LASCO Activity Report for
December 13, 2004 SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: K. Schenk, G. Stenborg

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.
These are preliminary observations for the daily SOHO science discussions.
Final analysis is reported on the Lasco CME list.
An archive of these reports is available.

Points Of Interest

- Telemetry Keyhole # 7: 2004/12/13 - 2004/12/29

- EIT pre-bake cals taken on Saturday 2004/12/11 between 15:24-18:30 UT. The 
  CCD bakeout started at 18:47 UT. The end of the bakeout will be on 2004/12/28
  at 10:00 UT. Therefore, no EIT images during that period.

- During the Keyhole, LASCO will observe with DSN gap recording availability
  thanks to the FOT and the SOCs hard work. C2 and C3 will observe at a 
  standard synoptic plan of C2 at 10 minute cadence and C3 at the 30 minute
  cadence with the daily pB and flat field images.

SOHO Telemetry Submode is in Submode 5.

2004/12/10 (Friday)

  . SOHO Telemetry lost at 21:58 UT on 2004/12/08 (Wednesday).
  . Telemetry recovered in low rate at 22:12 UT on 12/08. Spacecraft in ESR
    (Emergency Sun Reacquisition Mode) when telemetry recovered. 
  . As part of nominal recovery SOHO entered CRP mode (Coarse Roll Pointing) 
    on 2004/12/09 (Thursday) at 04:44 UT.
  . Recovery performed during the day (12/09).

 	No LASCO images since 21:50 UT on 2004/12/08 (C2 time).  
	Last EIT 195 image taken at 21:36 UT on 2004/12/08.

   -->	Beginning at 00:48 UT EIT plan was uploaded and starts imaging in
	Submode 5, half-res 195A CME watch at a standard 12 minute cadence 
	with synoptics at the usual spots. 

	NO LASCO OBSERVATIONS today. LASCO doors closed after ESR of 12/8 
	@ 21:58 UT. LASCO will remained idle till 2004/12/11 (Saturday) 
	@ ~15:00 UT.

2004/12/11 (Saturday)

	First LASCO C2 image at ~ 16:00 UT.

16:12 UT  E Limb	Diffuse and ragged loop front already under development
			after Data Gap that fades in C3.

21:24 UT  W Limb	Slow development of a very long jet-like feature (it
			looks like a very thin loop-like structure seen edge 
			on). It fades in C3.

22:36 UT  N West	Ragged and not well defined loop front that fades
			throughout C2.

2004/12/12 (Sunday)

02:00 UT  S West	Faint and diffuse elongated loop front. It fades
			close to the inner edge of the C3 FOV.

09:00 UT  E Limb	Faint and diffuse elongated loop front apparently
			preceeding a ragged and asymmetric (wider) structure. 
			Some infalling material. The event fades throughout 
			the C3 FOV, not too far from the inner edge.

11:48 UT  S West	Extremely faint and diffuse elongated loop front that
			fades throughout C2.

14:12 UT  S East	Faint and diffuse elongated loop front with some
			inner structure. It can be followed till almost the 
			end of the C3 FOV.

21:24 UT  N West	Big ragged loop front. By 22:00 UT, a ragged front on 
			the W limb, at roughly the PA of the southern leg, can
			be discerned, apparently twisted trailing material.
			Streamer pushed to N in C3.

2004/12/13 (Monday)

	11:45 - 18:50 UT	Temporary DSN Data Gap.

Web curator: K.M.Schenk
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771