LASCO Activity Report for
September 4, 2007 SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: K. Schenk, G. Stenborg

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.
These are preliminary observations for the daily SOHO science discussions.
Final analysis is reported on the Lasco CME list.
An archive of these reports is available.

Points Of Interest

2007/08/12 - 2007/09/10: 26 m keyhole
2007/08/18 - 2007/09/03: 34 m keyhole

- EIT CCD bakeout between ~ :
  08/26 21:00 - 09/01 09:00 UT. Observations resumed at ~ 17:00 UT.

- SOHO Stationkeeping (SK) and Momentum Management (MM) on 08/30.
  SOHO Roll to 0 deg on 08/31.
  LASCO safing for this period: 08/29 ~15:00 - 09/01 ~02:00 UT).

2007/08/31 (Friday)

	LASCO Doors closed (S/C Roll).
	It will resume operations early on next day.

2007/09/01 (Saturday)

	First C2 Image after S/C Maneuvers taken at: 01:47 UT
	First C3 image after S/C Maneuvers taken at: 01:52 UT

01:47 UT  WS West	CME already under development (LE well past the
			outer edge of the C2 FOV). Twisted trailing material.
			Some inflows in the trailing material. WIDTH in C3 
			at 02:42 UT (LE at ~ 13 solar radii): ~ 50 deg.

07:00 UT  N West	Extremely faint and diffuse front, barely discernible
			in both C2 and C3.

11:48 UT  NN West	Very thin fan- (jet-) like front.

2007/09/02 (Sunday)

00:30 UT  WS West	Ragged loop front starts to be discernible well above
			the C2 occulting disk, followed by a loop front on W
			since a little bit earlier. Thay fade throughout C3.

02:54 UT  W Limb	Loop front that fades in C3, not far from its inner

2007/09/03 (Monday)

	01:06 - 10:54 UT	LASCO Data Gap (C2 time).

11:30 UT  NN East	Jet-like front.

	13:31 - 18:30 UT	LASCO Data Gap (C2 time).

2007/09/04 (Tuesday)

Last C2 image available by the time of writing:  04:30 UT

Web curator: K.M.Schenk
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771