LASCO Activity Report for
April 30, 2007 SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: K. Schenk, G. Stenborg

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.
These are preliminary observations for the daily SOHO science discussions.
Final analysis is reported on the Lasco CME list.
An archive of these reports is available.

Points Of Interest

2007/04/27 (Friday)

12:06 UT  NN West	Diffuse and very faint jet-like front.

2007/04/28 (Saturday)

	  WN West	Some 'pair formation' events along the day.

03:34 UT  S Pole	Jet-like front developing toward SSW.

06:26 UT  W Limb	Elongated and bright thin loop-like front, followed at 
			09:06 UT (a little bit to S) by a fan-like front 
			(which quickly fades). It fades throughout C3, close
			to its inner edge.

10:06 UT  W Limb	Initially bright ragged (elongated) loo front, 
			followed at 11:50 UT by a slightly wider ragged loop
 			front with diffuse and very faint extensions to N and 
			S. It fades throughout C3, also close to its inner 

23:50 UT  NN East	Jet-like front.

2007/04/29 (Sunday)

01:27 UT  NN West	Jet-like front.

01:27 UT  S East	Very thin and elongated fan-like front preceding 
			an elongated loop-like front.

01:50 UT  WN West	'Pair formation' (blob-like front coming out and 
			counterpart falling down).

14:26 UT  WN West	Diffuse ragged front. It fades in C3, close to its
			inner edge.

17:06 UT  WN West	Small ragged front with faint and diffuse expanding 
 			extensions around that seem to extend up to SW. They
 			fade throughout C3.

21:26 UT  SS West	System of faint expanding loop fronts. Difficult to
			give an exact time of first appearance. Barely
			discernible in C3.

2007/04/30 (Monday)

Last C2 image available by the time of writing: 06:26 UT.

Web curator: K.M.Schenk
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771