside. 12-Jan-2001 06:30 SE Narrow loop or tongue. 12-Jan-2001 12:54 E Loop or arcade. 12-Jan-2001 17:30 SE Material ejected. 13-Jan-2001 03:54 E Bright loop with trailing material. 13-Jan-2001 08:30 E Bright loop with core. 14-Jan-2001 05:30 W Bright ragged material. 14-Jan-2001 06:30 NW+ Bright loops with core become partial halo over N pole. Extended filament eruption in EIT, partly on disk. 14-Jan-2001 09:30 S Faint loop, maybe an extension of previous event? **** SOHO in ESR-16 at 21:02 on 14-Jan-2001. **** **** Recovery complete and LASCO observations **** **** resumed 23:00 UT on 18-Jan-2001. **** 18-Jan-2001 <23:30 E Continuous outflow into next day. 19-Jan-2001 04:30 SW Bright material. 19-Jan-2001 ~12:30 S Complex twisted structure. Part of ongoing outflow? 19-Jan-2001 12:30 E Bright thick loop. 19-Jan-2001 17:06 E Bright loop with core. 20-Jan-2001 19:31 Halo Bright front in E becomes full halo. M1 flare in AR 9313. 20-Jan-2001 21:54 Halo Bright loop in E becomes full halo and merges with earlier event. M7 flare in AR 9313. 21-Jan-2001 12:54 SW Bright loop preceded by material outflow. 21-Jan-2001 16:30 SW Material ejected. 21-Jan-2001 19:54 E Bright ragged front with trailing prominence. 22-Jan-2001 19:31 SW Jet or fan. 23-Jan-2001 04:54 Halo Faint halo begins in S. Probably backside. 23-Jan-2001 08:30 SW Material ejected. 23-Jan-2001 13:54 S Loop or arcade with core. 24-Jan-2001 00:30 NW Jet. 24-Jan-2001 08:54 S+ Partial halo beginning in S. Maybe multiple events. Probably backside. 25-Jan-2001 08:06 NE Material ejected. 25-Jan-2001 09:54 SW Material ejected. 25-Jan-2001 13:54 SW Bright material. 25-Jan-2001 15:30 S Loop with structured core. 25-Jan-2001 18:30 NE Large loop or arcade with core. 26-Jan-2001 00:30 W Ragged loop. 26-Jan-2001 01:54 NW Large bright loop with structured core. 26-Jan-2001 02:54 S Loop front. 26-Jan-2001 06:30 NE Ragged front with arcades. 26-Jan-2001 10:30 NW Faint narrow ragged front. 26-Jan-2001 12:06 SW Bright ragged loop. 26-Jan-2001 16:06 NE Large bright loop with core. 27-Jan-2001 03:54 NE Faint ragged front with continued gusty outflow. 27-Jan-2001 05:30 NW Narrow bright jet. 27-Jan-2001 07:31 W Moderately bright spray. 27-Jan-2001 20:30 NE Large bright loop with arcades and core. 28-Jan-2001 09:30 W Bright front with cavity. 28-Jan-2001 15:54 W+ Bright loop with cavity and structured core and arcades. 28-Jan-2001 22:30 W Bright narrow front. 29-Jan-2001 12:30 W Ragged front with cavity and core. 29-Jan-2001 13:54 W Faint spray/blob 29-Jan-2001 16:06 E+ Multiple loops from several distinct regions. Partial halo of multiple events. 30-Jan-2001 01:31 W Bright blob/narrow front. 30-Jan-2001 03:30 S Slow faint loops. 30-Jan-2001 07:31 SW Fast spray. 30-Jan-2001 17:54 NE Bright narrow front followed by slower loops. Prolonged continued outflow. 30-Jan-2001 18:54 SE Faint front with cavity and bright core. 30-Jan-2001 20:06 W Narrow faint front. 30-Jan-2001 23:06 W Bright front with cavity. 31-Jan-2001 16:30 SE Faint fast spray/front. 31-Jan-2001 23:30 NE Narrow bright front and slow loops. 01-Feb-2001 00:30 W Bright ragged fronts. 01-Feb-2001 03:54 SE Fast bright front. 01-Feb-2001 05:30 E Bright front with arcades and prolonged gusty outflow. 02-Feb-2001 09:54 NW Wide bright front with cavity and core. 02-Feb-2001 14:54 Halo Bright front in E becomes full halo by 15:30. Eruptive prominence liftoff near AR 9335. Activity primarily near limb. 02-Feb-2001 19:54 NE Large, fast bright front with cavity and highly structured core. 03-Feb-2001 00:30 E+ Another large, fast bright front with cavity. No obvious core. Becomes partial halo spanning 250 deg. M2.4 flare in AR 9334. Close to limb. 03-Feb-2001 02:30 SE Slow loops along streamer, continued outflow. 03-Feb-2001 03:54 E Bright loops open with continued outflow. 03-Feb-2001 11:30 W Narrow ragged front. 03-Feb-2001 13:31 NW Narrow ragged front, further N than 11:30 event. 03-Feb-2001 13:54 E Sequence of faint fronts. 03-Feb-2001 16:30 NE Bright front with arcades. 04-Feb-2001 13:31 W Bright ragged front, fades quickly, followed by faint slow loops to end of day. 04-Feb-2001 17:30 W Bright small slow loops, part of 13:31 event? 04-Feb-2001 17:54 E System of wide bright loops. 05-Feb-2001 00:54 E Several wide bright loops with some smaller core-like ejecta. Streamer brightens for hours beforehand. 05-Feb-2001 15:54 E+ Bright front spanning 90 deg has fainter extension spanning 200 deg. 05-Feb-2001 21:08 NE Ragged front followed by slow loops. 06-Feb-2001 00:30 NE Ragged bright front with cavity and arcades. Prolonged outflow. 06-Feb-2001 04:06 SE Bright front with cavity and core. Slow. Further loops at 12:06, 13:54. 07-Feb-2001 00:06 NW Bright front, with trailing arcades emerging for much of day. 07-Feb-2001 10:06 Halo First appears over W limb, full coverage by 11:54. Very faint, bad C3 data due to reduced-exposure comet program. Determined backsided. 07-Feb-2001 17:06 NE Narrow ragged front. 07-Feb-2001 21:06 SE Bright front with cavity and core. 08-Feb-2001 06:54 E Bright ragged front with cavity and loops/arcades. **** No LASCO data 08-Feb-2001 17:31 until **** **** 09-Feb-2001 02:42. LASCO doors closed **** **** during EIT offpointing exercise. **** 09-Feb-2001 05:06 SE Faint loops. 09-Feb-2001 23:06 SW Sequence of wide bright fronts. 10-Feb-2001 05:54 Halo First visible over N pole, full coverage in C2 by 07:31 and C3 by 09:42. Very faint in S hemisphere. Extensive backsided EIT activity, event determined backsided. 10-Feb-2001 06:30 NW Brightest feature in above event. Frontside end of EIT polar filament lifting off from 05:24. 10-Feb-2001 18:06 NW Faint ragged front, gusty outflow after. 10-Feb-2001 18:30 S Sequence of faint ragged fronts/blobs 10-Feb-2001 18:54 NE Faint loops, fairly wide. These last three events form a partial halo of distinct events by 21:30. 11-Feb-2001 01:31 Halo Very fast bright front in NW becomes full halo in C2 by 02:30 and C3 by 03:42. 11-Feb-2001 03:30 NE Bright front/loops and core. Part of halo event? 11-Feb-2001 08:54 SE Bright loops/fronts with very obvious cavity and arcades. 11-Feb-2001 09:30 NW Bright ragged front followed by faint loops. Part of continuing outflow after halo event? 12-Feb-2001 00:54 SE Y-type disconnection feature, faint. 12-Feb-2001 02:30 SW Several faint blobs. 12-Feb-2001 05:54 E Faint narrow front. 12-Feb-2001 13:54 SE Another Y-type diconnection feature, same region as previous? 12-Feb-2001 14:30 SW Wide bright front with cavity and complex arcades. 12-Feb-2001 21:08 W Bright but thin and 'kinked' front. Further loops follow. No obvious cavity. 13-Feb-2001 04:30 SE Bright front over most of quadrant, fainter extensions over much of hemisphere. Borderline partial halo. 13-Feb-2001 07:54 NE Bright narrow front and slow loops. 13-Feb-2001 09:06 E Sequence of narrow bront fronts. Some broaden further out in C2. Continue til end of day. 13-Feb-2001 21:54 NE Faint, diffuse blob. 14-Feb-2001 06:54 NE Bright loop embedded within fainter front with arcades including Y-type disconnection feature. 15-Feb-2001 12:30 SW Slow ragged front. 15-Feb-2001 13:54 Halo Bright front in NE becomes full halo in C2 by 14:30 and C3 by 16:18. EIT eruptive filament around N07E12 from 12:36, activity mainly to the N and E of this. 15-Feb-2001 21:30 W Ragged front with gusty outflow. 15-Feb-2001 22:30 S Wide-ish spray. 16-Feb-2001 04:30 W Wide bright front with cavity and core. 16-Feb-2001 20:17 NW Faint loop rises through C2. **** EIT CCD bakeout 16-Feb-2001 22:07 until **** **** 20-Feb-2001 11:00. LASCO in high cadence **** **** C2 and C3 mode 17-Feb-2001 00:00 until **** **** 20-Feb-2001 19:30 following CCD cooling. **** 18-Feb-2001 13:45 SW Ragged front with arcades. 18-Feb-2001 14:00 NE Wide spray with continued outflow. 18-Feb-2001 19:50 W Large bright ragged front with cavity and bright structured core. 19-Feb-2001 19:45 E Bright ragged front. 19-Feb-2001 21:30 E+ Very faint partial halo, eventually spans ~280 deg. Most probably backsided. 20-Feb-2001 13:45 W Series of faint loops. 20-Feb-2001 15:05 NE Wide bright front fills sector. Cavity and complex core follow. 20-Feb-2001 17:00 NW Wide bright front with cavity and core. Smaller, fainter and slower than NE event. Much gusty outflow especially blobs. 21-Feb-2001 04:06 NE Slow loops begin to rise. Core-like material visible by 11:06. Continues until end of data. 21-Feb-2001 11:30 NW Faint ragged loops, fairly slow. 21-Feb-2001 16:54 SW Small bright blob. **** LASCO doors closed 21-Feb-2001 21:14 until **** **** 23-Feb-2001 21:08 during spacecraft maneuvers **** **** EIT runs high-cadence 195A CME-watch **** 23-Feb-2001 23:53 E Thick wide bright front followed by cavity and loops/arcades. 24-Feb-2001 02:30 E Small bright blob, residual outflow from previous event? 24-Feb-2001 04:30 SE Wide bright fan/spray. 24-Feb-2001 05:54 E Faint large blob. 25-Feb-2001 10:34 S Faint ragged loop over pole. 25-Feb-2001 13:32 SE Faint front/spray. 26-Feb-2001 05:30 W Wide bright front followed by cavity and complex core in two sections: loops in W and core/arcades in NW. 26-Feb-2001 05:30 S Ejection along streamer. 26-Feb-2001 05:54 NE Bright ragged front fades in C2. 26-Feb-2001 07:54 NW Ragged ront resolves to arcades. Much continued outflow. Slightly to the N of the 05:30 event. 26-Feb-2001 10:06 NW Another bright ragged front with cavity and arcades. Same source region for both (all three?) events? 26-Feb-2001 15:56 W Small bright blob. 26-Feb-2001 18:50 SW Wide bright front followed by cavity and complex helical core, including Y-type disconnection feature W of S pole. 27-Feb-2001 05:06 NE Bright spray. 28-Feb-2001 04:26 SE Faint ragged front. 28-Feb-2001 14:50 Halo Bright front over W becomes full halo in C2 by 16:50 and C3 by 20:18. EIT eruptive filament centred on S07W12 from 13:25, most activity to the S and W of this. 28-Feb-2001 21:26 SE Slow narrow ragged loops/fronts. 01-Mar-2001 04:06 NW System of wide bright fronts followed by cavity and complex core. 01-Mar-2001 18:26 SE+ Slow faint front, initially narrow but widens to eventually span ~150 deg. Most probably backsided. 02-Mar-2001 03:50 W Wide jet-likeevent with depletion. 02-Mar-2001 05:26 NW Fairly faint loop, initially small but widens considerably through C2. 02-Mar-2001 10:06 NE+ Slow front first seen over NE limb eventually spans ~200 deg in N hemisphere. Determined backsided. 03-Mar-2001 00:06 W Faint ragged front with continued outflow. Simultaneous narrow spray is probably a seperate event. 03-Mar-2001 12:06 SE Very small narrow jet. 03-Mar-2001 12:50 NW Wide spray, prolonged. 04-Mar-2001 00:06 SW Prolonged sequence of slow faint loops. 04-Mar-2001 00:06 NE Faint jet/narrow spray. 04-Mar-2001 05:50 NE Wide bright jet/ragged ejection and continued outflow. 04-Mar-2001 14:06 SE Fast faint loop. 05-Mar-2001 03:26 NW+ Faint front in NW eventually spans ~270 deg. Most probably backsided. 05-Mar-2001 09:50 NW Narrow ragged front with gusty outflow. 05-Mar-2001 20:50 W Faint ragged loop. 05-Mar-2001 22:26 SW Wide spray, somewhat S of 20:50 event. 06-Mar-2001 00:26 SW Very narrow bright spray. 06-Mar-2001 06:26 W Ragged front lifts off after streamer swells for >6hrs. 06-Mar-2001 06:26 NE Wide bright front to N pole with tight, bright core over NE. 06-Mar-2001 10:50 W Wide bright front with highly complex helical core/arcades which maintain structure and visibility through C3. 'Smoke ring' event. 06-Mar-2001 14:06 SE Very faint narrow blob 06-Mar-2001 17:50 SW Faint wide blob. 07-Mar-2001 01:27 SW Ragged front, fades in C2. 