Preliminary 1999 SOHO LASCO Coronal Mass Ejection List (Revised 01-Dec-2000 -- KMS) N.B. This is a working version of a catalogue of probable coronal mass ejections detected in white light observations of the LASCO coronagraphs. This list is maintained at the SOHO Experimenters' Operations Facility, and it is based on an examination of only quick-look data, which represents a subset of the final LASCO dataset. Questions about this list should be directed to Russ Howard at NRL ( or to Simon Plunkett of USRA/NRL ( Note some changes to lists from previous years: 1) Some smaller events may be left out of the list. As solar activity increases, it is becoming harder to distinguish and keep account of smaller eruptions. Date(s) UT Location Comment ***** SOHO in safe mode on 21-Dec-1998. ***** ***** No more observations until 05-Feb-1999 ***** *** Note that the roll angle of the SOHO spacecraft to ecliptic **** *** North is approximately 297 degrees following recovery from ESR * *** of 21-Dec-1998 *** 05-Feb-1999 17:04 S Ragged loop or arcade. 05-Feb-1999 20:27 SW Thick loop with core. Prominence eruption in EIT. 06-Feb-1999 19:03 SW Ragged front. 06-Feb-1999 22:01 W Multiple arcades with core. 07-Feb-1999 18:57 NW Multiple loops, some deformed. 08-Feb-1999 05:32 E Ragged front. Prominence in EIT. 09-Feb-1999 01:30 NE Loop front with core. Prominence eruption in EIT 284 CME watch. 09-Feb-1999 05:33 W Loop front, brightest on northern leg. LDE with wave event in 284. 10-Feb-1999 04:57 W Material ejected. 10-Feb-1999 06:32 E Narrow loop. 10-Feb-1999 <17:19 E Thick front, with more activity following for several hours. 12-Feb-1999 03:57 E Loop front with core. Almost simultaneous blob-like ejection in W. 13-Feb-1999 14:56 E Ragged loop front with core. 13-Feb-1999 18:56 E Arcade with core. 14-Feb-1999 07:30 NW Fast loop-like ejection. *** SOHO in ESR on 14-Feb-1999. No observations until 19-Feb-1999 *** *** Note that the roll angle of the SOHO spacecraft to ecliptic **** *** North is approximately 240 degrees following recovery from ESR * *** of 14-Feb-1999 *** 20-Feb-1999 05:30 W Narrow loops. Behind pylon in C3. 20-Feb-1999 09:06 NW Narrow jet. 20-Feb-1999 15:54 NE U shape ejection, with simultaneous loop event in W. 21-Feb-1999 10:30 E/W Two simultaneous ejections, almost 180 degrees apart. 21-Feb-1999 16:54 NE Arcade with core in C3. visible only as a blob of plasma in C2. 22-Feb-1999 23:26 S Thick front. Almost partial halo, but probably on back-side. Moves very slowly. 24-Feb-1999 01:42 W Thick front with cavity and V-shape. Behind pylon in C3. 24-Feb-1999 10:54 SW Faint arcades. 24-Feb-1999 18:26 N+ Highly structured arcade becomes events. Behind limb in EIT. partial halo. Probably multiple events. 25-Feb-1999 06:54 SE Ragged front with core. 25-Feb-1999 14:26 SW Faint arcades. Similar to event of previous day. 25-Feb-1999 <21:26 E Loop front with core. 26-Feb-1999 02:54 E Blob of plasma ejected, maybe with V-shape. 26-Feb-1999 04:54 SW Loop front seems to fall apart in C2. 27-Feb-1999 01:26 SE Narrow loop. 27-Feb-1999 23:00 NW Bright narrow loop. Partly behind pylon in C3. 28-Feb-1999 17:54 NW Arcade with core. M-flare in EIT. 01-Mar-1999 04:54 N Jet moves outward. 02-Mar-1999 02:26 SE Non radial jet. Fairly slow. *** No observations from 20:00 on 02-Mar-1999 to 01:30 UT on *** 07-Mar-1999 due to spacecraft maneuvers. *** Solar North oriented vertically up on images after these maneuvers. 07-Mar-1999 03:26 E Diffuse front. 07-Mar-1999 05:54 NW Bright front with cavity. Followed by faint arcades along W limb, maybe extending over S pole. 08-Mar-1999 01:26 SE Narrow ejection. 08-Mar-1999 01:26 SW Narrow ejection. 08-Mar-1999 06:54 SE Bright ragged front with cavity and maybe core. Behind pylon in C3. 08-Mar-1999 18:26 SW Narrow loop. 09-Mar-1999 10:54 SW Narrow fan or jet. Similar event at 02:26 is highly non-radial. 09-Mar-1999 19:26 SE Amorphous ejection. 10-Mar-1999 03:26 S Faint loop. 10-Mar-1999 06:26 SW Narrow loop. 10-Mar-1999 10:26 E Ragged front. 10-Mar-1999 21:03 NE Narrow, elongated loop or jet. 10-Mar-1999 23:26 W Puffs of material. 11-Mar-1999 07:26 NE Narrow diffuse fan - faint in C3. 11-Mar-1999 11:26 SE Arcade with cavity and core. 11-Mar-1999 14:26 NE Narrow elongated loop with bright, thick front. 11-Mar-1999 19:32 S Partial halo, about 130 degrees wide. Earlier faint event at 15:35. EIT filament eruption and bright loops in unnumbered AR in S near CM. 12-Mar-1999 16:58 NE Narrow ejection followed by ragged material. 12-Mar-1999 <19:30 S Loop-like ejection. Part of previous partial halo? 12-Mar-1999 <19:30 W Material ejected. 13-Mar-1999 00:54 N Loop-like ejection. 13-Mar-1999 06:26 SW Jet with two spikes. 13-Mar-1999 06:54 SW Narrow elongated loop or jet. 13-Mar-1999 11:26 E Very non-radial ejection. 13-Mar-1999 23:54 SE Loop or arcade with cavity and core. 14-Mar-1999 00:54 E Thick loop or arcade with cavity and loop-like trailing core. 14-Mar-1999 04:26 N Narrow fan or jet. 14-Mar-1999 06:54 NE Blob of material. Part of earlier E limb event? 14-Mar-1999 11:54 NW Jet. 14-Mar-1999 12:26 W Ragged material ejected. Faint event follows at 15:26 and falls apart in C2. 14-Mar-1999 20:54 W Complex structure in C2. Narrow, elongated appearance in C3. 15-Mar-1999 04:54 E/SE Partial halo extends from NE to S pole. Preceding blob at 03:26. EIT wave event in AR 8487. 15-Mar-1999 07:26 E Highly structured event with twisted core. EIT filament eruption in AR 8487. 15-Mar-1999 09:26 W Material ejected. Again at 13:26. 15-Mar-1999 11:54 NW Jet. 15-Mar-1999 13:54 N Faint loop-like event. 15-Mar-1999 21:35 SW Loop or arcade with cavity and core. 17-Mar-1999 01:26 NW Arcade with cavity and core. Erupting prominence in EIT 304 A. 17-Mar-1999 04:26 N Faint loop. 17-Mar-1999 07:26 NE Arcade with cavity and core. Erupting prominence in EIT 304 A. Part of same filament channel as previous? 17-Mar-1999 ~07:54 S Series of loops ejected over about 90 degs in PA. Fades in C2. 18-Mar-1999 03:54 NE Arcades with cavity and core. 18-Mar-1999 14:26 NW Fan or jet. 18-Mar-1999 22:26 NW Diffuse front with trailing prominence. 19-Mar-1999 10:26 SE Jet. 19-Mar-1999 16:26 SE Narrow loop with bright core. 19-Mar-1999 21:29 E Narrow loop. 20-Mar-1999 06:54 NW Loop or arcade eruption. Maybe partial halo, but EIT shows it behind the limb. 20-Mar-1999 15:26 NE Jet, preceded by sporadic outflow over several hours. 21-Mar-1999 07:26 E Jet. 21-Mar-1999 15:26 SW+ Large bright loop fron with trailing structure. Extends over S pole to SE. Partial halo. Filament eruption near CM in EIT. 22-Mar-1999 22:26 SW Continuous ejections over many hours. Part of previous event? 