{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 IDL> .COMPILE -f "C:\\IDL\\rjt\\lab\\05\\lab050511.pro" "C:\\Documents and Settings\\eunis\\Local Settings\\Temp\\lab050511.pro"\par IDL> lab050511\par A0: -262.00 484.00 746.00 111.00 271.04 6.96 0.10\par A1: -206.50 542.50 749.00 168.00 510.59 8.15 0.95\par A2: -231.86 516.14 748.00 142.14 134.26 6.48 3.18\par % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating underflow\par \par \par IDL> .COMPILE -f "C:\\IDL\\rjt\\lab\\05\\lab050509.pro" "C:\\Documents and Settings\\eunis\\Local Settings\\Temp\\lab050509.pro"\par % Procedure was compiled while active: LAB050509. Returning.\par IDL> lab050509\par A0: -200.58 545.42 746.00 172.42 115.58 7.20 0.09\par A1: -136.37 612.63 749.00 238.13 508.90 7.39 0.13\par A2: -170.18 577.82 748.00 203.82 139.33 8.20 0.33\par % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating underflow\f1\fs20\par \par \f0\fs17 IDL> .COMPILE -f "C:\\IDL\\rjt\\lab\\05\\lab050505.pro" "C:\\Documents and Settings\\eunis\\Local Settings\\Temp\\lab050505.pro"\par % Procedure was compiled while active: LAB050505. Returning.\par IDL> lab050505\par A0: 16.10 757.83 741.73 386.96 136.51 7.10 0.06\par A1: 72.69 820.99 748.30 446.84 530.40 7.07 0.10\par A2: 45.82 793.28 747.46 419.55 159.98 7.85 0.08\par % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating underflow\par \f1\fs20\par \f0\fs17 IDL> .COMPILE -f "C:\\IDL\\rjt\\lab\\05\\lab050502.pro" "C:\\Documents and Settings\\eunis\\Local Settings\\Temp\\lab050502.pro"\par IDL> lab050502\par A0: 244.72 990.37 745.66 617.55 328.16 7.79 0.05\par A2: 277.85 1026.19 748.34 652.02 351.91 7.90 0.11\par % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating underflow\par \f1\fs20\par \f0\fs17 IDL> .COMPILE -f "C:\\IDL\\rjt\\lab\\05\\lab050422.pro" "C:\\Documents and Settings\\eunis\\Local Settings\\Temp\\lab050422.pro"\f1\fs20\par \f0\fs17 IDL> lab050422\par A0: 92.35 840.91 748.55 466.63 248.24 5.00 0.11\par A1: 150.45 900.70 750.26 525.58 642.06 5.24 0.10\par A2: 124.24 872.69 748.45 498.47 271.68 5.57 0.17\par % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating underflow\par \f1\fs20\par \par \par \par \f0\fs17 IDL> findpro,'gsfit'\par Procedure gsfit found in directory C:\\IDL\\rjt\\misc\\fit\par DL> findpro,'disp'\par Procedure disp found in directory C:\\IDL\\rjt\\misc\par IDL> findpro,'read_fits'\par Procedure read_fits found in directory C:\\IDL\\rjt\\projects\\serts_wtt\par IDL> findpro,'gdfit'\par Procedure gdfit found in directory C:\\IDL\\rjt\\misc\\fit\par \f1\fs20\par }