07-Mar-2001 03:50 W Multiple small bright blobs. 07-Mar-2001 07:27 NW Ragged front from streamer followed by slow loops. 07-Mar-2001 08:50 E Narrow ragged front and gusty outflow. 07-Mar-2001 15:50 W Narrow ragged front with cavity and continued outflow. Multiple events? 07-Mar-2001 19:27 NE Bright thick front/ragged ejection with prolonged outflow. 07-Mar-2001 20:49 NW Ragged front from same streamer as 07:27 event. Slow loops follow. 07-Mar-2001 21:26 E Faint loop emerges S of 19:27 event while that event is still in progress. Too faint to be prominence material from that event. 07-Mar-2001 23:06 E Faint ragged front from streamer followed by slower but brighter loops. Same source region as 21:26 event? 08-Mar-2001 03:26 SW Ragged front with bright central feature, fades rapidly in C2. 08-Mar-2001 03:50 SE Very faint front, fast. 08-Mar-2001 09:50 NE Faint narrow jet. 08-Mar-2001 11:50 NE Fast bright front, brightest towards S, with cavity and bright complex core. Gusty outflow follows, loops rise slowly for ~12 hrs beforehand. 08-Mar-2001 12:26 NW Fast faint narrow loop. 08-Mar-2001 12:50 W Narrow thick bright front spreads and fades in C2. 08-Mar-2001 15:50 SW Several small bright blobs. 08-Mar-2001 19:50 NW Small ragged front/blob, residual from 11:50 event? 08-Mar-2001 23:26 SE Narrow faint blob. 08-Mar-2001 23:50 SW Faint well defined loop. 09-Mar-2001 03:06 E Large bright front followed by several thin bright well defined loops. 09-Mar-2001 03:50 NW Bright narrow front/loop, starts to rise somewhat sooner than this. 09-Mar-2001 04:50 SW Bright ragged front followed by much prolonged outflow incl. cross-hatching. 09-Mar-2001 19:27 NW Fairly bright spray/wide jet. 10-Mar-2001 00:06 NW Faint ragged front. 10-Mar-2001 04:26 NW Faint fast fairly wide front expands through C2. 10-Mar-2001 16:50 E Sequence of faint well defined loops with some bright core material. 10-Mar-2001 17:26 NW Narrow ragged front, fairly bright. 10-Mar-2001 19:27 SW Large fast bright front along streamer followed by cavity and smaller slower fronts. Follows faint similar event. Much continued outflow including cross-hatching. 11-Mar-2001 06:06 SW "Typical' 3-part CME, bright front followed by cavity and bright core. Faint loops follow ~10:26 - 15:26. 11-Mar-2001 08:26 W Sequence of non-radial fronts/flux tubes. Associated with cross-hatching from previous day's event? 11-Mar-2001 08:50 SE Bright narrow ragged front with cavity and gusty outflow. 11-Mar-2001 16:26 SW Bright front with arcades. 11-Mar-2001 17:26 NE Wide slow faint fronts, not really obvious until ~19:27. 11-Mar-2001 18:50 SW Initially bright front fades rapidly in C2, followed by cavity, further faint loops and much cross-hatching. 12-Mar-2001 05:50 SW Sequence of bright ragged fronts. 12-Mar-2001 17:50 E Thick wide fast bright front with cavity and arcades. 12-Mar-2001 18:26 SW Sequence of initially bright loops fade in C2. Cavity follows, also bright radial feature as part of streamer is ejected. 13-Mar-2001 01:50 SW Bright ragged front along streamer, cavity follows. 13-Mar-2001 04:50 N Faint ragged fronts widen through in C2. 13-Mar-2001 09:50 E Faint ragged front fades through C2. 14-Mar-2001 00:26 NE Ragged front, bright in N fainter towards E. Gusty outflow follows including faint Y-type disconnection feature. 14-Mar-2001 09:50 SW Bright ragged front followed by gusty outflow, follows smaller event. 14-Mar-2001 12:26 SW Ragged front followed by small cavity and small bright core. S of 09:50 event. 14-Mar-2001 12:50 W Ragged front with faint cavity. Last three events give appearance of single larger event. 14-Mar-2001 17:26 SW Faint ragged front somewhat S of earlier events. Prolonged gusty outflow follows. 15-Mar-2001 01:50 SW Ragged front resolves to slow loops in C2. 15-Mar-2001 11:26 S System of very faint loops. 15-Mar-2001 20:06 SE Faint ragged loop/front. 15-Mar-2001 22:26 N Faint slow front, faster in NE. 16-Mar-2001 01:27 N Faint loops. 16-Mar-2001 03:50 NW+ Loops in NW become ~250deg partial halo halo in C2 by 07:50, prominence material follows by 06:06. EIT eruptive prominence from 20:36 on 2001/03/15. Slow event. 16-Mar-2001 10:26 SW Small bright feature along streamer becomes Y-type disconnection feature midway through C2. 17-Mar-2001 13:27 SW Brightest feature in helical ejection along streamer. Arcades follow, two narrower fainter fronts preceed. 17-Mar-2001 18:06 NE Wide bright front moves non-radially. Backsided EIT prominence. 18-Mar-2001 02:06 SE Narrow ragged ejection along streamer, with small core and arcades. Rapidly overtaken by subsequent event. 18-Mar-2001 02:26 Halo Bright well-defined loop over E surrounds C2 occultor by 03:26. Backsided EIT eruptive prominence. Faint in S. 18-Mar-2001 06:06 NW Bright slow loops followed by cavity and arcades, cross-hatching. Backsided/limb EIT eruptive prominence. 18-Mar-2001 13:27 NE Faint ragged loop front near streamer. 18-Mar-2001 16:26 NE Thin well-defined loop front expands to fill quadrant. Follows fainter similar event from same region, another follows. 19-Mar-2001 04:06 SE Ragged front along diffuse streamer. Bright feature towards S follows, somewhat faster. 19-Mar-2001 05:26 Halo Very faint full halo, brightest in W, EIT eruptive filament near disk centre at 03:24. Only readily discerned in running difference movies 19-Mar-2001 18:50 SW Thick wide fast bright front followed by cavity and arcades. 19-Mar-2001 21:49 NE Very faint loop probably backsided. 20-Mar-2001 03:26 W+ Bright front in W, fainter over N and S eventually spans ~200 deg. M1 flare in AR 9373, but other activity contributes. 20-Mar-2001 08:06 SW Bright loop front, cavity and core follow. Streamer disrupted to S. 20-Mar-2001 15:26 SE Narrow loop front ejected along streamer. 20-Mar-2001 15:50 W Thin bright loop front thickens and widens through C2. Further similar loops follow. 21-Mar-2001 03:06 W Bright loop front, wider than 15:50 event. Fainter loops follow. 21-Mar-2001 13:27 W More loops, slightly faster than earlier events. Three above loop sequences have differing EIT sources 21-Mar-2001 21:26 SE Narrow ragged front along streamer. 22-Mar-2001 05:26 SW Irregular 'smoke-ring' event with small bright core. 22-Mar-2001 11:06 NE Largest of several ragged fronts along streamer. 22-Mar-2001 23:26 NW Wide front along streamer. 23-Mar-2001 04:26 SW Largest of several front along streamers in the S and SW. 23-Mar-2001 12:50 NW Three part CME along streamer which swells and brightens beforehand. Very complex twisted core. 24-Mar-2001 02:06 W Wide loop front with cavity. 24-Mar-2001 20:50 NE Wide ragged front along streamer. 25-Mar-2001 08:50 NE Ragged front along streamer, gusty outflow follows. 25-Mar-2001 15:50 E Large bright blob along narrow streamer. 25-Mar-2001 17:06 Halo Bright loop in N becomes full halo, very faint in S and W. C9 flare in AR 9394. 26-Mar-2001 00:26 NW Slow front followed by arcades and cross-hatching. 26-Mar-2001 13:50 SE Highly irregular front, cavity follows. 27-Mar-2001 03:50 SE Faint ragged front, gusty outflow follows. 27-Mar-2001 17:06 NE Ragged ejection along streamer. 28-Mar-2001 00:26 SE Bright narrow front along streamer. 28-Mar-2001 01:27 Halo Thin well-defined loop front in E and SE becomes full halo by 02:06. Determined backsided. 28-Mar-2001 04:06 SW Ragged front with bright central feature ejected along faint streamer. 28-Mar-2001 05:50 NE Faint wide front along streamer. 28-Mar-2001 12:50 Halo Bright loop front over S is full halo by 13:27. Faint in N. M4 flare in AR 9393, also disruption of large loops to S. 28-Mar-2001 19:27 SE Faint front along streamer. 29-Mar-2001 00:26 SE Wide ragged front, gusty outflow follows. 29-Mar-2001 10:26 Halo Narrow bright front in NW is full halo by 10:50. Faint in N. X1 flare in AR 9393 disrupts neighbouring loops and arcades. 29-Mar-2001 14:26 SE Thin bright front with arcades. 29-Mar-2001 16:50 W Faint irregular front. 30-Mar-2001 03:50 SE Faint ragged front. 30-Mar-2001 12:26 W Slow loops open and twisted core emerges. 30-Mar-2001 12:26 SE Faint front with multiple cores. 31-Mar-2001 04:06 SE Faint raged front along streamer. 31-Mar-2001 06:50 SE Faint ragged front. 31-Mar-2001 07:27 SW Narrow ragged front, fairly bright. 31-Mar-2001 11:26 SE Bright slow loops with cavity and core. Streamer to S disrupted. Gusty outflow. 31-Mar-2001 19:50 SE Ragged ejection followed by brighter front. 31-Mar-2001 20:06 NW Irregular front with cavity and core. 01-Apr-2001 00:26 S Nebulous front along streamer. Arcades follow. 01-Apr-2001 05:26 NE Faint ragged front 01-Apr-2001 11:26 SE Fast wide bright front resolves to fronts and flux tubes. Cavity and arcades follow. Streamers to N and S disrupted. M5 flare over limb. 02-Apr-2001 07:27 E Bright blob at S end of streamer. 02-Apr-2001 11:26 W Wide bright front with cavity and complex helical core. Last front to emerge extends over S pole. 02-Apr-2001 15:26 SE Slow bright loop fronts along streamer followed by arcades and cross hatching. 02-Apr-2001 22:06 W Extremely fast wide bright front, ~2200km/s. X20 proton flare in AR 9393. Streamer disruption N and S, prolonged gusty outflow follows. 03-Apr-2001 03:26 SE Fast bright fronts brightest in N. EIT prominence, X1 flare in AR9415 on limb. 03-Apr-2001 06:06 SW Ragged front along narrow streamer. 03-Apr-2001 07:37 SE Slow faint loops rise and open and prominence material emerges. 03-Apr-2001 18:50 NE Large faint blob/nebulous ejecta. 03-Apr-2001 19:50 SE Wide bright loop front with cavity and core. Streamers disrupted to N and S. 04-Apr-2001 05:26 SE Faint ragged front. 04-Apr-2001 09:50 E Wide bright front with cavity and faint core. Prolonged gusty outflow. 04-Apr-2001 16:50 NW Faint front and gusty outflow along streamer. 05-Apr-2001 09:06 W Thin fast bright front with cavity and complex helical core. Prolonged gusty outflow. M8 flare in AR 9393. Streamer to N disrupyed. 05-Apr-2001 17:06 Halo Bright loop front fron NE to SE is full halo by 17:50. Faint in N over coronal hole. M5 flare in AR 9415 plus large CME to E of AR. Most streamers disrupted. 06-Apr-2001 06:26 E Ragged front along wide streamer. 06-Apr-2001 09:26 NW Faint ragged ejection along wide streamer. Front hard to pinpoint. Follows some earlier gusty outflow. 06-Apr-2001 17:42 SE Ragged front along streamer. 06-Apr-2001 18:06 SE Narrow ragged front along faint streamer. N of 17:42 event, possibly connected to it? 06-Apr-2001 19:30 Halo System of bright loop fronts fills SE quadrant. Full halo in C2 by 20:06. Faint in W, very faint in N. X5.6 flare in AR 9415. NE streamer. 07-Apr-2001 17:38 W Faint helmet front with highly twisted core. Fast, disrupts streamers to N and S. 08-Apr-2001 00:54 SE Faint ragged front. 08-Apr-2001 08:06 N Sequence of faint loops with small bright features embedded. 08-Apr-2001 12:29 SW Wide ragged front along streamer. Prolonged gusty outflow follows. 09-Apr-2001 00:06 SE Wide bright loop front with cavity, and core which resolves into a system of loops/flux tubes after 02:30. 09-Apr-2001 15:54 Halo Fast wide bright loop front in S and SW is full halo CME in C2 by 16:30. Faint in N. M7.9 flare in AR 9415. EIT wave. 09-Apr-2001 20:06 SW System of loops follows faint front. 10-Apr-2001 03:30 N Slow well-defined loops. Rapidly overtaken by subsequent halo CME. 10-Apr-2001 05:30 Halo Very fast wide bright front in S and SE is full halo CME in C2 by 05:53. Fainter in W. Prominence material emerges in S. X2.3 flare from AR 9415. 