23-Mar-1999 04:54 SE+ Faint loops behind pylon followed by more faint loops/arcade over S pole. Filament eruption on disk in EIT. 24-Mar-1999 08:57 N Faint front fades in C2. 24-Mar-1999 20:37 W Jet. 24-Mar-1999 >23:30 SW Continuous ejection of material continues into next day. 25-Mar-1999 06:43 NW Loops or arcade with core. 25-Mar-1999 07:41 N Faint material. 25-Mar-1999 18:54 SW Bright loop-like leading edge with trailing structure. 25-Mar-1999 21:30 SW Arcade - second phase of previous event? 26-Mar-1999 00:54 W Elongated structure, non-radial in C2. 26-Mar-1999 11:30 E Diffuse material ejected. 26-Mar-1999 23:30 SW Front with bright core. Streamer deflection/brightening in W? 27-Mar-1999 02:15 NE Loop-like ejection along streamer that opens up. 27-Mar-1999 16:54 NW Narrow ejection/jet. U-shape in C3. 28-Mar-1999 16:30 N Faint arcade-like ejection. Maybe U-shape following to NE. 29-Mar-1999 16:30 N Faint loops over pole. 29-Mar-1999 18:54 SW Arcade with trailing structure. Simultaneous jet to SE in C2. 30-Mar-1999 09:30 W Loop front with cavity and core. Preceded by streamer deflection. 31-Mar-1999 05:34 N "Heart" shape. 31-Mar-1999 14:30 W Loop front with narrow feature to S. Two separate events? 01-Apr-1999 11:54 NE Faint loop. 01-Apr-1999 14:30 E Series of small ejecta. 01-Apr-1999 19:31 NE Elongated loop. 02-Apr-1999 01:31 E Loop front flattens as it moves outward. 02-Apr-1999 06:30 NW Narrow ejection. 02-Apr-1999 07:31 NW Bright loop front with core. 02-Apr-1999 08:30 E Deformed front, much brighter at N leg. M flare on or behind E limb. Faint extension over S pole later. Projected speed > 1100 km/s. 02-Apr-1999 08:30 NE Narrow ejection. 02-Apr-1999 13:31 SW Material ejected. 02-Apr-1999 23:30 S+ Loop or arcade with core. Partial halo, approx. 140 degrees wide. Back-side event. 03-Apr-1999 15:06 SW Overlapping loops. 03-Apr-1999 23:47 NE+ Bright ragged front extends to SE. Partial halo, approx. 160 degrees wide. Probably multiple events in EIT (M flare behind NE limb, filament eruption in SE). 04-Apr-1999 01:54 S Front gets mixed in with previous event. 04-Apr-1999 04:30 E/W Large ejections on both limbs. Lots of activity on disk, including M flare in NE. "Toroidal" halo event? Extends 130 degrees on W, 220 degrees on E limb. 04-Apr-1999 14:06 N Jet. 04-Apr-1999 19:54 E Small puffs of material. 05-Apr-1999 01:54 SW Flattened leading edge. 05-Apr-1999 13:31 E Ragged leading edge, preceded by small ejection at 12:30. 05-Apr-1999 19:31 E Material ejected. 06-Apr-1999 08:54 W Arcades. 06-Apr-1999 11:06 NE Jet. 06-Apr-1999 23:54 SE Bright loop front with trailing structure. 07-Apr-1999 00:54 NW Jet. 07-Apr-1999 ~03:30 S Slowly expanding loops. Related to event at 23:54 on previous day? 07-Apr-1999 21:30 W Small loop ejection. 08-Apr-1999 14:54 SW Material ejected. 08-Apr-1999 15:54 E Narrow jet-like ejection. 09-Apr-1999 06:54 W Faint front, probably well out of plane of sky. 10-Apr-1999 01:31 NE Narrow ejection. 10-Apr-1999 15:06 SE Fuzzy front. 11-Apr-1999 03:30 NW Faint ejection followed by many hours of enhanced outflow. 12-Apr-1999 02:30 NE Loop front with nice knotted circular core. 13-Apr-1999 03:30 W+ Partial halo extends from N to SE. Two Moreton waves in EIT. 13-Apr-1999 13:54 E Lots of structure, preceded by slow expansion for several hours. 14-Apr-1999 09:30 NW Narrow ejection. 14-Apr-1999 23:54 NW Loop folds over away from pole. 15-Apr-1999 07:31 SE Jet. 15-Apr-1999 17:30 N Elongated loop. 16-Apr-1999 03:06 SE Blob of material. 17-Apr-1999 06:36 SW Large loop. maybe another event in S at 07:54 merges with this one. 17-Apr-1999 14:06 W Narrow loop. 17-Apr-1999 19:31 SW Material ejected. 18-Apr-1999 08:30 NE Loop front with bright knot. Multiple overlapping loops? 18-Apr-1999 20:30 NE Loop with core. 19-Apr-1999 02:30 SW Loop front disintegrates in C2. 19-Apr-1999 02:30 NE Loop with sharp apex. 19-Apr-1999 08:30 W Ragged front. 19-Apr-1999 ~12:54 NW Slowly expanding arcade lasts all day. 20-Apr-1999 13:31 SW Ragged loop disintegrates in C2. 21-Apr-1999 09:54 W Material ejected. 21-Apr-1999 12:54 SW Slowly expanding loops. 21-Apr-1999 16:30 W More slow loops or arcade. 22-Apr-1999 02:30 SW Large bright loop with core. 22-Apr-1999 12:30 SW Material ejected, maybe continuation of outflow from previous event. 23-Apr-1999 01:54 SW Complex loop with trailing material. 23-Apr-1999 12:30 N Faint fuzzy loop. 23-Apr-1999 14:06 W Twisted material outflow for hours. 24-Apr-1999 11:06 SW Two spikes, with amorphous material between. 24-Apr-1999 13:31 Halo Bright, thick loop first visible in W, later extends all around occulter. Speed ~1400 km/s. Back-side event. 25-Apr-1999 02:06 SW Fast, bright front. 25-Apr-1999 08:30 NE Jet. 25-Apr-1999 12:06 NW Loop front, also earlier event at about 05:54. 26-Apr-1999 13:54 NE Material ejected. 27-Apr-1999 14:06 S Arcade with core. 27-Apr-1999 22:30 NE Bright material with legs. 29-Apr-1999 03:30 S+ Partial halo, brightest over S pole, with extensions to E and to SW. Extends from ~PA 87-227. Nothing in EIT, so probably back-side. 29-Apr-1999 05:30 NW Small jet-like ejection. 29-Apr-1999 18:06 NE Amorphous, diffuse front. 29-Apr-1999 19:54 N+ Partial halo, brightest in N. M flare in AR 8524 at N22W15. 30-Apr-1999 18:06 NW Faint front. 30-Apr-1999 21:26 SW Narrow ejection. 01-May-1999 16:50 SW Faint ejection, non-radial in C2. 02-May-1999 12:50 SW Narrow ejection. 02-May-1999 <15:18 S Arcade of loops - difficult to pinpoint start time in C2. 02-May-1999 15:50 NE Ragged front with core, preceded by deflection of quiescent structure to N. 02-May-1999 19:26 NE Ragged front with bright core, follows similar trajectory to previous event. 03-May-1999 06:06 Halo Bright front in NE, emission all around occulting disk. M5 flare in AR8525. Initial speed ~1200 km/s, but decelerates through C3 FOV. 04-May-1999 00:27 NE Narrow ejection. 04-May-1999 <04:51 E Faint U shape - difficult to pinpoint start time. 04-May-1999 07:51 E Material ejected. 05-May-1999 10:26 NE Puff of material, maybe a narrow elongated loop. 05-May-1999 15:50 E Bright front with trailing structure. 06-May-1999 00:50 E Ragged front. 06-May-1999 16:26 NW Faint loop. 07-May-1999 02:06 N Diffuse front with following arcade. 07-May-1999 03:26 E Material ejected. 07-May-1999 05:06 E Spit of material ejected. Probably associated with M3 flare from unnumbered AR near E limb. 07-May-1999 07:50 NE Ragged front, brightest near equator. Probably prominence material following at ~10:26. 