;+ ; ; NAME: ; CPHOUSE ; ; PURPOSE: ; Output housekeeping information. ; ; CATEGORY: ; CP diplay ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; pro cphouse, hk=hk, ntime=ntime, colo=colo ; ; CALLED BY: ; CPTV, CPMOVIE ; ; CALLS TO: ; none ; ; INPUTS: ; HK : Array of size (224 x N) where N is 1 for single images ; and 2 for difference images. Contains the housekeeping ; information for the current image(s) ; NTIME : 0 means display the house keeping for the normal image ; or base image of a difference display ; 1 means use the subtraction image values in HK ; COLO : -1 means no hard copy allowed ; 0 means hard copy device is B/W ; 1 means hard copy device is color ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; none ; ; OUTPUTS: ; none ; ; OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: ; none ; ; COMMON BLOCKS: ; none ; ; SIDE EFFECTS: ; none ; ; RESTRICTIONS: ; none ; ; PROCEDURE: ; Writes the house keeping information to the output device. ; If a difference image, the base image house keeeping is on the ; left and the subtraction image house keeping is written on the right. ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 1991 - Elaine Einfalt (HSTX) ; ;- pro cphouse, hk=hk, ntime=ntime, colo=colo x=.05+(.80*ntime) & y=.96 & down=.05 & skip=.01 if colo eq -1 then fac = 1 else fac=.80 labsiz=1.2*fac & valsiz=2*fac xyouts, x, y, 'DATE', /normal, size=labsiz & y=y-down iyr = fix(hk(0)) & idoy = 256*hk(1) + hk(2) xyouts, x, y, strtrim(iyr,2)+':'+string(idoy,format='(i3.3)'), /normal, $ size=valsiz y=y-down- skip xyouts, x, y, 'TIME', /normal, size=labsiz & y=y-down time = string(fix(hk(20)),format='(i2.2)') + ':' + $ string(fix(hk(21)),'(i2.2)') + ':' + string(fix(hk(24)),'(i2.2)') xyouts, x, y, time, /normal, size=valsiz & y=y-down-skip ; get the day and month from day-of-year and year month = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', $ 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] nday = intarr(12) & nday( [0,2,4,6,7,9,11] ) = 31 & nday( [3,5,8,10] ) = 30 ly = float(iyr)/4. & if (ly-fix(ly)) eq 0.0 then nday(1)=29 else nday(1)=28 ndt = 0 & for i = 0,11 do begin ndt = ndt + nday(i) & if ndt ge idoy then goto, label1 endfor label1: mth = i & idm = idoy-ndt+nday(i) xyouts, x, y, string(idm,format='(i2.2)')+' '+month(mth), /normal, size=valsiz y=y-down xyouts, x, y, strtrim(1900+hk(0),2), /normal, size=valsiz & y=y-down-skip xyouts, x, y, 'FILTER', /normal, size=labsiz & y=y-down fil = ['RED','H-alpha', 'OPEN', 'BLUE', 'WIDE BD', 'GREEN'] ter = ishft(hk(15) and 'e'x,-1)-1 xyouts, x, y, strtrim(fil(ter),2), /normal, size=valsiz & y=y-down-skip xyouts, x, y, 'POLAROID', /normal, size=labsiz & y=y-down pola = ['CLR', '+60 deg', '-60 deg', '0 deg'] roid = ishft(hk(3) and 'c0'x,-6) xyouts, x, y, strtrim(pola(roid),2), /normal, size=valsiz & y=y-down-skip xyouts, x, y, 'SECTOR', /normal, size=labsiz & y=y-down sec = ['SW', 'S', 'SE', 'E', 'NE', 'N', 'NW', 'W'] tor = ishft(hk(14) and '3c'x,-3) xyouts, x, y, strtrim(sec(tor),2), /normal, size=valsiz & y=y-down-skip xyouts, x, y, 'EXPOSURE', /normal, size=labsiz & y=y-down a=ishft((hk(10) and 'f0'x),-4) b=ishft((hk(10) and 'f'x),4) + ishft((hk(11) and 'f0'x),-4) expo= 1.024 * (256*a) + b xyouts, x, y, strtrim(strmid(expo,1,8),2), /normal, size=valsiz y=y-down-skip xyouts, x, y, 'RESOLUTION', /normal, size=labsiz & y=y-down reso = ['HIGH','LOW'] lution = ishft((hk(3) and '4'x),-2) xyouts, x, y, strtrim(reso(lution),2), /normal, size=valsiz & y=y-down-skip xyouts, x, y, 'ROLL', /normal, size=labsiz & y=y-down roll = 256*hk(88) + hk(89) if roll gt 180 then roll = roll - 360 xyouts, x, y, strtrim(roll,2), /normal, size=valsiz & y=y-down-skip end