11-Apr-2001 00:54 W Bright irregular front with cavity and core. 11-Apr-2001 07:31 SW Thin bright loop front with cavity and arcades, cross-hatching. Streamer disrupted to N. 11-Apr-2001 13:31 Halo Thin bright front in S and SW becomes full halo by 14:06. Faint in N and E. M2.3 flare in AR 9414. 11-Apr-2001 17:30 NE Wide bright ragged front with cavity and core. 11-Apr-2001 21:30 SW Wide bright ragged front with gusty outflow and arades. 12-Apr-2001 10:31 Halo Bright front in S and SW is full halo by 11:30. Bright from PA 145-325, faint elsewhere. X2 flare in 9415, EIT wave event. Gusty outflow follows in W. 13-Apr-2001 05:30 NW Ragged loop front along streamer. 14-Apr-2001 00:54 SW Faint slow loop front follows prolonged gusty outflow. 14-Apr-2001 09:30 W Raged loop front fades in C2. 14-Apr-2001 17:54 W Wide bright front with cavity and core. Streamer disrupted to S. 14-Apr-2001 21:30 SE System of wide loop fronts with arcades. 15-Apr-2001 00:30 NE Narrow loop front along streamer with faint extension over N pole. 15-Apr-2001 02:06 SW Ragged front along streamer. 15-Apr-2001 09:30 NW Faint loop front along streamer. 15-Apr-2001 11:30 SW Ragged bright front along streamer with cavity and loop core. Rapidly overtaken by subsequent event. 15-Apr-2001 14:06 W Fast wide bright front with cavity and some fainter core material. X14 flare in AR 9415, SW streamer disrupted. Proton event, poor data for next ~24 hrs. 16-Apr-2001 00:57 SW Wide ragged front along streamer followed by gusty outflow. 16-Apr-2001 21:18 SW Ragged nebulous front with cavity and prolonged gusty outflow. 17-Apr-2001 08:30 NE Narrow front along streamer widens through C2. Similars event along same streamer at 13:31 and 16:30. 17-Apr-2001 22:06 NE Nebulous front with brighter core, fades through C2. S of earlier streamer events. 18-Apr-2001 02:30 W Fast bright loop front with complex helical core. C2.2 flare not assigned to any region, poss large proton flare from now-backsided AR9415? All streamers on disk disrupted. Data poor for next ~24 hrs. Gusty outflow in NW. 19-Apr-2001 03:06 NE Ragged front along faint streamer near large bright one. 19-Apr-2001 12:30 NW Slow loop front followed by asymmetric front with core at N end. EIT eruptive prominence. 20-Apr-2001 04:30 SE Slow loop front along streamer. Cavity and loop core follow. 20-Apr-2001 10:32 NE System of bright loop fronts with cavity and arcades. Streamer disrupted to N. 20-Apr-2001 17:30 W Ragged front along streamer. 21-Apr-2001 05:27 SW Loop front along streamer. 21-Apr-2001 05:49 NW Complex system of loops and fronts, prolonged gusty outflow follows, inc. possible seperate event at 13:05. 21-Apr-2001 08:43 E Bright ragged asymmetric front with core and some gusty outflow. 21-Apr-2001 13:27 S Ragged asymmetric front with numerous arcades and bright core features. 22-Apr-2001 05:48 SE Sequence of loop fronts with cavity and some cross-hatching. 22-Apr-2001 14:54 NE Faint ragged front along streamer. 22-Apr-2001 21:26 NW Faint nebulous front, brighter front follows in gusty outflow. 23-Apr-2001 01:25 NW Faint wide asymmetric front, brightest towards S. 23-Apr-2001 08:18 SW Ragged front along streamer with some gusty outflow. 23-Apr-2001 10:29 SE Faint ragged front and gusty outflow. 23-Apr-2001 12:40 SW Wide bright loop front with cavity and faint core. 23-Apr-2001 19:09 SW Bright complex system of loop fronts with cavity and highly complex helical core. Numerous arcades and cross-hatching. EIT eruptive prominence. 24-Apr-2001 04:06 SW System of faint loop fronts extending to NW. Some faint core material in far N. 24-Apr-2001 05:54 SW Loop front with cavity, brighter and further S than 04:06 event. 24-Apr-2001 06:30 NW Ragged front follows faster but much fainter front. 24-Apr-2001 18:06 SW Narrow loop front with cavity and core. Some arcades follow. 24-Apr-2001 22:30 NE Fast bright ragged front, brightest in S. Some gusty outflow. 24-Apr-2001 23:30 NW Narrow well-defined front with cavity and small bright core. 25-Apr-2001 14:30 NW Multiple-loop front with complex helical core. Arcades and cross-hatching follow. 26-Apr-2001 04:06 SE Faint ragged front along bright streamer. Prolonged gusty outflow follows. 26-Apr-2001 08:54 NW Ragged loop front with bright core. 26-Apr-2001 12:30 Halo Faint front in N and NE is full halo in C2 by 12:54. Probably connected to M7.8 flare in AR 9433, but could also be backsided as timing is questionable. 26-Apr-2001 13:54 W Bright ragged loop front with cavity and arcades. 26-Apr-2001 22:30 E Multiple-loop front with arcades and cross-hatching. 28-Apr-2001 00:54 SE Narrow loops with core along streamer which swells for hours beforehand. 28-Apr-2001 08:06 NE Wide bright loops with small core. Plentiful arcades and cross hatching. Large EIT eruptive prominence. 30-Apr-2001 11:30 NW Bright loop front with core and arcades, fairly narrow event. 02-May-2001 14:30 NW Faint front fills quadrant. 02-May-2001 18:06 SW Bright narrow front along streamer. 02-May-2001 21:30 NW Bright front fills quadrant and more. 03-May-2001 01:54 NW Faint front fills quadrant. 03-May-2001 09:30 W Wide front, brighter than earlier events and further S. Brightest near streamer,gusty outflow follows. 03-May-2001 15:54 NE Ragged front. 04-May-2001 02:30 SW Large blob. 04-May-2001 12:54 SW Ragged front along streamer. 04-May-2001 19:54 SW Ragged front along streamer and to N. 05-May-2001 00:06 SW Loop front fades in C2. 05-May-2001 05:30 W Faint loop front fades in C2. 05-May-2001 05:54 NE System of bright loops rise and open. Prolonged outflow follows. 05-May-2001 11:06 SE Slow loops eventually take off after rising for hours. Arcades follow. 06-May-2001 05:30 SE Asymmetric front along streamer. 06-May-2001 11:54 E Bright loops with core. 07-May-2001 07:54 NW Streamer blowout, brightens for hours beforehand. 07-May-2001 10:06 SW+ Fairly fast loop front extends over S Pole and W limb. Probably backsided. 07-May-2001 12:06 W Bright loop front with much core material. Prolonged outflow follows, especially in NW, into next day. 08-May-2001 04:30 NE Loop front along streamer, adjacent streamer to S also disrupted. 08-May-2001 15:30 SE Loop front bright along streamer faint elsewhere. 09-May-2001 06:06 E Faint front/flux rope, most distinct feature in prolonged gusty outflow. 09-May-2001 21:08 E Bright blob/faint front. 10-May-2001 01:31 NW Bright loop front with cavity and core. Streamers deflected to N and S. 10-May-2001 04:54 NW System of loop fronts slower and further N than 01:31 event. 10-May-2001 12:54 NE Loop front along streamer. 10-May-2001 15:30 E Wide bright loop front with cavity and core. Arcades and gusty outflow. 10-May-2001 18:06 SW Wide ragged front along streamer. 11-May-2001 02:30 SW Slow loops rise along streamer. 11-May-2001 07:30 SE Wide loop fills quadrant. Cavity and arcades follow. 11-May-2001 13:00 S Sequence of wide loops, some cavities. 11-May-2001 18:30 W Ragged front along narrow streamer. 12-May-2001 02:30 S Fairly bright loop front followed by system of loops and some cavities and core material. 12-May-2001 18:30 S Ragged front along streamer. 13-May-2001 04:00 S Bright loop front with cavity and core. 13-May-2001 11:05 SE Narrow bright front, some gusty outflow. 13-May-2001 12:20 SW System of bright loops with cavity and core. Arcades and cross-hatching follow over prolonged period. 13-May-2001 14:20 N Wide bright loop front with cavity and core. 14-May-2001 02:00 NW Faint narrow front, arcades follow. 14-May-2001 04:05 NE Narrow loops with faint core, some arcades. 14-May-2001 08:15 NW Bright loop front with cavity and core already in progress due to data gap prior to this time. Arcades and cross-hatching follow. 14-May-2001 16:45 SE Narrow bright front. 14-May-2001 21:49 SE Fast narrow front. 15-May-2001 02:26 SE Ragged front along streamer. 15-May-2001 03:52 SW Faint loop front with gusty outflow. 15-May-2001 06:52 E Narrow ragged front, arcades follow. 15-May-2001 15:26 SW Narrow bright front with cavity and core, some slower fainter loops follow. 15-May-2001 18:52 NE Wide bright loop front with cavity and complex helical core. EIT eruptive prominence in several 304A images. Plentiful arcades and cross-hatching, and gusty outflow well into next day. 16-May-2001 06:26 SE Faint fairly wide loop front, 16-May-2001 16:06 SW Ragged loop front with bright central feature, cavity and core. 17-May-2001 06:26 SW Fast narrow loop front. 17-May-2001 08:06 E Ragged front with some arcades. 17-May-2001 12:26 NW Faint front, followed by another. 17-May-2001 12:52 NE Bright, well-defined loops with some core material. 17-May-2001 22:06 NE Fast faint ragged front. 18-May-2001 04:50 SE Narrow bright front with gusty outflow. 18-May-2001 13:50 NW Ragged front fades in C2. 18-May-2001 17:50 E Bright front with small core. 18-May-2001 19:50 SW Narrow bright with arcades, streamers to N and S deflected. 19-May-2001 11:26 NW Aymmetric front with some gusty outflow. 19-May-2001 14:06 W/NW Narrow slow loops expand to flux rope event in C2. 19-May-2001 16:06 SW Wide bright loop front with cavity, complex core and arcades. Several small fronts preceed main event. 19-May-2001 20:26 NE Slow faint front. 20-May-2001 06:26 SW Wide bright front with cavity, helical core and arcades. Proton flux somewhat raised. Streamers to N and S disrupted. Gusty outflow for rest of day including some quite bright fronts. 20-May-2001 09:50 SW Smaller event from same/nearby region, fast bright nebulous front. 21-May-2001 02:50 NE Fairly faint loop front. 21-May-2001 09:52 NE Fairly wide asymmetric front with bright central feature along streamer. Cavity, core and some arcades follow. 21-May-2001 18:52 NW Ragged ejection, hard to pinpoint front. 21-May-2001 23:06 SW Narrow ragged loop front with small core. 22-May-2001 10:06 SW Slow loops begin to rise after streamer brightens for hours beforehand. Flux rope event. 22-May-2001 15:26 SW Ragged front to N of previous event. 22-May-2001 18:26 SE Ragged front, some non radial motion. 24-May-2001 06:52 NW Narrow front with cavity and some bright core material. Gusty outflow follows. 24-May-2001 07:29 E Bright loop front with cavity and bright helical core. Bright ejecta after core and somewhat to S. Much gusty outflow. 24-May-2001 20:26 NE Wide front, fairly bright, with cavity and some arcades. Streamers disrupted to N and S. 25-May-2001 04:06 NE Narrow well-defined loop front. Similar event follows somewhat to W 25-May-2001 05:50 NW+ Narrow loop front in NW spans PA 265-135 by 06:52. Slow event, ~240 km/s. Long duration EIT eruptive filament from large area of disk centered on AR 9463 at N12W20. 25-May-2001 09:26 SE Bright narrow loop front fades through C2. 25-May-2001 17:50 E Bright well-defined loop front with cavity and bright helical core. 26-May-2001 00:50 NE Ragged loop front with arcades. 26-May-2001 13:27 SW Faint, fairly fast front. 26-May-2001 23:26 SE Ragged front along streamer. Some arcades. 27-May-2001 08:26 SE Bright loop front with faint core and arcades, prolonged gusty outflow. 27-May-2001 11:06 NE Faint front in most of quadrant and possibly over N pole. 28-May-2001 00:26 SW Faint front with some arcades. Another similar event at 08:30. 28-May-2001 03:50 SE Ragged front along bright streamer. 28-May-2001 08:50 NW Faint front moves non-radially along streamer. 28-May-2001 18:50 E Fairly faint front with initially bright central feature and some gusty outflow. 29-May-2001 02:26 SE Loop front with some arcades. 