08-May-1999 01:50 W Small defined jetlike CME off limb 08-May-1999 09:06 NE Fast jet, small structure CME 08-May-1999 14:50 W Large eruption, Very bright front, Fast. 09-May-1999 00:26 NE Small CME, prominence material eruption 09-May-1999 18:27 W Large CME, partial halo of multiple emissions and separate events seen. 09-May-1999 23:50 NNW Large bright front with continued outflow. was backed with a second emission from same region begining at 00:50 10-May-1999 05:50 Halo Bright front leading edge starting over East limb. 360 degree emission around disk from M2.5 flare of AR8539. Initial speed in C2 was ~1087 km/sec. 10-May-1999 17:59 NW Large bright CME 11-May-1999 04:26 NW Lop fronts in NW with fainter extension to NE over pole. Resembles a 'tear-drop' shape in C3. 11-May-1999 10:51 SW Small loop or puff of material. 11-May-1999 22:26 E Bright structured front. Possible prominence material following. 12-May-1999 04:06 NE Small CME, slow eruption, long duration. Possible prominence material. Second eruption same area, now flowing over N-Pole starts at 06:26. 12-May-1999 15:50 NW Material along streamer. 12-May-1999 18:50 SW Loop or arcade with trailing structure. 13-May-1999 23:26 NW Diffuse loop-like front. 14-May-1999 03:06 NE Bright front with trailing structure. 14-May-1999 06:50 SW Narrow ejection, preceded by blob. Outflow following for several hours. 14-May-1999 22:26 SE Puff of material, with possible U-shape following. 16-May-1999 17:51 NE Narrow loop. 17-May-1999 00:50 NW Circular loop with core. 17-May-1999 09:26 N Puff of material followed by fainter loops extending over pole. 17-May-1999 ~09:50 SW Amorphous outflow over several hours. 17-May-1999 17:50 NW Ragged front with core. **** No observations from 17-May-1999 21:30 UT until 19-May-1999 **** **** ~22:00 UT during spacecraft momentum management activities. **** 19-May-1999 <23:02 NW In progress when doors were opened. Only trailing structure visible in C2, loop-like front in C3. 19-May-1999 <23:02 W In progress when doors were opened. Narrow ejection in C3. Part of NW event? 19-May-1999 23:02 NE Circular loop-like front, possibly material ahead of it. 20-May-1999 00:26 NW Narrow ejection, maybe part of previous event. 20-May-1999 05:26 NE Several knots of material, maybe prominence material following earlier event in same location? Also at 08:26 and 12:50. 20-May-1999 13:28 NW Loops/arcade with core. 20-May-1999 16:26 N Bright knots of material, probably prominence material associated with previous events in NW and/or NE. 20-May-1999 21:26 SE Loop or arcade front with bright knotted core. 21-May-1999 10:50 NW Bright mound of emission, extends to greater distance near N pole in C2. 21-May-1999 17:50 NE+ Structured front with core. Partial halo, with fainter extensions to NW and E. C-class flare. 22-May-1999 17:20 SE Narrow jet, partly obscured by pylon in C3. 22-May-1999 20:00 NW Material ejected. 23-May-1999 ~07:40 W Slow eruption with circular concave outward structure, maybe a flux rope. 23-May-1999 19:06 NE Jet. 23-May-1999 20:00 NW Material in same direction as earlier slow event, outflow continues into next day. 24-May-1999 06:40 NE Narrow ejection of ragged material. 24-May-1999 10:30 E Asymmetrical loop-like feature. 24-May-1999 <14:37 SE Loop with core, in progress after data gap. 24-May-1999 17:07 NE Material ejected. 25-May-1999 10:50 SW Loop or arcade front. Maybe streamer deflection S of the main event. 25-May-1999 16:26 NE Complex structure, with multiple loops and trailing core. 25-May-1999 23:26 N Arcade of loops extends over N pole. 26-May-1999 04:26 NE Blob of material. 26-May-1999 05:26 SE Narrow loop. 26-May-1999 22:26 SE Material ejected. 27-May-1999 11:06 Halo Structured halo, brightest in W. Backside event. "Jellyfish" feature with bright ray connecting back to occulter follows in W. 27-May-1999 14:50 E Bright structured loop with core. Filament eruption in EIT. 27-May-1999 16:26 SE Ragged loop overlaps with previous event. 27-May-1999 19:26 SE Multiple ejections of material at the same position angle over several hours. 28-May-1999 09:50 SE Ragged loop-like ejection. 28-May-1999 10:26 N Faint fuzzy front over N pole in C2. Not so clear in C3. 29-May-1999 03:26 SE Bright loop. 30-May-1999 00:26 NE Ragged material. 30-May-1999 03:50 E Bright loop with core followed by knotted structures. 30-May-1999 11:06 W Large loop or arcade front with loop-like core. Continuous outflow for hours afterwards. 31-May-1999 10:20 SW Cloud of material. 31-May-1999 17:40 NW Blob of material. 31-May-1999 18:50 SE Loop or arcade front. Large circular or U-shape follows several hours later. 31-May-1999 19:20 NE Loop with bright knots in leading edge. Trailing core. 01-Jun-1999 13:30 NW+ Slowly expanding arcades. Narrower ejection to NE at same time. Also motion in SW. Partial halo? 01-Jun-1999 <19:37 Halo Bright structured halo. Leading edge not seen in C2. Prominence material to N. No EIT images of onset. "Snowstorm" follows on 02-Jun. 02-Jun-1999 05:06 NW Loop-like ejection. 02-Jun-1999 05:26 W Continuous material ejection over several hours. 02-Jun-1999 07:50 N Loop-like ejection. 02-Jun-1999 11:06 NE Material ejected. 02-Jun-1999 21:26 NW+ Large loop with core. V-shapes at trailing edge. Partial halo, extending over 170 degs. Post-CME loops behind limb in EIT. 03-Jun-1999 03:06 W Material ejected. 03-Jun-1999 09:06 SW Narrow loop. 03-Jun-1999 13:26 W Ragged material ejected. 03-Jun-1999 16:50 NW Small ejection. 04-Jun-1999 00:50 Halo Bright leading edge in NNE, with emission all around disk. Back side event. 04-Jun-1999 07:26 NW+ Large, very fast loop-like ejection becomes partial halo. M flare in AR 8552 in NW. 04-Jun-1999 09:26 W Nice loop with compact core. More loops later in day, floowed by U-shape at 19:26. 04-Jun-1999 19:26 NE Narrow ejection. Polar crown filament eruption in EIT. 04-Jun-1999 23:26 NE Structured loop. 05-Jun-1999 05:26 W Material ejected. 05-Jun-1999 07:26 NW U-shape or circular structure. 06-Jun-1999 23:26 NE Amorphous cloud. 07-Jun-1999 02:26 W Narrow material ejected. 07-Jun-1999 06:26 E Loop with trailing structure. 07-Jun-1999 08:06 W Loop-like ejection. 08-Jun-1999 03:50 NW Faint loop-like ejection. 08-Jun-1999 05:50 NE Bright tongue, also material along E limb. 08-Jun-1999 21:26 Halo Multiple events behind limb in EIT. 09-Jun-1999 05:26 NE Material ejected. 09-Jun-1999 05:26 NW Narrow ejection. 10-Jun-1999 04:26 W Material ejected. 10-Jun-1999 05:26 N+ Loop or arcade with core. Partial halo. 10-Jun-1999 11:50 NE Ragged loop. 10-Jun-1999 15:06 E Loop with twisted core. 11-Jun-1999 01:26 W Bright structured front 11-Jun-1999 10:26 SW Jet or narrow loop. 11-Jun-1999 11:26 NE Large, bright loop with structured core followed(?) by faint loops at 18:06 11-Jun-1999 11:16 W Faint loop (from same source region as 01:26 event?). 12-Jun-1999 00:26 E Material ejected. Continued gusty ejection until >19:00. 12-Jun-1999 10:26 NE Material ejected. Continued gusty ejection until >19:00. Streamer blowout? 12-Jun-1999 14:26 W Fast bright jet. 12-Jun-1999 21:26 Halo First appears in NW; brightest here with emission over >250deg. Multiple events, from ARs 8569, 8583 13-Jun-1999 02:26 SW+ Fast non-radial jet. Followed by faint ejection at 05:50. 13-Jun-1999 07:50 NW Faint ejection. Streamer blowout? 13-Jun-1999 17:06 E Bright front, fades rapidly, followed by bright, highly twisted core. Further faint ejecta during next 12 hrs. 13-Jun-1999 17:06 S+ Bright, fast front. 13-Jun-1999 17:06 NW Multiple events, fainter than in other two regions. Blobs and loops over a ~8 hr period. 13-Jun-1999 17:06 See Multiple events in E, S and NW. Partial halo? above 14-Jun-1999 13:36 SE Fast front followed by bright twisted core. 15-Jun-1999 11:50 W+ Bright front w arcades. AR 8574? 15-Jun-1999 23:54 E+ Faint loop; follows streamer blowout. 16-Jun-1999 03:54 E+ Multiple loops; same source region as above? 16-Jun-1999 04:54 NE Bright front followed by bright core. Concave-out feature(s?). Behind limb in EIT. 16-Jun-1999 <11:30 NE Faint loop, from same source region? 16-Jun-1999 <11:30 N+ Multiple loops, concave-out feature. AR 8575? 16-Jun-1999 15:06 NE Faint blob; concave-out in C3? Same source region as NE events at 14:54 and <11:30? 16-Jun-1999 18:54 W Multiple loops. **** LASCO doors closed for spacecraft maneuvers from 16-Jun-1999 **** **** until 19-Jun-1999. **** 19-Jun-1999 <12:30 NW Nice twisted core. In progress after data gap. 19-Jun-1999 <12:30 NE Ragged loop. In progress after data gap. 19-Jun-1999 15:30 SW+ Arcade becomes partial halo. EIT eruption in SW quadrant. 19-Jun-1999 15:30 NE+ Arcade possibly becomes partial halo. Mixed in with previous event in list in LASCO. Back side in EIT. 19-Jun-1999 19:11 W Material ejected simultaneously on W and SE limbs. 19-Jun-1999 22:30 W Loop or arcade with core. 19-Jun-1999 23:30 NE Ragged material. 20-Jun-1999 <04:32 NW Loop with core. 20-Jun-1999 05:30 SE Narrow jet. 20-Jun-1999 15:54 NE Structured (dimpled) loop with core. 20-Jun-1999 19:31 NE Another loop in same direction as previous. 20-Jun-1999 21:54 S Faint loop over pole. 21-Jun-1999 00:30 SE Faint front. 21-Jun-1999 03:30 NW Loop front falls apart leaving bright legs. 22-Jun-1999 18:54 Halo Bright front in NE becomes halo. Faint in S. M flare in EIT and GOES. 23-Jun-1999 02:30 SW Multiple events? 23-Jun-1999 07:31 NE Diffuse front with trailing structure. 23-Jun-1999 22:30 SW Ragged front. Maybe a simultaneosu event in the NE? 24-Jun-1999 00:54 SW Large loop or arcade. 24-Jun-1999 13:31 NE+ Loop with fine structure becomes partial halo extending over at least 270 degs PA. Filament eruption near CM in EIT. 24-Jun-1999 17:55 N Elongated loop over N pole. Part of previous event? 26-Jun-1999 07:31 Halo Very faint full halo. Origin uncertain. 26-Jun-1999 15:30 N Narrow extended loop. 26-Jun-1999 19:54 SE+ Faint partial halo. 27-Jun-1999 00:30 W Loop with trailing knotted structure. Very slow event. 27-Jun-1999 08:30 E Ragged loop falls apart in C2. 27-Jun-1999 09:06 N+ Bright front merges with previous event to form partial halo. M flare in EIT. 27-Jun-1999 21:30 SE Faint fuzzy material. 28-Jun-1999 01:31 SE Loop or arcade bends toward equator. 28-Jun-1999 09:30 NW Compact knotted structure. 28-Jun-1999 11:54 SW Narrow extended loop. 28-Jun-1999 12:00 NW Loop or arcade with core. Becomes partial halo extending to E. Origin behind limb. 28-Jun-1999 21:30 NW Tongue of material. 28-Jun-1999 21:30 W U shape structure with knotted material following. 29-Jun-1999 02:54 SW Blob or jet - narrow ejection. 29-Jun-1999 05:54 NE Diffuse front, maybe partial halo. 29-Jun-1999 07:31 Halo Beautiful structured halo. Behind limb. 29-Jun-1999 14:30 E Ragged material. 29-Jun-1999 18:54 Halo Faint halo, brightest in NE. Behind limb. 30-Jun-1999 03:30 E Ragged front. 30-Jun-1999 04:30 W+ Bright structured front becomes partial halo, about 200 deg apparent width. Mixes with previous and next events to form apparent full halo. Back side event. 30-Jun-1999 05:30 SE Diffuse front. M1 flare in AR 8611, visible in EIT. 30-Jun-1999 09:54 E Loop-like leading edge with core. 30-Jun-1999 11:54 Halo Faint fuzzy halo. M flare in AR 8603, visible in EIT. 30-Jun-1999 13:31 NE+ Arcade leading edge with core, becomes partial halo, about 120 deg apparent width. Back side event. 30-Jun-1999 15:30 NW Loop front with compact core. 01-Jul-1999 08:30 E Material ejected. 01-Jul-1999 19:31 NW Loop-like front with core. 01-Jul-1999 22:30 NW Jet in same location as previous event. 02-Jul-1999 04:30 E Ragged front. 02-Jul-1999 04:30 NW Multiple loops. 02-Jul-1999 13:31 SW Loop front becomes ragged in C2. 02-Jul-1999 14:30 NW Narrow ejection. 02-Jul-1999 16:30 SW+ Faint loop or arcade become partial halo. Possible association with M flare in AR 8611. 02-Jul-1999 17:30 NE Bright loop with core. 02-Jul-1999 21:32 SW Small loop. 03-Jul-1999 09:06 NW Bright material. 03-Jul-1999 11:06 NW Loop with possible trailing U-shape. 03-Jul-1999 17:30 NW Multiple loops or arcade. 03-Jul-1999 19:54 NW+ Bright loop front with core becomes partial halo. Probably front side. 03-Jul-1999 21:54 NE Complex structure - probably multiple events. 04-Jul-1999 00:30 N Faint loops. 04-Jul-1999 05:30 NW Multiple loops. 04-Jul-1999 <13:31 E Ragged front. 04-Jul-1999 17:54 NW Blob of material, part of continuous outflow. 05-Jul-1999 02:54 W Loops with fuzzy leading edge and trailing structure - probably multiple events. 05-Jul-1999 06:30 SW Jet. 05-Jul-1999 11:30 NW Faint fan. 05-Jul-1999 13:54 NE Fuzzy front with two jet-like features at sides. 06-Jul-1999 06:30 E Ragged material. 06-Jul-1999 <12:54 NE Bright loop(s) with core. 06-Jul-1999 17:06 Halo Lots of structure over N pole. Less well-defined elsewhere, but covers 360 deg. Behind limb in EIT. 06-Jul-1999 21:30 E Ragged material. 07-Jul-1999 01:31 N Faint loop. 07-Jul-1999 06:30 N Bright apparently dimpled front - maybe multiple loops. 07-Jul-1999 06:54 SW Jet. 07-Jul-1999 12:54 SW Narrow ejection. 07-Jul-1999 19:31 W Bright structured arcade with trailing material. Deflection of pre-existing structures to sides of CME. 08-Jul-1999 03:06 N Faint blob. 08-Jul-1999 03:06 E Faint material. 08-Jul-1999 10:54 E Material ejected, maybe another loop-like ejection at ~12:54. 09-Jul-1999 05:54 NW Ragged front with circular structure following. 09-Jul-1999 18:06 SW Material ejected. 