29-May-2001 08:26 E Wide bright front with bright helical core and some arcades. 29-May-2001 16:26 E Multiple-loop front with continued outflow. 29-May-2001 22:06 E Loop front, fairly bright and fast. 30-May-2001 00:06 SE Wide bright multiple-loop front with core and arcades fills quadrant. 30-May-2001 13:50 NE Faint narrow ragged front along diffuse streamer. 30-May-2001 18:30 E Narrow loop front along streamer. 30-May-2001 21:08 E Loop front along streamer, somewhat wider than previous event. 31-May-2001 02:30 E Sequence of bright loop fronts, others at 03:08, 05:54. 31-May-2001 03:08 SW Narrow bright well-defined helical front. 31-May-2001 03:54 SW Wide bright loop front fills quadrant along with previous event. Gusty outflow til end of day. 31-May-2001 10:30 E Loop front along streamer, narrower and fainter than earlier events. 01-Jun-2001 <07:54 NW Ragged front along faint wide streamer. Much gusty outflow follows. 01-Jun-2001 16:30 SW Narrow loop front soon overtaken by ... 01-Jun-2001 17:30 W Wide bright multiple-loop front with arcades and continued outflow. 01-Jun-2001 22:30 E Narrow bright loop front along streamer. 02-Jun-2001 07:31 E Large blob/ragged front only visible in 1 C2 image due to sparse data. 02-Jun-2001 11:54 NW Multiple loop front brightest in S, some arcades follow, and much gusty outflow. 03-Jun-2001 02:30 SE Faint front. 03-Jun-2001 19:54 NW Bright narrow loops take off after rising slowly for several hours. 03-Jun-2001 21:30 E Fairly wide bright loop front. 03-Jun-2001 21:30 NW Ragged front to N of 19:54 event and faster. 04-Jun-2001 00:54 NW Bright asymmetric loop front with cavity and small bright core and arcades. 04-Jun-2001 08:30 E Fairly fast bright front with cavity and some arcades. 04-Jun-2001 15:30 E Nebulous front with cavity. 04-Jun-2001 16:30 W Wide bright multiple-loop front with cavity and helical core. Much gusty outflow possibly including disconnection features. 04-Jun-2001 16:54 NE Bright loop front fills most of quadrant. Cavity and arcades and some gusty outflow. 04-Jun-2001 17:30 S Sequence of fairly bright loop fronts, small core and arcades eventually follow . 05-Jun-2001 11:54 NW Bright well defined loops begin to rise slowly and take off ~8 hrs later. Much cross-hatching into next day. 05-Jun-2001 00:30 NW Loop fronts emerge along streamer after rising slowly for several hours. Arcades, cross-hatching and gusty outflow follow. Further S than 11:54 event. 05-Jun-2001 05:06 SE Bright loop front with cavity and arcades. Faint extensions towards N pole and over S pole but not a partial halo event. Some gusty outflow follows. 06-Jun-2001 00:54 NW Bright loop front along streamer, with cavity. 06-Jun-2001 05:30 S Ragged front with gusty outflow. 06-Jun-2001 20:30 S Fairly wide loop front with gusty outflow. 07-Jun-2001 00:06 NW Faint ragged front probably starts somewhat earlier. Becomes more visible further into C2. Much gusty outflow including some sizeable blobs. 07-Jun-2001 01:54 SE Narrow bright front with cavity. 07-Jun-2001 16:54 NW Faint loop front. 07-Jun-2001 21:54 E Fairly wide loop front, initially bright but fades in C2. 08-Jun-2001 11:54 SE Bright irregular front with very bright structured core. Fast event. 08-Jun-2001 15:30 NW Bright helmet front with core and some gusty outflow. 09-Jun-2001 01:31 W Narrow loop front takes off, some continued outflow follows. 09-Jun-2001 16:54 W Faint loop front with continued outfow brightest towards N. 10-Jun-2001 09:30 NE Wide loop front extends over N pole. Multiple-loop core follows. 10-Jun-2001 13:31 NW Wide bright loop front fills quadrant. Multiple-loop core follows. Somewhat slower than 09:30 event. 11-Jun-2001 00:06 NW Sequence of faint loop fronts. 11-Jun-2001 04:54 SE Bright loop front with bright helical core. Fast event. 11-Jun-2001 08:30 SE Narrow loop front with some gusty outflow. Slower and further S than 04:54 event. 11-Jun-2001 09:54 SE Slow bright loops appear along streamer and take off several hours later. Eventually extend over S pole. 11-Jun-2001 16:06 NE Ragged front with prolonged gusty outflow. 12-Jun-2001 08:06 W Narrow ragged front fades in C2. 12-Jun-2001 23:54 NE Ragged front with multiple-loop core. 13-Jun-2001 00:06 W Helmet front with complex core ejected along streamer, becomes smoke-ring event. 13-Jun-2001 02:30 SE Bright narrow front with small bright core and some continued outflow. 13-Jun-2001 11:54 SE Bright asymmetric front widens through C2. Bright complex core and arcades. Somewhat to S of 02:30 event. Streamers disrupted all around disk. 13-Jun-2001 17:30 SW Bright loops rise slowly along streamer. Arcades and cross-hatching follow. 14-Jun-2001 10:30 SW+ Bright front over W limb is ~200 deg partial halo CME by 11:30, crossing both poles. Most likely a backsided EIT eruptive prominence. 14-Jun-2001 12:54 SE Ragged front with multiple-loop core. 15-Jun-2001 00:30 SW Fast bright narrow loop front widens through C2, plentiful arcades follow. 15-Jun-2001 06:06 NW Narrow ragged front with cavity. 15-Jun-2001 10:31 SE Fast wide bright frontwith complex bright core. M6 flare in AR 9502 15-Jun-2001 11:30 SW Bright loop front along streamer. 15-Jun-2001 15:56 W+ Very fast bright loop front with multiple bright complex core regions is ~150 deg partial halo by C3. Proton event albeit fairly small. M8 flare over SW limb. 15-Jun-2001 23:02 NE Small slow ragged ejection along streamer. 16-Jun-2001 03:35 NW Faint narrow front. 16-Jun-2001 11:30 NE Loops take off along streamer after rising slowly for hours. Arcades follow into next day. 16-Jun-2001 21:30 NW Multiple-loop front with bright core and some arcades and continued outflow. 17-Jun-2001 <13:20 SW Loop lift off along streamer that had been swelling and brightening since beginning of day. Much continued outflow and arcades, also core material. 18-Jun-2001 00:00 NE Faint loop front and core. 18-Jun-2001 07:15 W Narrow front. 18-Jun-2001 11:00 NE Fast narrow front along bright streamer. 18-Jun-2001 15:05 NW Bright irregular front along streamer. 19-Jun-2001 03:54 NW Bright asymmetric front with helical core and much continued outflow. 19-Jun-2001 05:30 W Slow multiple-loop event. EIT eruptive filament. Some arcades follow. 20-Jun-2001 00:30 SW Initially narrow bright front widens quickly in C2 and resolves to a highly helical ejection. 20-Jun-2001 04:06 NW Highly asymmetric loop front with bright core towards S. 20-Jun-2001 09:07 NE Very bright, structured event already in progress. Well defined loop front with bright complex core and some continued outflow. 20-Jun-2001 17:07 NE Loops rise slowly along streamer. Outflow continues into next day. 20-Jun-2001 19:54 NW+ Bright irregular front with highly structured core and fainter emission around ~150 deg of occultor. Backsided. Gusty outflow into next day. 20-Jun-2001 22:30 SW Bright narrow front. 21-Jun-2001 11:54 SW Ragged front along streamer. 22-Jun-2001 00:06 SE Narrow ragged ejection along streamer. 22-Jun-2001 10:30 SW Initially narrow event widens through C2. Much complex outflow follows. 22-Jun-2001 12:54 NW+ Bright irregular front in NW with faint emission over N pole and into SW. Determined backsided. 22-Jun-2001 21:01 SW Highly structured, 'messy' event. No clear obvious front, very complex core and numerous arcades. 23-Jun-2001 17:54 SW Very narrow bright front. 24-Jun-2001 03:30 E Faint fairly wide loop front. 24-Jun-2001 07:31 Halo Bright front in NE is full halo in C2 by 07:54. Determined backsided. Some core and prominence material follows over N pole. ~658 km/s with small deceleration. 24-Jun-2001 21:30 NW Loops rise slowly along/near wide streamer. 25-Jun-2001 04:54 NE Narrow bright ragged front with some continued outflow 26-Jun-2001 12:30 SE Bright three-part CME with obvious front, cavity and core. Much gusty outflow. 26-Jun-2001 14:30 SE Fairly bright irregular front. EIT eruptive prominence, not part of outflow from earlier event. 26-Jun-2001 16:06 NW Narrow ragged front along streamer. 27-Jun-2001 01:31 E Fairly wide, faint irregular front. 27-Jun-2001 12:30 NW Fairly bright front as slow loops take off. **** LASCO doors closed 27-Jun-2001 22:06 until **** **** 02-Jul-2001 13:46 during spacecraft maneuvers **** **** EIT runs high-cadence 195A CME-watch **** 02-Jul-2001 23:54 NW Approximate time of appearance of prominence material along wide bright streamer group after loops rise slowly for hours. Forms bright multiple-loop front midway through C2. Prolonged arcading follows. 03-Jul-2001 02:30 SE Fairly narrow bright front with small cavity and core. Backsided event. 03-Jul-2001 22:06 SE Fairly narrow front, similar to previous event but faster. 04-Jul-2001 12:30 S Fairly wide multiple-loop front with cavity and core, prolonged outflow including arcades follows, beyond end of day. 04-Jul-2001 21:08 NW Well-defined loops rise slowly along or near wide bright streamer for several hours before taking off. 05-Jul-2001 01:31 SE Faint well-defined loop front near streamer. 05-Jul-2001 04:30 W Bright well-defined loop front with cavity and complex helical core. Much continued outflow especially towards N near/along disrupted streamer. 05-Jul-2001 05:54 SE Narrow bright front along streamer 07-Jul-2001 16:30 SE Bright fairly narrow front with some fainter arcades and some continued outflow. 08-Jul-2001 12:06 NE Fairly bright loop front along streamer with faint cavity and core, some gusty outflow. 09-Jul-2001 02:54 SE Bright loop front with faint extension over S Pole. Arcades and gusty outflow follow. 09-Jul-2001 18:30 SW Fairly fast ragged front in vicinity of narrow streamer. Faint cavity follows. 10-Jul-2001 16:30 NE Faint ragged front takes off along wide bright streamer. Numerous similar events over next 24+ hours lead to streamer blowout by late 7/11. 11-Jul-2001 06:06 NE Faint ragged front near streamer. 11-Jul-2001 09:30 NE First of several fronts that move along streamer and merge, eventually constituting a streamer blowout over a protracted period. **** No LASCO data ~15:45 - 18:30 UT on 2001/7/11 **** **** while EIT runs shutterless campaign at 304A **** 12-Jul-2001 00:06 SW Wide bright multiple-loop front fills quadrant and more. Cavity, core and arcades follow, and gusty outflow particularly near/along legs of event. EIT eruptive prominence. 12-Jul-2001 03:30 E Very small bright loop system/corelike region moves along streamer and appears to enhance blowout process. Loops remain fairly well-defined up the edge of the C2 field of view. Numerous further loops/fronts follow in next 24 hrs. 12-Jul-2001 16:54 SE Wide ragged front eventually followed by small core. 13-Jul-2001 09:30 W Fairly wide thick bright loop front with cavity and core. Much gusty outflow, especially blobs for duration of day. 14-Jul-2001 12:54 SW Fairly narrow bright loop front, cavity, core and some gusty outflow follow. Similar smaller, fainter, slower events preceed from same/similar region. 14-Jul-2001 13:31 S Faint ragged front, fairly narrow. 15-Jul-2001 06:54 SW Wide bright multiple-loop front with faint cavity and some core-like material. Streamer to S appears disrupted though this may be a seperate small coincident event with some arcades. 16-Jul-2001 01:54 S Very faint sequence of loops fronts, probably backsided. 16-Jul-2001 02:30 NE Loops move slowly along streamer and widen through C2. 16-Jul-2001 08:06 SW Ragged front along streamer, follows a sequence of blobs. 16-Jul-2001 16:06 NE+ Eruptive filament first appears in NE after gusty outflow from previous event. ~150 deg partial halo by 18:26. EIT eruptive prominence centred N32E15. 