10-Jul-1999 00:30 E Loop with trailing material. 10-Jul-1999 <04:31 SE Ragged front. 10-Jul-1999 20:06 E Dimpled front - multiple loops? 10-Jul-1999 21:30 SW Jet or fan. 11-Jul-1999 01:31 NE Faint arcade with component also in SE. 11-Jul-1999 13:54 SW Loop front fades in C2. 11-Jul-1999 15:06 SW Faint loops or arcade. Prominence eruption in EIT. 12-Jul-1999 <00:54 E Narrow loop-like ejection. 12-Jul-1999 <00:54 SW Material ejected. 12-Jul-1999 06:54 W Material ejected. 12-Jul-1999 07:54 SE Loop front with core. 12-Jul-1999 <18:30 NW Loops or arcade. 12-Jul-1999 <18:30 W Flattened front with core. 13-Jul-1999 01:54 SW Material ejected. YA bright blob at 04:30. 13-Jul-1999 <11:30 NE Twisted prominence structure. 13-Jul-1999 ~12:30 W Slowly expanding loops over several hours. 13-Jul-1999 18:30 NE Jet followed by loops, in same location as earlier event. 14-Jul-1999 ~05:30 W Slow-moving concave outward structure. 15-Jul-1999 08:30 S Faint arcade. 15-Jul-1999 11:30 S Another arcade, apparently separate from previous one. 15-Jul-1999 18:41 SW Narrow loop with core. 16-Jul-1999 09:54 NW Structured loops. 16-Jul-1999 11:54 NE Loop with core. Twisted structure to N of this loop. Separate events? 16-Jul-1999 16:30 NW Large bright loop. 16-Jul-1999 20:30 NW Large bright loop, fast with twisted structure 17-Jul-1999 10:54 NW Defined jetting 17-Jul-1999 12:30 NW Defined jetting. 18-Jul-1999 00:30 W Bright front, undefined leading edge 18-Jul-1999 01:54 WSW Large front, circular core, symetrical 18-Jul-1999 06:30 W Small emission CME, jet-like 18-Jul-1999 10:54 W Small emission CME, jet-like 18-Jul-1999 15:06 NNW Slow prominence structure 18-Jul-1999 23:30 NNW Fast defined jetting 19-Jul-1999 03:06 Halo Full faint halo in C2, partial in C3. Bright LE off W, NW limbs. Cause: C4 flare AR8631 at central meridian. Waves in EIT and TRACE. 19-Jul-1999 08:54 NE Large bright front with structure loop. M4 flare on limb, continued outflow till 18:00 20-Jul-1999 09:06 W Faint prominence material. 21-Jul-1999 02:30 SSW Faint front, circular developing loops. 21-Jul-1999 05;06 E Defined jet, streamer-like 21-Jul-1999 09:30 SE Fast narrow jet 21-Jul-1999 09:54 W CME, obscure shaped front loop. 21-Jul-1999 14:30 E Fast jet. 21-Jul-1999 17:54 NE CME roughed LE, bright inner structure. 21-Jul-1999 18:06 NW Defined Jet 22-Jul-1999 00:54 NW Prominence material, rough LE 22-Jul-1999 10:31 E;W Two small ejections over limbs. Comprable LE, appearence, and speeds. Not over poles. 23-Jul-1999 00:06 SE Large CME, typical bright front. 23-Jul-1999 16:30 NNE Bright jet. 23-Jul-1999 19:31 NNE Bright jet. (same region) 23-Jul-1999 19:31 SE Counter-clockwise rolling loop structure. 23-Jul-1999 21:30 NE Large CME, comprable rolling/rotating loops 24-Jul-1999 22:30 NNW Fan-like event. Faint LE,stable inter-structure 25-Jul-1999 06:54 SSE Fast defined spike-like jet. 25-Jul-1999 11:30 NE CME, bright solid front. 25-Jul-1999 13:31 HALO Large CME, wide bright loop structure. LE NW directed. FUll 360 degree, Backsided. 25-Jul-1999 <21:30 NNW Very fast CME, ragged undefined LE. 26-Jul-1999 18:30 NW Defined jet. 26-Jul-1999 21:30 SE Puff, filament eruption 27-Jul-1999 01:31 NE Large fast CME, typical. Well defined structure 140 deg wide. Inner mass structure intact. 27-Jul-1999 13:31 E Bright puff, continued outflow. 28-Jul-1999 <05:30 HALO Started with obscure LE in NW. 360 deg event. 28-Jul-1999 09:06 HALO Full 360 deg event. Faint event following event earlier at 05:30. 28-Jul-1999 12:06 NNW Defined jet. 28-Jul-1999 14:54 NNW Defined jet. 28-Jul-1999 18:54 NNW Defined jet. 29-Jul-1999 00:54 N Bright jet. 29-Jul-1999 01:54 E Ragged loop front. 29-Jul-1999 06:54 E Another ragged front. 29-Jul-1999 14:30 N Jet. 29-Jul-1999 23:30 SW Ragged front. 29-Jul-1999 23:30 N Large loop or arcade with trailing structure. 30-Jul-1999 05:54 SE Faint material. 31-Jul-1999 ~09:06 W Slow expansion of loops. 31-Jul-1999 11:26 NE+ Large bright loop with core becomes partial halo. Visible everywhere except SW. EIT filament eruption in NW at 10:36. 01-Aug-1999 02:06 W Small CME, weak front. Disipates quickly 01-Aug-1999 06:50 W Mangled LE. Bright structure following behind with backbone appearance 01-Aug-1999 16:50 E Jet; defined, spike like 01-Aug-1999 19:26 NPole Large loop structure w/bright front. Bright inner structure. 01-Aug-1999 21:26 NW Started behind previous outflow with no LE. later developed into a cloud like event. 02-Aug-1999 07:06 E Large event. Bright typical LE. Dissapear quick 02-Aug-1999 13:26 SSW Fast jet 02-Aug-1999 21:26 E Large CME. Developed into "smoke-ring" looking LE. Twisted inner stucture; may dense material. 02-Aug-1999 22:26 SW Ragged front CME. Medium size. Associated with X1 flare from AR8647. Low total emission. 03-Aug-1999 19:26 SSW Small twisted ejection. Result of M2 flare from AR8647. Low total emission. 03-Aug-1999 21:50 NE Fast defined jet. 04-Aug-1999 02:06 NNW Prominence material 04-Aug-1999 06:26 SW Large obscure loop CME, bright front. Result of M6 flare from AR8647. 04-Aug-1999 14:06 NNW Small CME; filament eruption 04-Aug-1999 21:06 NE Small CME; No defined LE 05-Aug-1999 02:50 E Scattered ejection, developed into small CME 05-Aug-1999 15:50 SSW Small 'cloud-like' event. 05-Aug-1999 17:06 NE Large filament eruption (behind limb). Highly structured loop w/infastructure following. 05-Aug-1999 23:26 W Loop or arcade with twisted core. 06-Aug-1999 03:26 SW Loop front with trailing structure. 06-Aug-1999 06:06 E Jet. 06-Aug-1999 06:26 NW Loop front with trailing prominence material. 06-Aug-1999 11:26 W Material, maybe part of earlier ejections. 06-Aug-1999 19:50 W Arcade of loops with core. 06-Aug-1999 21:26 SW Loop front. 07-Aug-1999 05:26 NW Multiple loops or arcade with compact circular structure following. 07-Aug-1999 21:26 SW Bright thick front. 07-Aug-1999 23:50 S+ Sharply defined front becomes partial halo. 08-Aug-1999 10:26 NE Material ejected. 09-Aug-1999 03:26 SW+ Fuzzy leading edge becomes partial halo. 09-Aug-1999 10:26 NE Jet. 10-Aug-1999 16:54 SE Material ejected. 11-Aug-1999 06:06 NE Fuzzy loops. 11-Aug-1999 06:06 SE Twisted loop with trailing material. 11-Aug-1999 ~15:06 S Faint front over pole. 11-Aug-1999 20:30 E Faint arcade. 11-Aug-1999 22:30 NW Bright thick front with trailing loops. 11-Aug-1999 23:30 NE Material ejected. 12-Aug-1999 00:30 NW Bright structured loop with core. 12-Aug-1999 00:30 NE Loop or arcade. 12-Aug-1999 12:06 NE Narrow jet. 12-Aug-1999 18:30 NE Narrow jet. Very non-radial. 12-Aug-1999 21:07 SW Loop front falls apart in C2. 14-Aug-1999 02:30 W Elongated loop front. 14-Aug-1999 06:30 NE Large loop front with loop-like core. 14-Aug-1999 14:30 W Loop front falls apart. Trailing material. 14-Aug-1999 18:30 SE Jet. 14-Aug-1999 19:54 NE Fast jet. 15-Aug-1999 00:54 E Narrow loop with thick front. 15-Aug-1999 14:06 W Faint material. 16-Aug-1999 00:30 SE Loop or arcade with faint extansion over S pole. 16-Aug-1999 08:30 NE Jet. 16-Aug-1999 10:31 SE Another jet. 16-Aug-1999 12:06 SE Loop with compact core. 16-Aug-1999 17:39 SE Bright loop or arcade. 17-Aug-1999 05:09 SE+ Bright structured loop front with trailing prominence. Partial halo, originating from the back side. 17-Aug-1999 13:31 NE+ Large bright structured loop with bright core. Becomes partial halo extending over >160 degrees. C2 flare in AR 8668 (N21 E28). 18-Aug-1999 05:54 SW Faint loop with flattened top. 18-Aug-1999 11:30 W Loop front with core. 18-Aug-1999 18:54 NE Blob of material. 18-Aug-1999 22:30 NE Another blob, this one circular. 19-Aug-1999 12:50 S Material ejected. 20-Aug-1999 13:26 SE Loop falls apart in C2. 20-Aug-1999 18:06 NW Multiple loops or arcades. 20-Aug-1999 18:50 SE Material ahead of loop with core. 20-Aug-1999 23:26 SE Material ahead of loop. 21-Aug-1999 13:50 NW Very slowly expanding loops. 21-Aug-1999 15:26 SE Jet or fan. 21-Aug-1999 16:50 SE Material ahead of loop which falls apart. 21-Aug-1999 22:26 SE Material ejected. 22-Aug-1999 09:07 SE Multiple loops. 22-Aug-1999 16:26 SE Jet, with a small loop N of it. 23-Aug-1999 22:26 SE Jet. 24-Aug-1999 09:50 NE Loop front falls apart. 24-Aug-1999 23:26 N Loop or arcade with loop-like core. 25-Aug-1999 11:06 SE Structured loop with material ahead. 25-Aug-1999 12:50 S Jet. 25-Aug-1999 20:26 N Loop with core erupts following gradual expansion over hours. 26-Aug-1999 03:08 W Loop front with jet-like feature at northern edge of loop. 26-Aug-1999 14:26 SE Loop front with twisted core. 26-Aug-1999 15:07 S Multiple faint loops. 26-Aug-1999 15:07 N Loop, part of continuous outflow following event of 25-Aug. 27-Aug-1999 12:26 NE+ Bright structured loop with core becomes partial halo. 27-Aug-1999 20:26 NE Bright structured loops. 28-Aug-1999 00:50 NW Jet. 28-Aug-1999 01:26 W Bright, narrow loop-like ejection. 28-Aug-1999 10:26 SW Narrow loop. 28-Aug-1999 18:26 SW+ Bright structured partial halo, about 260 degrees wide. X-flare in AR 8674 in SW. 29-Aug-1999 01:26 S Loops expand outwards over several hours. Maybe part of previous halo event. 29-Aug-1999 04:14 NE Narrow material. 29-Aug-1999 06:26 NW Arcade of loops with core. 29-Aug-1999 23:50 NE Blob of material. 30-Aug-1999 10:26 NE Narrow loop. 30-Aug-1999 15:06 NW Fan of material. 30-Aug-1999 18:50 N Bright loop with knotted structure and bright core. 31-Aug-1999 21:30 N Blob of material. 01-Sep-1999 02:30 SE+ Very faint partial halo. Probably associated with C-flare observed by EIT. 02-Sep-1999 05:30 NW Dimpled front with some trailing structure. 02-Sep-1999 15:30 SE+ Bright structured loop with faint extension over S pole. Backside partial halo. 02-Sep-1999 16:30 S+ Loop or arcade becomes partial halo. Probably backside. 03-Sep-1999 00:06 S+ Bright loop with compact core. YA partial halo. Origin in AR 8679. 03-Sep-1999 17:54 NW Loop front gets distorted in C2. 04-Sep-1999 19:31 SE Ragged front with core. 05-Sep-1999 03:54 SW Bright loop front with core. 05-Sep-1999 14:30 SW Ragged material in same location as previous event. 05-Sep-1999 16:54 N Ragged material. 07-Sep-1999 07:54 SW Bright loop front. 07-Sep-1999 11:54 NE Narrow material. 07-Sep-1999 13:54 NW Narrow loop. 07-Sep-1999 22:02 SW Ragged material. 07-Sep-1999 22:02 NE Faint material. 07-Sep-1999 22:34 NW Faint loop or arcade. 08-Sep-1999 11:54 SW Loop front with core. 08-Sep-1999 14:08 E Fuzzy loop covering about 100 deg in PA. M flare in AR 8690. 09-Sep-1999 08:30 SW Narrow elongated tongue. 09-Sep-1999 ~13:31 NW Slow eruption of arcade. 09-Sep-1999 14:06 NW Narrow loop. 09-Sep-1999 <18:30 N Filamentary structure. 09-Sep-1999 19:52 NW Loop or arcade with core. 09-Sep-1999 20:30 SW Bright loop front with knotted circular core. 09-Sep-1999 21:54 N Narrow loop front. 10-Sep-1999 02:30 SW Elongated loop. 10-Sep-1999 06:30 N Blob of material. 10-Sep-1999 07:54 N Large structured loop. Deflection of streamer in NE. Partial halo, extending over 120 deg. Backside event. 10-Sep-1999 17:30 NE Ragged material. 11-Sep-1999 01:54 SW Large loop with circular core. Partial halo, extending 135 degs. Backside event. 11-Sep-1999 21:54 N Structured loop. 12-Sep-1999 00:54 W Bright loop front with core, extends about 120 degs along W limb. Filament eruption in EIT. 12-Sep-1999 02:06 NE Blob of material. 12-Sep-1999 04:30 N Cloud of material, with some wispy structure. 12-Sep-1999 06:54 N Jet along streamer. 12-Sep-1999 15:30 N Material in same direction as previous jet. 12-Sep-1999 17:54 NE Filamentary material. 13-Sep-1999 02:30 NW Material ejected along streamer. 13-Sep-1999 07:31 NW Arcade with core. Same location as previous event. 13-Sep-1999 08:06 NE Narrow twisted loop. 13-Sep-1999 09:30 NW+ Loop or arcade behind faint faint front that becomes partial halo. C5 flare in AR 8699. 13-Sep-1999 14:30 N Flattened loop front. 13-Sep-1999 17:31 E+ Very faint partial halo. C2 flare in AR 8693. 14-Sep-1999 06:30 NW Loop front with twisted prominence core. 14-Sep-1999 12:06 NE Loop with core. 14-Sep-1999 15:54 W Fast bright front. 14-Sep-1999 16:54 NE Narrow blob or jet of material. 14-Sep-1999 21:30 NE Multiple loops - more than one event? 15-Sep-1999 05:06 W Blob of material. 15-Sep-1999 06:54 W Narrow fan or jet. 15-Jun-1999 09:54 NE Material ejected. 15-Sep-1999 14:30 NE Loop with core. Blob of material ejected at northern edge of loop. 16-Sep-1999 00:06 NE Material ejected. 16-Sep-1999 04:30 S+ Slow expansion of arcade, covering about 100 degrees in PA. Nothing visible in EIT. 16-Sep-1999 08:54 NE Jet. 16-Sep-1999 10:30 NE Another jet. 16-Sep-1999 16:54 NW+ loop-like front with trailing prominence becomes partial halo. Prominence eruption in EIT. 17-Sep-1999 01:31 NE Continuous ejection of material over several hours. 17-Sep-1999 01:54 W Jet. 17-Sep-1999 08:30 N Filamentary material. 17-Sep-1999 12:06 NE Loop front. 17-Sep-1999 14:06 NE Material ejected. 17-Sep-1999 17:30 NW Narrow loop with trailing knotted structure. 17-Sep-1999 19:54 E Small loop. 17-Sep-1999 20:06 NE Material ejected. Similar to 14:06 event. 17-Sep-1999 23:54 NW Jet. 18-Sep-1999 01:31 NE Another jet. 18-Sep-1999 02:30 NW Loop/arcade front. 18-Sep-1999 08:06 SE Loop/arcade front with core. Also blob or jet to NW, maybe a separate event. 18-Sep-1999 19:31 NE Jet. 19-Sep-1999 00:30 E Material ejected. 