17-Jul-2001 14:30 SW Fairly narrow loops take off along streamer after rising slowly for hours, then expand considerably through C2 and C3. Numerous arcades and continued outflow follow into next day. 18-Jul-2001 06:06 W Narrow ragged fairly bright front. 18-Jul-2001 07:31 S Ragged front, arcades follow. Further S than previous event. 18-Jul-2001 10:54 W Wide loop front brightest towards S. Faint cavity and some corelike/arcade material follow. 18-Jul-2001 22:06 SW Ragged front similar to 05:54 event and from same region but with some arcades. 19-Jul-2001 10:30 SW Wide bright front, fills quadrant and more with fainter extensions. Fast event with cavity and core and some gusty outflow, streamer to N disrupted. M2 flare from AR 9537, S08W62. 19-Jul-2001 19:31 NE Narrow bright front with cavity, same region as earlier event. 20-Jul-2001 05:30 N Slow 3-part CME, cavity visible 07:31, core by 08:54. Large EIT eruptive filament. Numerous arcades and gusty outflow for rest of day and much of next, especially in NW. 20-Jul-2001 13:54 NE Thick narrow ragged front with cavity, core and arcades. 20-Jul-2001 20:07 SW Slow loops begin to accelerate along streamer following swelling and brightening throughout day. Some further fronts/loops and arcades follow. 21-Jul-2001 00:06 SE Narrow bright well-defined loop front fades in C2, faint cavity follows. 21-Jul-2001 04:30 SW Fast wide fan/narrow ragged front. 21-Jul-2001 17:54 SE Faint loop with bright radial feature towards S. 21-Jul-2001 21:54 SE Bright spray widens to ragged front in C2, somewhat to S of previous event. 22-Jul-2001 03:30 SW Fast wide fan/narrow front, with some gusty outflow towards S. 22-Jul-2001 04:30 SE Ragged front along diffuse streamer. 22-Jul-2001 18:06 SW Faint nebulous front, faint cavity follows. 22-Jul-2001 21:30 SE Fairly wide loops rise slowly along faint streamer to ~3 Rs, then accelerate after 23:54. **** No LASCO/EIT data 01:31 - 10:26 UT on 2001/7/23 due **** **** to EIT shutter problem during gap in DSN contact **** 23-Jul-2001 10:27 NW Fast bright 3-part CME with very clear cavity and bright core, already in progress. Much prolonged arcades and outflow and especially over W and NW, though some ejecta are seperate small events. 23-Jul-2001 14:30 SE Sequence of faint wide loops. 23-Jul-2001 22:30 E Narrow loop front fades in C2. 24-Jul-2001 06:54 E Narrow bright loop front with cavity and small core. 25-Jul-2001 07:31 E Wide bright multiple-loop front with small cavity and bright loop core, follows slowly rising loops along streamer after several hours. Arcades and gusty outflow in NE. 25-Jul-2001 11:54 SW Faint loop front with cavity, some outflow to N. 26-Jul-2001 07:31 NE Fairly bright nebulous front with cavity moves along streamer. Follows gusty outflow, similar follows. 26-Jul-2001 12:06 SW Sequence of faint loop fronts. 27-Jul-2001 02:06 SE Faint ragged front along streamer. 27-Jul-2001 11:54 S Sequence of faint loop fronts. **** No LASCO data from 20:06 UT on 2001/7/28 until **** **** 00:06 on 2001/8/3 while the doors remained closed **** **** following spacecraft ESR-17. EIT operated at high **** **** cadence with images every ~7 minutes. **** 03-Aug-2001 00:06 NE+ Wide bright front with plentiful arcades and prolonged outflow already in progress when observations resume. 03-Aug-2001 00:06 NW Fairly narrow symmetric event with bright core already in progress when observations resume. 03-Aug-2001 00:06 SW Ragged front already in progress when observations resume. 03-Aug-2001 16:54 SE Fairly fast narrow front. 04-Aug-2001 03:30 SE Ragged front ejected along streamer. 04-Aug-2001 08:30 NW Bright loop front with cavity and core ejected along streamer. Numerous arcades follow. 05-Aug-2001 02:54 SW Bright loop fronts ejected slowly along diffuse streamer. Some arcades follow. 05-Aug-2001 04:06 NE Ragged front with core ejected along or near streamer. Some gusty outflow. 06-Aug-2001 03:06 SW Ragged front core ejected along streamer. Some gusty outflow follows. 06-Aug-2001 19:54 SW Ragged front, fainter and further S than previous event. 07-Aug-2001 06:30 SE Fairly fast ragged front. 07-Aug-2001 16:54 SW Narrow bright front from wide streamer base. 07-Aug-2001 18:30 NE Sequence of bright loop fronts along faint streamer. Core material follows. 08-Aug-2001 08:30 W Narrow ragged front along streamer. 09-Aug-2001 10:30 W+ Large loop front over W limb becomes ~180 deg partial halo event by 11:06. Multiple loops with some core-like material to follow. 09-Aug-2001 20:30 SE Large loop front event with core. Highly twisted interior structures, much continued outflow. 10-Aug-2001 02:30 W Ragged wide loop front with core. Much continued outflow including arcades; streamers disrupted. 11-Aug-2001 01:54 W Fairly wide bright loop front with core, some gusty outflow. 11-Aug-2001 04:30 NW Fairly narrow jet-like CME removes most of streamer. Numerous arcades follow. 11-Aug-2001 06:30 SW Similar to previous event but smaller and faster. 12-Aug-2001 10:56 NE Large bright loop event with complex twisted interior and core. Some continued outflows. 12-Aug-2001 16:54 SW Faint front along wide streamer. 12-Aug-2001 19:54 NW Fairly wide front along streamer, follows similar but smaller event. 13-Aug-2001 03:30 SW Faint ragged front towards bottom of W limb streamer complex. 13-Aug-2001 14:30 NW Wide bright front with complex core towards top of same streamer system. 13-Aug-2001 22:30 S Faint fast jet. 14-Aug-2001 00:06 NE Ragged front along streamer, arcades follow? **** No normal LASCO/EIT data 01:40 - 15:00 UT on 2001/8/14 **** **** due to LEB problem. EIT synoptic images are available **** 14-Aug-2001 16:30 Halo Full halo CME already in progress. First observed midway through C3 field of view. Probably associated with an eruptive filament seen in the synoptic EIT data at 13:19 UT. 415 km/s. 14-Aug-2001 21:30 NW Bright ragged front with multiple-loop core. 15-Aug-2001 01:54 NW Narrow bright front/prominence material from same/nearby region as previous event. Further loops/fronts follow. 15-Aug-2001 03:30 NE Bright loop front with cavity and core, arcades follow, fairly prolonged. 15-Aug-2001 23:54 Halo Fast bright front initially fills SW sector and is full halo CME in C2 by 00:06 UT. Proton storm seriously degrades data from 01:30. Probably associated with a major flare close to central meridian on the back side, likely old AR 9557 which produced an X5.3 flare as AR 9591 on 2001/08/25. 1050 km/s. 16-Aug-2001 10:32 W Fairly fast ragged asymmetric front with cavity, just visible in degraded data. 17-Aug-2001 00:54 SW Thick wide fast bright loop front fills quadrant, fades through C2. Cavity, core and arcades follow, then prolonged gusty outflow. 17-Aug-2001 08:06 SE Faint fast wide front. 17-Aug-2001 13:31 NE Fairly bright ragged front along streamer. 18-Aug-2001 12:06 NW Streamer blows out after loops swell and rise to ~3 Rs over a ~18 hr period. Arcades follow. 18-Aug-2001 14:31 SE Bright ragged front along streamer, initially slow. 19-Aug-2001 06:31 NW Thick wide bright front with cavity and core and some arcades. Streamer to N disrupted. 19-Aug-2001 11:30 W Very faint wide loop front follows narrower faster front. Core-like material follows at 14:31. 19-Aug-2001 13:32 E Fairly narrow bright front, cavity follows. Further similar events follow. 19-Aug-2001 21:30 S Faint loop front fills SE quadrant and crosses S Pole. Some gusty outflow in SW. 20-Aug-2001 01:31 NE Small bright front/large blob, fairly fast, along streamer. 20-Aug-2001 17:50 SW Fairly faint slow ragged front along faint diffuse streamer. Prolonged gusty outflow follows. 20-Aug-2001 20:06 E Initially bright front fades in C2, cavity follows, some slower gusty outflow. Further similiar event at 11:06 8/21. 21-Aug-2001 05:50 NW Nebulous front with faint arcades. 21-Aug-2001 11:06 SE Ragged loop front fades through C2. 21-Aug-2001 12:27 SW Wide bright loop front with cavity and core, arcades and gusty outflow continue into next day. 21-Aug-2001 16:50 SE Ragged nebulous front along streamer which was disrupted by previous event. 21-Aug-2001 20:50 SE Narrow bright loop front with cavity along streamer to N of previous event. Follows slow loops. 22-Aug-2001 00:06 NE Sequence of well defined loop fronts along streamer. Some arcades follow. 22-Aug-2001 08:06 SE Narrow nebulous front with cavity and gusty outflow. 22-Aug-2001 20:50 SW Fairly bright ragged front along streamer, some gusty outflow follows. 23-Aug-2001 04:50 NW Fairly faint loop front, arcades follow. 23-Aug-2001 18:50 SW Narrow ragged front along streamer, quite fast. 24-Aug-2001 09:26 SE Multiple-loop front along streamer, cavity and core follow, then gusty outflow. 25-Aug-2001 00:50 SE Narrow front along streamer. 25-Aug-2001 09:50 SE Wider but fainter front along streamer. 25-Aug-2001 16:50 Halo Fast bright front initially fills SE sector and is full halo CME in C2 by 17:26 UT. Probably associated with X5.3 flare in AR 9591. 1130 km/s, much prolonged outflow. 25-Aug-2001 21:26 W Faint ragged fronts followed by bright narrow front/prominence material at 23:26. 26-Aug-2001 07:27 NW Fairly wide bright front with small faint cavity and some core-like material. Plentiful arcades and gusty outflow follow. 26-Aug-2001 09:50 NE System of faint loop fronts fade through C2. 26-Aug-2001 13:27 E Ragged front fades through C2, some gusty outflow. 27-Aug-2001 02:50 SW Fast fairly faint loop front, followed by further faint loops somewhat to N. 27-Aug-2001 17:26 W Bright initially narrow front with much continued outflow. 28-Aug-2001 09:50 SE Well defined loops rise fairly slowly, some core-like material follows by 11:06. 28-Aug-2001 16:27 E Wide bright front rapidly overtakes or deflects previous event. Cavity, core and some gusty outflow all follow. 29-Aug-2001 03:50 NW Fairly bright loop front with faint cavity, both fade through C2. 29-Aug-2001 12:06 W Fast bright narrow front. **** 2001/08/29 17:06 - 19:04 UT **** **** data lost due to LEB crash **** 29-Aug-2001 19:04 NE Wide bright loop front with cavity, some arcades and core-like material follow. 30-Aug-2001 02:50 W Fairly fast bright spray/narrow front. 30-Aug-2001 10:06 SE Wide bright loop front with cavity and twisted interior. Fills quadrant and disrupts streamers to N and S, prolonged outflow and arcades follow. 30-Aug-2001 15:50 SW Bright fairly wide loop front followed by cavity and slower loop core, follows narrow front to N. 30-Aug-2001 21:26 E Initially bright front fades through C2, some gusty outflow follows. 31-Aug-2001 09:26 SE Fairly bright loop front with cavity and very faint core. 31-Aug-2001 11:26 NE Sequence of faint loop fronts. **** 16:11 - 19:32 UT, data coverage poor **** **** due to EIT calibration image program **** 31-Aug-2001 21:04 NE System of very faint loops rises slowly. 31-Aug-2001 23:05 SE Well-defined loop front with some core material following later. 31-Aug-2001 23:15 NE Thin wide loop front overtakes 21:04 event. Last three events give the appearance of a partial halo event by end of day. 01-Sep-2001 11:50 NW Fairly bright narrow front with some arcades. 02-Sep-2001 11:50 SW Sequence of very faint loops. 02-Sep-2001 12:45 NE System of fairly narrow loops or loop fronts rise very slowly along bright streamer. Core and arcades eventually follow. 02-Sep-2001 17:20 E Fast initially narrow bright front with core. 03-Sep-2001 02:30 E Bright loop front with some arcades. 03-Sep-2001 17:20 SE Fairly wide ragged front, soon overtaken by subsequent event. 03-Sep-2001 18:35 SE Fast wide bright front with cavity, core and arcades. Streamers disrupted to N and S, prolonged outflow along streamer in E. **** 2001/09/04 16:05 - 23:06 UT, data coverage poor due **** **** to EIT calibration image program and color filter **** **** sequences for C2 sungrazing comet observations **** 04-Sep-2001 17:40 NW Bright ragged front with arcades already in progress at this time. 04-Sep-2001 23:06 E Faint loop front with brighter but somewhat slower corelike material following. 05-Sep-2001 01:31 SE Ragged front along streamer, core follows. 05-Sep-2001 07:32 SW Narrow bright loop front, slow with cavity and core, and prolonged outflow including arcades. 05-Sep-2001 12:31 NW Faint loop front with cavity and slow loop core. Much residual outflow follows. 05-Sep-2001 16:06 SW Wide bright front, quite fast. Cavity and multi-part core follow, then arcades and prolonged gusty outflow. 06-Sep-2001 00:06 E Bright loop front along streamer. Prolonged arcades and gusty outflow follow. 06-Sep-2001 16:30 E Bright multiple-loop front with cavity and core of slow loops for a prolonged time, all along bright streamer that isn't quite blown out. 06-Sep-2001 19:31 SE Ragged loop front with bright feature on lower extremity, arcades follow. 06-Sep-2001 22:30 W Wide bright loop front with cavity and bright structured core. Plentiful arcades follow. 07-Sep-2001 16:06 W Ragged front extends over N West, resolves to two seperate multiple loop systems. 08-Sep-2001 09:06 E Front moves out along streamer which is largely stripped away, numerous arcades follow. 08-Sep-2001 20:31 S First clear images of extremely slow system of fronts followed by core-like material and arcades into next day. Fills quadrant. 09-Sep-2001 14:54 SE Fairly wide front with cavity, core and arcades, quite fast. 09-Sep-2001 16:06 SW Sequence of well-defined loop fronts, fairly bright, follow similar, more ragged events. 10-Sep-2001 01:31 NE Loop fronts rise slowly along diffuse streamer. Arcades clearly visible by 12:06, streamer largely gone next day. 10-Sep-2001 03:30 SE Nebulous front with cavity and faint arcades. 10-Sep-2001 13:54 NW Faint ragged front along narrow faint streamer. Some residual outflow for rest of day. 10-Sep-2001 16:31 SW Ragged front along upper edge of wide bright streamer. Hard to pinpoint front. 10-Sep-2001 22:31 NW Ragged front along narrow bright streamer. 11-Sep-2001 01:54 NW Initially fairly bright loop front fades in C2. 11-Sep-2001 04:31 NE Fairly wide sequence of loop fronts moves out slowly. Core-like material and prolonged arcades follow. 11-Sep-2001 10:06 SE Fairly fast narrow ragged front disrupts streamer to N; loops/loop fronts soon follow. 11-Sep-2001 10:54 SW Ragged front removes greater part of swolen streamer. Numerous arcades. 11-Sep-2001 13:54 NW Narrow ragged front along narrow bright streamer. Streamer remains somewhat swolen thereafter. Arcades into next day. 11-Sep-2001 14:54 Halo Bright loop front first observed in E is full halo CME by 15:30. EIT eruptive filament near AR9615, N12E29. 703 km/s. 11-Sep-2001 21:30 SW Fast bright loop front near/along streamer disrupted at 10:54 to remove most of what remained. Brightest just to N. 12-Sep-2001 15:54 NE Sequence of narrow bright loop fronts, fairly slow. Arcades follow. 12-Sep-2001 16:06 SW Wider ragged loop front, some fainter loops follow, then arcades. 12-Sep-2001 17:54 NW Bright front resolves to multiple-loop system, followed by arcades. 12-Sep-2001 22:06 SW Wide bright structured front fills quadrant. Cavity and complex core follow, then arcades. 14-Sep-2001 04:31 NW Very slow loops, core and arcades follow. 14-Sep-2001 06:31 SE Fairly wide bright front with prolonged arcades. 14-Sep-2001 16:31 W Narrow loop front along streamer, arcades follow. 14-Sep-2001 17:30 W Wide loop front fills quadrant. Bright core resolves to multiple-loop system, arcades follow. 15-Sep-2001 11:54 SW Bright loop front with cavity and core. 15-Sep-2001 16:30 SE Nebulous front with cavity and some gusty outflow. 16-Sep-2001 03:54 N Faint narrow front near system of fainter slower brighter loop fronts. 16-Sep-2001 08:30 NE Very faint slowly-rising loops. 16-Sep-2001 14:30 SE Fairly bright front with some continued outflow. 16-Sep-2001 21:54 SE Ragged front with cavity, core and some gusty outflow including further bright fronts. 17-Sep-2001 02:30 NW Faint front, fairly wide, with bright centrsl feature, some arcades follow. 17-Sep-2001 06:54 NE Faint front along streamer. 17-Sep-2001 08:54 SE+ Wide bright loop front fills SE quadrant and crosses over S Pole spanning ~150 deg. Core and arcades in SE, 825 km/s. EIT eruptive filament, M1.5 flare in AR 9616. 17-Sep-2001 15:30 NE Small bright core and disconnection feature follow faint multiple-loop front. All very slow. 17-Sep-2001 21:08 SE Narrow ragged front along streamer, fainter extensions/outflow over S Pole, some arcades 18-Sep-2001 18:30 Halo Faint front in N East is full halo CME by 18:54, though very faint over S Pole. Visible much earlier in running difference movies. Slow event soon obscured by subsequent event. M1.3 flare in AR9620. 18-Sep-2001 21:30 Halo Narrow bright front visible in SW at 20:30 in running difference movies is full halo CME by 21:30, clearly visible all around C2 occultor. Multiple-loop event with core and some arcades in SW. Most probably backsided. 19-Sep-2001 04:06 NE Well-defined loop fronts fill large part of quadrant, fairly bright. Arcades follow in N, slower loops to S until end of day. 19-Sep-2001 07:31 SW Fast wide bright front spans ~140 deg by 08:30. Cavity, core in SW, then numerous prolonged arcades. Probably backsided, maybe AR9608? 19-Sep-2001 15:30 SE Bright ragged front along streamer, disrupts nearby streamer. 19-Sep-2001 19:31 E Wide fairly faint front, brightest in SE. Possibly residual from or connected to previous event. 20-Sep-2001 00:30 NE Bright loop front fills quadrant. Spans ~150 deg by 03:30. 20-Sep-2001 05:30 E Bright streamer disrupted, slow front leads slow loops and bright core over E limb. Slightly faster faint loop front extends down over E limb. Prolonged outflow. Limited data due to unrecoverable gap. **** 2001/09/20 05:30 - 08:30 UT, no data **** **** due to unrecoverable telemetry gap **** 20-Sep-2001 08:30 NE Bright front along streamer, already in progress. Prolonged outflow including arcades. 20-Sep-2001 13:31 W Bright loop front along streamer fades through C2. 20-Sep-2001 13:31 NE Wide bright front with cavity, complex core and arcades. 20-Sep-2001 14:06 S System of faint loop fronts. These three closely timed events greatly resemble a partial halo CME. 20-Sep-2001 19:31 NW+ Fairly slow well-defined loop front in NW, eventually spans ~160 deg, M1.5 flare in AR9631. 21-Sep-2001 00:30 N Faint loop front, quite wide. 21-Sep-2001 00:54 E Narrow ragged front along streamer, some continued outflow follows. 21-Sep-2001 04:30 NE Sequence of faint narrow ragged loop fronts. Similar event at 07:54. Slower loops follow at 09:06. 21-Sep-2001 05:54 NW Ragged front moves slowly through unstable streamer leading to 'textbook' blowout over course of day. 21-Sep-2001 08:54 SE Wide bright loop front with cavity and bright complex core. Numerous arcades follow, also disconnection feature behind core and current sheet formation. Very aesthetic event, the 'typical 3-part CME'. One for the modellers? 21-Sep-2001 17:30 SW Ragged front along streamer followed by slow loops and some arcades. 22-Sep-2001 06:06 W Initially narrow bright front widens through C2. Numerous arcades follow. Looks like a continuation of the previous day's 17:30 event but is distinct. Further fronts after 18:30. 22-Sep-2001 10:34 NW Fairly wide bright front with fainter extension over N Pole. Some gusty outflow in NW. 23-Sep-2001 12:30 NE Bright ragged front along streamer follows slow loops. 23-Sep-2001 14:06 SE Sequence of faint loop fronts, also narrow loops to N. 23-Sep-2001 14:30 E Bright loop front, quite fast, with small bright core. 23-Sep-2001 18:06 S Faint loop front over S Pole. These last four events together resemble a wide slow partial halo but some are backsided. 23-Sep-2001 20:30 Halo Bright front over W Limb had fainter extensions around disk and is a full halo event by 21:30 and possibly at 20:30, hard to tell amongst earlier outflow. Fastest in N and much faster than earlier events. Most probably backsided. 23-Sep-2001 21:54 SE Fairly wide bright front maybe extends up to NE and SW. Hard to tell with all the other outflow. Most probably backsided. Some arcades follow. 24-Sep-2001 03:30 W Faint loop front along swolen streamer. 24-Sep-2001 10:30 Halo Thick wide bright very fast front in SE full halo CME by 10:54. Core-like material and some arcades follow in SE. Probably associated with CME and subsequent X2.6 flare in AR9632 at S18E27. ~2200 km/s. **** Data severely degraded from 2001/09/24 ~18:00 UT **** **** due to proton storm associated with this event **** 26-Sep-2001 03:52 NW Thick wide bright front fills quadrant, quite fast, cavity and core follow. Probably backsided? 26-Sep-2001 05:27 N Slow faint front. Faster brighter material follows may be core, may be distinct event. 26-Sep-2001 11:34 NW Wide loop front fills quadrant, quite faint, some arcades over W limb. 26-Sep-2001 18:30 NW Bright well-defined loop front along streamer with cavity, core and some arcades. 27-Sep-2001 01:31 SW Fairly slow loop fronts, initially faint/obscured, fill quadrant. Probably start rising somewhat earlier. Core appears at 03:06. 27-Sep-2001 01:31 W Initially bright loop front widens and fades through C2, more at 02:54. 27-Sep-2001 04:54 SW Fastest widest loop front of all visible at this time, brightest over W limb. 27-Sep-2001 08:06 SW+ Thick wide front first seen in SW extends to NW and SE spanning ~150 deg. Backsided. 27-Sep-2001 10:31 NW Fairly wide ragged front with considerable prolonged outflow. 27-Sep-2001 18:54 E Narrow bright loop front with cavity. 27-Sep-2001 19:54 SW Loop front fills quadrant, brightest near W limb. 28-Sep-2001 09:06 E+ Bright loop front over E Limb is ~180 deg partial halo CME by 09:30. Some core-like material eventually follows over E limb. M3.3 flare in AR9636, N10E18. 28-Sep-2001 10:30 SW Thick wide bright loop front with large cavity and bright core that resolves to a bright twsted loop. 28-Sep-2001 14:30 SE Ragged front along streamer with some gusty outflow. 28-Sep-2001 14:54 NW Ragged front along streamer, possible disconnection feature follows. 28-Sep-2001 22:06 N Faint ragged front over pole followed by twisted fronts/flux tubes. 29-Sep-2001 00:30 SW Wide nebulous front, quite faint, some gusty outflow. 29-Sep-2001 ~05:30 SE Ragged front along wide bright streamer. Gusty outflow follows. 29-Sep-2001 11:54 NE+ Very faint loop front, quite slow, similar front follows over S pole shortly after forming a ~210 deg partial halo CME. Multiple events in/near AR9636, N13E03. 29-Sep-2001 19:54 SE Slow bright loops along streamer, follows sporadic gusty outflow all day. Brighter loop fronts follow at end of day, streamer blows out. 29-Sep-2001 20:06 SW Narrow bright front with core, largest features in prolonged outflow before and after. 30-Sep-2001 10:34 NW Ragged front along wide bright streamer. Small bright core-like feature follows at 15:54. 01-Oct-2001 01:31 NW Initially bright multiple-loop front fades through C2. 01-Oct-2001 01:54 SW Fairly wide bright loop front, slower loops follow. 