19-Sep-1999 06:06 SE Continuous outflow of loops over several hours. 19-Sep-1999 11:30 E Multiple narrow loops, continuing into next day. 20-Sep-1999 02:06 E Narrow loops. 20-Sep-1999 06:06 Halo Very faint halo, visible only in running differences. 20-Sep-1999 09:06 NW Loop front with trailing filamentary material. 20-Sep-1999 17:54 W Narrow jet or loop. 20-Sep-1999 23:30 E Elongated loop with ragged front. 20-Sep-1999 23:30 NW Fan or jet. 21-Sep-1999 03:30 NW Large bright loop. 21-Sep-1999 03:54 E Ragged front with filamentary material. 21-Sep-1999 06:30 S Material ejected. 21-Sep-1999 10:54 SW Narrow loop or jet. 21-Sep-1999 ~16:54 SE Very slow expansion of arcade. 21-Sep-1999 21:30 E Blob of material. 22-Sep-1999 04:54 E Loop front. 22-Sep-1999 09:06 E Material ejected. 22-Sep-1999 12:54 SE Narrow loop or jet. 22-Sep-1999 13:54 E Ragged front. 23-Sep-1999 03:30 NW Faint loop. 23-Sep-1999 12:54 SE Narrow loop. 23-Sep-1999 15:54 SW Loop with core. 25-Sep-1999 09:06 SE Jet. 25-Sep-1999 12:30 NW Faint front. 25-Sep-1999 19:31 S Jet. 26-Sep-1999 00:54 E Another jet. 26-Sep-1999 06:30 E Another jet. **** LASCO doors closed at 13:30 UT on 26-Sep-1999 in preparation **** **** for gyroless software upload and commissioning activities. **** **** Observations expected to resume on or about 04-Oct-1999. **** **** LASCO doors reopened and observations resumed at 18:30 UT **** **** on 05-Oct-1999 **** 06-Oct-1999 ~01:26 SE Large, slow arcade with twisted prominence structure. 06-Oct-1999 10:06 NE Small loop along streamer. 07-Oct-1999 01:50 E Slow loops. 07-Oct-1999 08:26 SE Narrow loop, maybe with material ahead of it. 07-Oct-1999 17:26 NE Bright fan of material, maybe part of next event? 07-Oct-1999 21:26 NE Arcade and prominence eruption. 08-Oct-1999 19:25 NE Continuous outflow over several hours. 09-Oct-1999 02:50 S Faint fuzzy material. 09-Oct-1999 08:50 E Jet. 10-Oct-1999 10:00 NE Another jet. 10-Oct-1999 12:20 E Another jet. 10-Oct-1999 22:20 E Tongue of material. 11-Oct-1999 05:20 W Loop front with core, fades in C2. 11-Oct-1999 16:50 NE Small loop falls apart in C2. 11-Oct-1999 20:50 NW Jet. 11-Oct-1999 22:00 W Loop front with spike superimposed. 12-Oct-1999 00:00 E Material ejected. 12-Oct-1999 09:06 E Narrow loop or tongue. 12-Oct-1999 13:20 E Bright thick loop with knotted core. 12-Oct-1999 19:18 SE+ Arcade becomes partial halo. No EIT data. 12-Oct-1999 20:02 W Loop front. 13-Oct-1999 09:50 N Bright thick loop with lots of trailing structure. 13-Oct-1999 21:06 SW Jet or narrow fan. 14-Oct-1999 02:50 E Material ejected. 14-Oct-1999 09:26 E+ Arcade becomes partial halo. X1.8 flare and polar crown filament eruption on disk. 14-Oct-1999 12:50 SW Jet. 14-Oct-1999 15:26 W Loop front with core. 16-Oct-1999 03:06 W Flattened loop front. 16-Oct-1999 04:26 E Material ejected. 16-Oct-1999 23:06 NW Arcade, extends all over W limb. Continuous outflow for hours afterwards. 17-Oct-1999 17:50 SE Material ejected. 17-Oct-1999 17:50 NW Jet. 17-Oct-1999 19:26 NW Loops, maybe part of continuous outflow from previous event on 16-Oct. 18-Oct-1999 00:06 NE+ Loop-like leading edge, with faint extension over S pole maybe forming partial halo. 18-Oct-1999 02:06 NW Jet. 18-Oct-1999 14:26 NW Jet. 18-Oct-1999 19:50 SW Loop front with core. 19-Oct-1999 05:50 SE Ragged loop front. 19-Oct-1999 10:26 SE Elongated loop with core. Continuous outflow for many hours afterwards. 20-Oct-1999 06:26 W Bright thick loop with core. 20-Oct-1999 09:50 SE Material ejected. 21-Oct-1999 05:06 SE Material ejected. 21-Oct-1999 09:50 SE More ragged material. 21-Oct-1999 10:26 SE Narrow loops. 22-Oct-1999 04:26 NW Loop with core. 22-Oct-1999 08:50 NW Another loop with core in same location as previous event. 22-Oct-1999 13:26 W Large bright loop or arcade with core. 22-Oct-1999 19:26 NW Loop front with traling material. Maybe 2 events? 23-Oct-1999 01:26 NW+ Large loop with structured core. Partial halo, back side event. 23-Oct-1999 01:26 SW Material ejected. 23-Oct-1999 09:26 NW Loop front falls apart. 23-Oct-1999 13:26 W Circular loop front with core. 23-Oct-1999 17:06 W Small loop falls apart. More loops follow over several hours. 24-Oct-1999 03:26 NW Fan or wave. 24-Oct-1999 10:06 NW Small loop falls apart. 24-Oct-1999 11:26 NW Large bright structured loop with core. 25-Oct-1999 14:26 S+ Structured loop front with traling material. Partial halo. Filament eruption in EIT. 25-Oct-1999 20:24 W Multiple loops. 25-Oct-1999 23:06 NW Ragged front. 26-Oct-1999 03:26 NW Loop front with core. 26-Oct-1999 09:26 SW Loop front with core. 26-Oct-1999 21:50 SW Loop or arcade front with core. 27-Oct-1999 02:06 NW Faint material. 27-Oct-1999 09:50 W Loop front falls apart. 27-Oct-1999 13:50 E Structured loop with core. Deflections of streamers to N and S of CME. 27-Oct-1999 16:06 SW Material ejected. 28-Oct-1999 04:50 SE Diffuse fan followed by narrow bright structure. 28-Oct-1999 22:26 E Narrow loop. 29-Oct-1999 10:06 NE Narrow material. 29-Oct-1999 21:36 W Loop front. 30-Oct-1999 18:00 NE Faint loop. 30-Oct-1999 19:15 SW Bright knot of material. 31-Oct-1999 07:30 SE Jet. 31-Oct-1999 07:30 W Narrow loops. 31-Oct-1999 08:00 SE+ Very faint partial halo in C2 only. 31-Oct-1999 16:45 SE Jet. 31-Oct-1999 20:00 NE Narrow loop. 31-Oct-1999 21:30 E Jet. 01-Nov-1999 15:32 SW Faint narrow loop. 01-Nov-1999 18:45 E Jet fades quickly. 02-Nov-1999 08:50 NE Diffuse material. 02-Nov-1999 23:26 N Faint arcade over pole. 04-Nov-1999 04:50 W Faint loops. 04-Nov-1999 11:50 NE Loop front with core. 04-Nov-1999 19:56 NW Loop or arcade with core. Outflow continues for many hours afterwards. 04-Nov-1999 20:32 SW Fast material. 05-Nov-1999 06:50 E Arcade. 05-Nov-1999 08:26 E Loop front with core. 05-Nov-1999 18:26 E Large bright loop or arcade with structured core. 06-Nov-1999 11:07 NW Diffuse material. 06-Nov-1999 17:42 E Material ejected. 06-Nov-1999 18:43 SW Large loop or arcade with core. 06-Nov-1999 23:38 E Material fades in C2. 07-Nov-1999 11:26 E Ragged loop front with core. 07-Nov-1999 13:39 N Diffuse fan or jet. 07-Nov-1999 18:26 S Diffuse material. 07-Nov-1999 20:26 SE Loop front. 07-Nov-1999 22:26 E Material ejected. 08-Nov-1999 01:54 SE More material ejected. 08-Nov-1999 07:26 W Loops or arcade with knotted core. 08-Nov-1999 11:50 SE Loop front. 08-Nov-1999 12:50 S Narrow loops. 08-Nov-1999 16:26 E Loop front with core. **** LASCO doors closed on 08-Nov-1999 at 20:00 UT for **** **** spacecraft maneuvers. Doors will reopen on 11-Nov-1999. **** **** LASCO doors reopened and observations commenced at **** **** 22:40 UT on 11-Nov-1999. **** 11-Nov-1999 23:42 NW Loop front in C3. In progress when doors opened. 