01-Oct-2001 05:30 SW Thick wide fast bright front with cavity and core. Spans ~100 deg but streamers to N and S disrupted and a faint shock extends over the pole to the N East so it looks like a full halo. M8(?) on/over S West limb. Fast event, much gusty outflow in SW. Proton storm follows. **** Data degraded from 2001/10/01 ~20:00 UT due **** **** to proton storm associated with this event **** 01-Oct-2001 12:54 NW Narrow bright feature widens to angular front with cavity through C2. 01-Oct-2001 22:06 NE Bright loops emerge slowly along wide bright streamer which then proceeds to blow out. 02-Oct-2001 07:31 NW Bright front destabilises bright streamer, prolonged outflow follows. 02-Oct-2001 12:30 SW Fairly wide nebulous front. 03-Oct-2001 01:31 E Bright loop front with cavity and core which resolves to a multiple-loop system. 03-Oct-2001 02:54 SE Multiple loop front with bright core-like material to S. Spans ~120 deg. Some continued outflow particularly in S. Multiple events near disk center in EIT. 03-Oct-2001 12:30 SW Fairly fast bright ragged front with cavity. 03-Oct-2001 15:30 NE+ Bright loop front in N and NE is ~200 deg partial halo CME by 17:06. Also very faint extensions visible over S Pole, probably a shock. Arcades follow over N Pole. Backsided event. Disrupts streamer in NW and gusty outflow follows for rest of day. 04-Oct-2001 03:06 SE Faint loop front followed by system of wider brighter loop fronts at 05:30. Some gusty outflow towards S. 05-Oct-2001 03:54 SE Very slow loop fronts, quite faint, rise along faint streamer. 05-Oct-2001 09:30 SW Narrow ragged front, quite bright, soon overtaken by subsequent event. 05-Oct-2001 10:06 Halo Bright front in SW is full halo CME by 11:06, though faint in N and NE. Determined backsided. 05-Oct-2001 13:31 SW Initially narrow front widens through C2. Much trailing material. May be prominence material associated with earlier halo CME. 05-Oct-2001 20:54 W Fast narrow ragged front. 05-Oct-2001 21:54 SW Sequence of bright loop fronts, second is wider and slightly to N of first. 06-Oct-2001 05:54 NW Thick wide bright loop front with cavity and complex core. Prolonged outflow, streamer to N disrupted. 06-Oct-2001 18:06 E Bright asummetric loop front with cavity and small loop core. 06-Oct-2001 19:31 SW Initially narrow bright front widens and fades through C2 with some continued outflow. 06-Oct-2001 19:54 NE Sequence of bright loop fronts move slowly. 'Smoke ring' event by 22:54. Disconnection feature follows next morning. 07-Oct-2001 03:30 SW Narrow ragged front along streamer already into field of view due to cadence. 07-Oct-2001 11:30 NE Sequence of slow bright loop fronts ahead of streamer blowout, somewhat to S of previous day's event. Prominence material by 13:31. 07-Oct-2001 22:30 NE Narrow ragged front along streamer. 07-Oct-2001 23:54 NE Narrow loop front, further N than previous event. 08-Oct-2001 01:54 NE Bright loop front with cavity and faint core. 08-Oct-2001 09:30 NE Wide bright front fills quadrant, cavity and prolonged outflow follow. 09-Oct-2001 04:06 NE Bright loop front, somewhat narrower than previous events. Cavity and ragged core follow. 09-Oct-2001 08:06 W Wide bright loop front with cavity and knotted core, much continued outlow follows. 09-Oct-2001 11:30 Halo Fast bright loop front in SE extends over S pole and E limb; is full halo CME by 11:54. M1.4 flare in AR9653 peaks at 11:13, EIT flare and eruptive filament, and wave. 1040 km/s. 09-Oct-2001 14:06 NE Narrow bright front with cavity. 09-Oct-2001 22:30 NE Slightly wider asymmetric front, much gusty outflow. 10-Oct-2001 07:31 NE Fairly wide well-defined loops emerge along streamer, much of which is subsequently removed. 11-Oct-2001 04:54 NE Wide bright front fills quadrant, cavity and core follow. 12-Oct-2001 01:31 S Bright front with cavity and some prolonged outflow. 12-Oct-2001 05:06 NE Initially bright front fades through C2, some gusty outflow. 13-Oct-2001 05:54 SE Narrow ragged loop front with faint extensions to S. 13-Oct-2001 23:06 NE Bright loop front with cavity, core, some gusty outflow. 14-Oct-2001 08:30 NW Sequence of faint ragged loop fronts. 14-Oct-2001 09:54 NE Very faint loop front. 14-Oct-2001 15:30 NE First of several narrow ragged loop fronts along a closely spaced streamer group. 15-Oct-2001 00:30 NE Faint narrow ragged front within streamer group. 16-Oct-2001 06:06 SE Wide loop front with core removes greater part of bright streamer. 16-Oct-2001 09:50 SW Sequence of wide bright loop fronts fills quadrant. Possible very faint extentions into S East and over N Pole but these could be distinct events. Most probably backsided. 16-Oct-2001 10:26 NW Faint front along streamer, brighter and faster fronts follow later as most of streamer is removed. These last three events combine to resemble a wide partial halo of multiple events. 16-Oct-2001 13:27 SE Ragged loop fronts with cavity, from same or nearby region as 06:06 event. 17-Oct-2001 21:52 SE Narrow ragged loop front with cavity and core. 18-Oct-2001 13:27 SE Narrow bright loop front with cavity, some core-like material follows later. 18-Oct-2001 16:26 SW Fairly wide loop front. 18-Oct-2001 19:27 SW Wide bright loop front from same or nearby region as previous event. 18-Oct-2001 20:26 SE Fast ragged front with cavity and some gusty outflow. 19-Oct-2001 01:27 Halo Wide bright ragged front first appears in NW, is full halo CME by 02:06. X1.6 flare in AR9661, N16W18. Slight increase in proton flux. 19-Oct-2001 07:27 NW Narrow bright front fades through C2. 19-Oct-2001 10:26 SW Narrow bright loop front with cavity. 19-Oct-2001 16:50 Halo Wide bright ragged front first appears over W limb, is full halo CME by 17:26. X1.6 flare in AR9661, N15W29. Faster than earlier halo event. 19-Oct-2001 23:50 SW Wide bright ragged loop front. First of several similar events from same(?) source region over next few days. 20-Oct-2001 02:26 Halo Wide bright fast front, initially brightest in NW and N, is full halo CME by 02:50. Determined backsided. 20-Oct-2001 05:26 NW Fronts begin to move slowly along streamer, leading to almost complete blowout. EIT eruptive prominencelate on 2001/10/19, streamer swells for hours beforehand. 20-Oct-2001 19:27 NE Fairly narrow bright loop front. 21-Oct-2001 05:50 SW Ragged front along streamer, some trailing material. 21-Oct-2001 17:06 NW Narrow bright loop front. 22-Oct-2001 00:50 SW Fairly wide bright front along streamer, much trailing material. 22-Oct-2001 03:26 SW Faster loop front compresses and widens earlier event ahead of it. 22-Oct-2001 15:06 Halo Fast bright front first seen in S East, fills quadrant by 15:26 and is full halo CME by 15:50. M6.7 flare in AR9672, S16E18. 1304 km/s. 22-Oct-2001 18:26 SE+ Slower structured loop front first seen in SE, spans ~180 deg by 19:27. Bright central feature with possible very faint extensions around rest of disk. X1.2 flare in AR9672, S18E16. 621 km/s. 23-Oct-2001 06:50 NW Slow loop front along streamer leads to partial blowout over prolonged period. 23-Oct-2001 09:50 NE Ragged nebulous front with much gusty outflow. 23-Oct-2001 10:26 SE Very slow loops along wide, bright streamer leads to almost total blowout. Possible disconnection from 20:54. Loops may start a little earlier. 24-Oct-2001 02:50 E Ragged asymmetric front, bright features in NE and SE, but straddles equator. 24-Oct-2001 06:26 E Faint loop front with bright central feature and very faint extension to N Pole. 24-Oct-2001 23:06 N Sequence of very faint slow loop fronts move through C2 over next 24+ hours. 25-Oct-2001 07:27 NE Ragged loop front with some gusty outflow. 25-Oct-2001 15:26 Halo Fast bright front in SW is full halo CME by 16:06. X1.3 flare in AR9672 S18W20. 884 km/s. 26-Oct-2001 09:50 NW Initially narrow bright ragged front widens through C2. Some trailing material. 26-Oct-2001 20:50 N Wide bright well-defined loop front, arcade of narrower loop fronts follows, then prominence material at 01:50. Gusty outflow for all of next day, including some sizeable fronts later. 27-Oct-2001 04:06 SE Bright loop front with cavity and faint ragged core along wide bright swolen streamer. 27-Oct-2001 07:27 NW Fast asymmetric front with cavity, core and some trailing material. Probably backsided. 27-Oct-2001 20:06 E Wide bright loop front with cavity and complex core. 28-Oct-2001 00:26 NE Bright loop front with cavity and core, EIT eruptive prominence. 28-Oct-2001 19:27 N Narrow nebulous front, faint loop fronts nearby. 29-Oct-2001 06:06 SE Initially bright loop front with cavity, fades in C2. 29-Oct-2001 08:26 SW Narrow bright front with slower fainter extensions. 29-Oct-2001 11:50 NW Fast, bright 3-part CME, bright loop front with cavity and complex knotted core, probably backsided. 29-Oct-2001 19:31 NE Fairly bright narrow ragged front with cavity. 29-Oct-2001 23:54 NE Similar to previous event but smaller and somewhat to S. 30-Oct-2001 03:30 NW Wide bright front with small cavity and knotted core, some trailing material including fronts. 30-Oct-2001 11:54 NE Slow loops follow front along streamer. Further fronts at 18:16 as streamer is disrupted by nearby large CME. 30-Oct-2001 17:31 E Wide bright loop front with cavity and core, much trailing material follows. 31-Oct-2001 00:30 SE Narrow bright well-defined loop front. 31-Oct-2001 00:54 NW Fairly wide bright loop front with cavity and core, streamers disrupted to N and S. 31-Oct-2001 11:54 NW Ragged loop front, quite wide, fades through C2. 01-Nov-2001 03:30 SW Bright loop front along wide bright streamer, much continued outflow. 01-Nov-2001 14:30 SE Fast wide bright front fills quadrant, cavity and core follow, then much trailing material. Streamers disrupted to N and S. M3 and M1 flares in AR9687 on SE limb. 01-Nov-2001 22:30 NW+ Very narrow front just discernible in NW, spans ~200 deg by 23:30. Further fronts follow. M1 flare and EIT eruptive prominence, AR9682. 02-Nov-2001 12:30 NE Narrow bright ragged front along streamer, quite bright. Wide bright loop front with cavity, arcades and some corelike material. 02-Nov-2001 21:54 NE Fairly wide bright loop front. **** EIT bakeout and LASCO high cadence C2/C3 campaign **** **** from ~02:00 UT 2001/11/03 to ~01:30 UT 2001/11/06 **** 03-Nov-2001 00:07 SW Narrow bright ragged front, quite fast, some gusty outflow. 03-Nov-2001 12:05 E+ Faint loop front first seen over E limb, is ~180 deg partial halo by 12:35. Slow event, looks like an eruptive prominence. No EIT data. 03-Nov-2001 17:50 SW Bright front with cavity and core, fairly narrow. 03-Nov-2001 19:20 Halo Wide bright front spans from NW to E Limb, is full halo CME by 19:50 though faint in S and SW. Corelike material follows in N. No EIT data. 04-Nov-2001 07:35 N Very faint loop front, quite wide. 04-Nov-2001 16:35 Halo Fast wide bright front over W limb is full halo CME by 16:50. X1.0 flare from AR9684, N06W18. Proton storm follows and subsequent data is badly degraded. Much gusty outflow in SW, may be residual to this event but could be distinct. **** LASCO C2 and C3 data very badly degraded from **** **** ~17:00 UT 2001/11/04 through closing of doors **** **** ~21:00 UT 2001/11/06 (for maneuvers and **** **** station keeping) as a result of the proton **** **** storm associated with this X1.0 X-ray flare **** **** and CME/shock **** 05-Nov-2001 01:25 NE Fairly wide bright front, data very poor. 05-Nov-2001 09:43 SW Fast narrow bright front, data very poor. **** LASCO doors closed from ~21:00 UT 2001/11/06 **** **** until ~21:00 UT 2001/11/09 in preparation **** **** for momentum management and station keeping **** 09-Nov-2001 21:12 W+ Wide bright loop front at ~14Rs at this time, spans both poles. Probably on/over limb: EIT CME seen ~14:30 UT. 10-Nov-2001 07:27 SW Fairly fast ragged front, some prolonged outflow. 10-Nov-2001 13:27 E System of very faint loop fronts, quite wide, one mainly spanning NE and other mainly SE. 11-Nov-2001 22:35 W Very slow system of loops, quite faint and narrow, some outflow near N extremity. 12-Nov-2001 04:06 NE Slow wide loop front, quite bright, similar fronts follow. 12-Nov-2001 09:50 SE Bright loop front with cavity and core. 12-Nov-2001 10:06 SE Similar to previous event but faster, brighter, narrower and further S. 12-Nov-2001 10:26 NW Bright asymmetric front along streamer, some continued outflow. 12-Nov-2001 20:50 SW Bright loop front with cavity and further loops/loop fronts. 13-Nov-2001 06:06 NW Narrow bright front with fainter extension over W Limb. 13-Nov-2001 18:26 NE Very slow loops first emerge along streamer, brighter fronts follow by 19:27. **** SOHO 360 degree roll maneuver from ~09 - ~23 UT **** **** on 2001/11/14: data is sporadic and at a variety **** **** of roll angles. Followed by overnight observing **** **** sequence at rotation angle 270 deg from ~23 UT **** **** ~16 UT 2001/11/15; no LASCO/EIT data ~00 -08 UT **** **** 2001/11/15 due to offpoint flag anomaly **** 14-Nov-2001 22:00 W Fairly wide loop front with some trailing material, probably associated with M2 flare in AR9690. Sparse data due to maneuvers and subsequent data gap. 15-Nov-2001 21:26 NE Wide bright front develops into 'smoke ring' event in C3, much trailing material well into next day. 16-Nov-2001 22:06 NE Faint ragged front along streamer. 17-Nov-2001 05:30 Halo Wide bright front spans ~150 deg initially and is full halo by 06:06. Much continued outflow, especially in E and SE. M2.8 flare in AR 9704 S13E42, large filament eruption shortly beforehand. 17-Nov-2001 11:06 N Fairly wide loop front fades through C2, some trailing material follows. 17-Nov-2001 13:34 NW Fairly wide bright loop front, further loops follow, all quite slow. 18-Nov-2001 20:59 SW Wide bright loop front with cavity, core and much trailing material, backsided. 19-Nov-2001 04:06 NE Fairly narrow well-defined loop front, fades through C2. 19-Nov-2001 10:06 NE Similar to previous event, same/nearby region? 19-Nov-2001 14:30 E Similar to 10:06 event but wider, brighter and somewhat to S. 19-Nov-2001 19:54 NE Widest, brightest of several similar ragged-front events seen this day, also remains coherent for longer. Cavity follows. 19-Nov-2001 22:30 NW Most obvious of several fronts along multiple-part streamer. 21-Nov-2001 14:06 SW+ Wide fairly bright loop front in SW spans ~150 deg by 15:54. Long duration C5 flare in AR 9704, S15W18. 22-Nov-2001 09:30 NW Asymmetric front, quite bright and wide. 22-Nov-2001 20:58 Halo Full halo CME, probably associated with M3.8 flare in AR 9698, S25W67. 1246 km/s. 22-Nov-2001 23:30 Halo Full halo CME, probably associated with M9.9 flare in AR 9704, S17W24. 1500 km/s. 23-Nov-2001 00:06 NE Wide slow loop fronts span N pole, probably backsided. 23-Nov-2001 01:31 SW Wide bright loop front with cavity and core, EIT eruptive filament destabilised by earlier activity. **** LASCO C2 and C3 data very badly degraded from **** **** ~07:30 UT 2001/11/23 through ~10:30 UT 2001/11/24 **** **** as a result of the proton storm associated with **** **** the X-ray flare(s) on 2001/11/22, and CME/shock **** 23-Nov-2001 15:21 SE Fairly wide bright loop front, data quality poor. 24-Nov-2001 13:37 NE Fairly wide, well-defined loop, faster fronts follow soon, then much continued outflow. 25-Nov-2001 23:06 E Wide fast bright front, eruptive prominence in EIT, streamers disrupted to N and S. 26-Nov-2001 06:06 NE Extremely slow faint loops move out over a >24 hour period. Nothing in EIT. Probably starts earlier, hard to tell through bright streamers. 26-Nov-2001 23:06 NE Fairly bright front with cavity and faint extensions to N and S. EIT eruptive prominence 27-Nov-2001 04:06 NE Further fronts from previous event, or distinct? Quite faint. 27-Nov-2001 05:30 SE Moderately narrow front with some core-like material, fades through C2. 27-Nov-2001 10:54 NW Narrow bright front along streamer followed by wider loops. 27-Nov-2001 18:30 NW Faster front along nearby streamer, more nebulous and somewhat to S. 28-Nov-2001 17:30 NE+ Fairly wide bright loop front is ~200 deg partial halo by 18:06. M6.7 flare in AR9715 N04E15, 439 km/s. Some gusty outflow in NE. 29-Nov-2001 03:30 NW Loop system moving out very slowly along streamer, removes significant portion. 29-Nov-2001 11:30 NE Fairly narrow ragged front along streamer. 29-Nov-2001 17:30 NE Similar to previous event but faster, wider and brighter. 30-Nov-2001 15:26 SE Wide, bright multiple-loop-front system, fairly slow, much trailing material well into next day especially towards S extremity including slow prominence material at 21:54. 01-Dec-2001 16:30 SW Wide bright loop front with cavity and core and much trailing material. Possible faint extension to NW. 01-Dec-2001 17:54 NE Fairly wide loop front, quite wide and fast with some gusty outflow. 02-Dec-2001 16:54 W Wide, bright loop front with cavity and much trailing material along broad streamer, overtakes slower faint loops that emerged a little earlier. 02-Dec-2001 23:54 W Very similar to previous event, already in progress at this time. Somewhat wider, faster and brighter with some very bright looped core-like material following later. 03-Dec-2001 12:06 SE Ragged loop front fades and disintegrates through C2. Fairly wide and fast. 03-Dec-2001 23:56 NW Ragged front from multiple-streamer region. Prolonged gusty outflow follows. 07-Dec-2001 01:54 NE Bright loop front with cavity, along streamer, follows extremely faint, slow loops. 07-Dec-2001 02:54 SW Bright loop front with cavity and loop core, along streamer. 07-Dec-2001 03:30 NW Very faint, fast, wide loop front, crosses pole. Some brighter core-like material follows, especially over pole. 07-Dec-2001 10:30 SE Fairly narrow bright front with cavity and small knotted core 07-Dec-2001 14:30 NW Wide bright front along streamer with cavity and core. EIT eruptive prominence. Slow. 08-Dec-2001 06:54 NE Bright loop front, quite wide, with much trailing material and gusty outflow. Slow prominence material follows late in day. 09-Dec-2001 05:30 SE Fairly narrow bright 'jet-like' event. 09-Dec-2001 20:30 E Dual event over limb. Faint ragged front in E followed by slow prominence eruption a little to N. 10-Dec-2001 02:54 NE Narrow, well-defined loop event widens through C2. 10-Dec-2001 10:54 NW Wide, faint loop front with some core-like material and continued outflow to N. 11-Dec-2001 08:30 NE+ Ragged front in NE soon spans ~190 deg. X2.8 flare in AR 9733. 11-Dec-2001 09:30 SW Wide symmetrical loop front with core and much trailing material into next day. 12-Dec-2001 18:54 SE Fairly wide loop front with large core. Much continued outflow. 12-Dec-2001 23:06 W Front takes off along/near streamer. 13-Dec-2001 02:54 SE Blob-like event widens significantly through C2 to reveal interior structure. 13-Dec-2001 14:54 NE+ Bright structured loop front spans from NW to E. Arcades and core in NE. X6.2 flare in AR9733. 14-Dec-2001 09:06 E Fast, wide, bright loop front with cavity and structured core. Prolonged outflow. 14-Dec-2001 22:30 S Ragged front along streamer. 15-Dec-2001 04:30 NE Sequence of slow loop fronts near narrow bright streamer, slower core follows. 15-Dec-2001 12:30 SE Fairly wide blob-like event. 15-Dec-2001 16:54 W Ragged asymmetric front fades through C2. 16-Dec-2001 02:30 W Similar to previous event but fainter. Another follows at 05:54. 18-Dec-2001 00:30 SE Wide bright loop system with cavities and core. Fairly slow 18-Dec-2001 11:54 NE Wide loop front fades through C2. 18-Dec-2001 12:30 W Faint loop front with some gusty outflow. 18-Dec-2001 17:30 SW Wide bright loop front with core and much trailing material. Outflow continues into next day, including numerous fairly narrow faint loop fronts. 18-Dec-2001 23:30 NW Bright ragged front followed by a sequence of small bright blobs. 19-Dec-2001 11:06 NW Ragged asymmetric front, quite bright. 19-Dec-2001 18:30 NE Faint ragged front along wide streamer, gusty outflow follows. 20-Dec-2001 00:30 SE Wide, bright loop front, fairly fast, with cavity and looped core. Streamers deflected to N and S, prolonged gusty outflow follows. 20-Dec-2001 04:54 SW Ragged asymmetric front with cavity and some core-like material. 20-Dec-2001 21:12 NW Multiple-loop front with bright, structured core, along bright streamer. Prolonged outflow for all of next day and into following removes greater part of streamer. 21-Dec-2001 11:54 NE Sequence of ragged fronts along bright streamer. 22-Dec-2001 06:06 NE Faster, brighter ragged front along same streamer. 22-Dec-2001 08:06 E Very faint loop fronts. 23-Dec-2001 06:54 NE Ragged front from multiple-streamer region. 23-Dec-2001 14:30 E Another ragged front from complex region, wider and further S. 23-Dec-2001 23:30 E Another ragged front from complex region, wider and further S. First of a sequence. 24-Dec-2001 04:30 NW Fairly faint, wide loop fronts along streamer. 24-Dec-2001 14:30 E Widest and fastest front from complex region removes a significant part of one of the streamers. Continued outflow follows. 25-Dec-2001 10:57 Halo Fast wide bright front in SE is full halo CME by 11:54. Determined backsided, removes greater part of two streamers in SE. Follows earlier very faint, slow loop front. 25-Dec-2001 16:54 NE Wide multiple-loop front system, initially slow but accelerates through C2. 25-Dec-2001 20:30 SE Fairly fast narrow ragged front, possibly residual outflow following halo event. 26-Dec-2001 05:30 W+ Fast wide bright loop front over W limb spans ~220 deg from PA 165-25 by 06:06. M7.1 flare in AR9742, N08W54. Proton event, data degraded for next 24+ hours. Streamer removed. 27-Dec-2001 06:30 W Quite wide bright well-defined loop front with cavity and wide ragged core. Some continued outflow follows. 27-Dec-2001 17:30 SW Thick wide bright loop front with cavity, core and some trailing material. Streamer disrupted to N. 27-Dec-2001 18:30 NE Fairly wide loop front with cavity and some core-like material. Fades through C2. 28-Dec-2001 11:54 NE Wide bright ragged loop front with cavity and core and much trailing material. 28-Dec-2001 20:06 SE+ Wide bright fast front in SE is ~160 deg partial halo CME by 21:06. X3.4 flare in new AR (9767) over SE limb, so backsided. 2170 km/s. 28-Dec-2001 20:30 NW Wider, faster well-defined loop front, breaks up through C2. Some core-like material follows, possibly follows a slow, faint ragged event. 29-Dec-2001 09:54 NW Fairly wide bright loop front with cavity and core and some continued outflow. 29-Dec-2001 18:54 W Faster front with core follows and overtakes slow loops. All fairly narrow and rapidly overtaken by subsequent event. 29-Dec-2001 20:30 W Wide bright loop front with cavity and core, much gusty outflow follows. Streamers disrupted to N and S. 30-Dec-2001 22:30 SW Fairly wide bright fan develops into ragged loop front. EIT prominence, soon obscured by subsequent event. 30-Dec-2001 23:30 Halo Bright loop front in SW is full halo CME by 00:30. EIT backsided event, probably an eruptive prominence. 31-Dec-2001 17:30 NW Narrow ragged front.