12-Nov-1999 05:30 SE Material ejected. 12-Nov-1999 06:54 W Narrow loop. 12-Nov-1999 10:06 E Faint loops. 12-Nov-1999 19:31 E Material ejected. 13-Nov-1999 00:54 SE Small loops. 13-Nov-1999 08:06 SE Loop front with core. 13-Nov-1999 23:30 SE Slow outflow develops into loop-like event early next day. 14-Nov-1999 00:54 SW Fast narrow loop or jet. 14-Nov-1999 03:54 SE Loop front with core. 14-Nov-1999 06:06 SE Another loop-like ejection - part of the previous event? 14-Nov-1999 10:31 E Slow ragged front. 14-Nov-1999 15:30 E Ragged front followed by long outflow. 14-Nov-1999 18:30 W Loops. 15-Nov-1999 07:31 NW Multiple loops or arcades. 15-Nov-1999 14:30 W Narrow loop. 15-Nov-1999 17:06 NE Narrow loop or jet. Only one C2 image before data gap. **** No LASCO observations from 15-Nov-1999 17:30 UT to 02:00 **** **** 16-Nov-1999 during EIT observations of the Mercury transit. **** 16-Nov-1999 03:06 E Faint front followed by bright loop with sharp top. Maybe partial halo. 16-Nov-1999 05:30 W+ Bright structured loops with core. Maybe multiple events. Partial halo. 16-Nov-1999 10:31 N Small loop front just starting to develop in C2 at time of shutdown. **** LASCO and EIT powered off and doors closed in preparation **** **** for Leonid meteor shower on 16-Nov-1999 11:40 UT. LASCO **** **** observations expected to resume on 22-Nov-1999. **** **** LASCO doors re-opened at 17:45 UT on 22-Nov-1999. **** 22-Nov-1999 IP S Faint loop in C3 FOV when doors opened. 22-Nov-1999 18:43 SW Loop front. 22-Nov-1999 20:06 SE Loop with core. 22-Nov-1999 21:30 SE Another loop to S of previous event. 23-Nov-1999 00:30 SW Very slow loop expansion. 23-Nov-1999 13:54 SE Small loops dissipate in C2. 23-Nov-1999 16:06 S Very faint material over pole. 24-Nov-1999 05:54 NE Loop front. 24-Nov-1999 07:31 NW Slow filament eruption. 24-Nov-1999 16:30 SW Material ejected. 24-Nov-1999 18:30 S Narrow faint loop. 24-Nov-1999 21:30 S Loop or arcade with core. 25-Nov-1999 07:54 SE Material ejected. 25-Nov-1999 17:30 W Narrow loop. 25-Nov-1999 17:54 NW Faint loop. 25-Nov-1999 21:54 NE Jet. 26-Nov-1999 00:30 SW Material ejected. 26-Nov-1999 03:06 SE Faint loop. 26-Nov-1999 07:31 SE Fuzzy leading edge. 26-Nov-1999 07:54 W+ Large loop with knotted core becomes partial halo. C2.8 flare in AR 8771. 26-Nov-1999 17:30 SW+ Large arcade with core becomes partial halo. Filament eruption and C2.3 flare in AR 8778. 27-Nov-1999 05:54 NW Ragged front. 27-Nov-1999 09:06 S Faint loops. 27-Nov-1999 10:54 SE Jet. 27-Nov-1999 12:54 NE Bright narrow loop. 27-Nov-1999 13:31 SE Another narrow ejection in same direction as earlier event. 27-Nov-1999 17:30 W Material ejected. 28-Nov-1999 02:30 SW Narrow bright loop. 28-Nov-1999 07:54 NW Faint blob. **** SOHO in ESR at 11:55 UT on 28-Nov-1999. **** **** SOHO out of ESR and LASCO doors opened on 03-Dec-1999. **** **** S/C roll angle -76 degrees. **** 03-Dec-1999 23:30 W Faint narrow loop. 05-Dec-1999 18:06 E Diffuse front. 05-Dec-1999 22:30 E Ragged front, maybe multiple events. 05-Dec-1999 23:54 SW Bright loop front. 06-Dec-1999 04:54 E Diffuse front. 06-Dec-1999 06:30 SW Ragged bright front. 06-Dec-1999 09:30 Halo Faint ring, brightest in E. C8.4 flare in AR 8788. 06-Dec-1999 15:54 NW Narrow material. 06-Dec-1999 21:54 SE Narrow loop with flattened top. 06-Dec-1999 22:30 W Loop or arcade with core. 07-Dec-1999 10:54 SE Material ejected. **** Lasco Doors Closed during post ESR-13 maneuvers **** **** 12/7 20:00 UT - 12/11 00:51 UT; No images. **** **** S/C roll corrected to nominal pointing. **** **** List from 11-Dec-1999 to 17-Dec-1999 prepared by K. Schenk.**** 11-Dec-1999 10:30 WSW Rough LE; prominence; slow emission 11-Dec-1999 20:30 NE+ Partial Halo; 10-190 deg; bright LE 12-Dec-1999 08:30 Halo Full 360 deg halo. SSW projection. multiple events; backsided; large event. 13-Dec-1999 17:54 SSE Starts with blob; develops into large event over S-Pole. Event due to large filament channel eruption. 13-Dec-1999 21:31 W Limb event, filament related. 14-Dec-1999 15:54 NNW+ Large event, symetrical front with defined structure; Over N-Pole. 14-Dec-1999 20:30 NE Bright round puff. 15-Dec-1999 01:31 NPole rough LE; very fast; filament related with continued outflow. Large event. 15-Dec-1999 20:06 SE Large event, rough LE. 16-Dec-1999 01:31 SSW Defined thin jet. 16-Dec-1999 04:30 W Jet. Develops into big event by 06:00 UT. 16-Dec-1999 21:30 NE Large twisted structure CME; Rough LE 17-Dec-1999 07:54 SE Jetlike CME, defined; outflowed with impressive twisted structure. 18-Dec-1999 <21:54 NW Narrow loop. 18-Dec-1999 <21:54 SW Series of loops or arcade. 19-Dec-1999 ~02:30 W Faint slow arcade over several hours. Difficult to define start time. 19-Dec-1999 07:54 SE Faint small puff of material. 19-Dec-1999 10:54 NW Narrow spike or jet. 20-Dec-1999 03:57 NW Cloud of material. 20-Dec-1999 09:54 SE Loop front with core. 20-Dec-1999 11:30 NE Ragged front. 20-Dec-1999 18:06 Halo Bright full halo, first visible in N. Lots of trailing prominence structure in N. Backside event. **** List from 21-Dec-1999 to 31-Dec-1999 prepared by K. Schenk. **** 21-Dec-1999 17:54 NE Puff cloud CME from M1 flare. 21-Dec-1999 20:30 S Ragged front LE. 22-Dec-1999 02:30 Halo Full halo event. First visible over NPole. Event due to M1.8 flare of AR8806. Symetrical Halo 22-Dec-1999 19:31 Halo Full Halo event. Another event 23-Dec-1999 06:30 NW Jet. 23-Dec-1999 ~07:54 N Slowly erupting arcade lasts all day. 23-Dec-1999 08:54 S Faint front over pole. 23-Dec-1999 21:30 SE Narrow material. 24-Dec-1999 06:30 N Material ejected. 24-Dec-1999 10:30 W Loop moves along edge of remaining structure from event of yesterday at 07:54. 25-Dec-1999 12:30 NE Bright fan of material. 26-Dec-1999 16:54 NW Eruptive prominence, Rough LE. 27-Dec-1999 02:26 NW Large event. Non typical fast front. Due to M flare of AR8806. 27-Dec-1999 07:31 NW Bright blob. 27-Dec-1999 09:30 NE Defined jet. 27-Dec-1999 12:30 NW Large typical CME from M2 flare AR8806. 27-Dec-1999 17:54 NE Small, rough LE, comes behind 12:30 event. 27-Dec-1999 21:08 NE+ Large bright front. Northward projection. Very large helmet structure. 28-Dec-1999 00:54 NW Large bright event with twisted structure. 28-Dec-1999 15:54 SW Small jetlike CME; filament related. 28-Dec-1999 23:54 S Rough LE; filament eruption. 29-Dec-1999 09:54 NW Large event; Large loop structure. 29-Dec-1999 14:54 SE Large, very slow (182km/s) SPole filament channel eruption. Wide circular front. 30-Dec-1999 21:08 NE Fast defined jet. 31-Dec-1999 02:54 SE Faint front starts then develops into sizeable filament eruption by 04:54 UT.