LASCO Activity Report for
July 29, 2004 SOHO Science Daily Meeting

Planner: K. Schenk, G. Stenborg

Event times are first frame seen in C2 camera unless otherwise noted.
These are preliminary observations for the daily SOHO science discussions.
Final analysis is reported on the Lasco CME list.
An archive of these reports is available.

Points Of Interest

2004/07/28 (Wednesday)

00:06 UT  N East	In the trail of event reported to start at 11:54 UT on 
			previos day, a faint loop front (moving apparently
			faster) develops. Gusty outflow.

02:54 UT  W Limb	Wide event. A diffuse loop front appears above the W
			Limb becoming very bright by 03:30 UT. A cavity and
			bright inner core follow. By 06:54 UT a ragged and 
			elongated loop front follows, at the PA of the southern
			leg of the wide loop front (on SW Limb). During the
			development in C2. very faint material above the SE limb
			is seen to be pushed aside (shock?). In C3, faint
			expanding extensions are seen above the N Pole and on 
			SE. GOES recorded a long duration C4.4 X-ray event on
			NOAA AR 0652 (N03W81) between 02:32 - 08:03 UT with peak
			emission at 06:09 UT. During its rising phase a C2.0
			X-ray flare was recorded from N09W67 between 02:57 -
			03:07 UT with peak emission at 03:03 UT.

14:06 UT  S West	Kind-of half loop front. It is preceded at 12:30 UT 
			(slightly to S) by a faint and diffuse ragged front 
			that quickly fades. By that time a faint loop front and
			gusty outflow develop above the W Limb. GOES recorded 
			on NOAA AR 0652 a :
			- C3.0 X-ray flare (N02W72) between 11:41 - 11:53 UT
			  with peak emission at 11:47 UT.
			- C1.1 X-ray flare (N05W72) between 13:35 - 13:46 UT
			  with peak emission at 13:38 UT.

15:54 UT  S West	Another kind-of half loop front, similar to the previous
			one. Trailing material.  GOES recorded on NOAA AR 0652 
			a :
			- C3.6 X-ray flare (N04W74) between 15:28 - 15:36 UT
			  with peak emission at 15:34 UT.
			- C3.3 X-ray flare (N12W75) between 16:08 - 16:33 UT
			  with peak emission at 16:27 UT.

19:32 UT  S West	Narrow ragged front that quickly fades. Faint expanding
			loops superposed in the LOS.

21:54 UT  S West	Bright elongated loop front. A curved feature (kind-of
			half loop front) evolves in parallel to N, which is
			seen in C3 as an expanding loop developing toward WSW.
			By 22:30 a ragged front is discerned a little bit to S.
 			GOES recorded a C1.6 X-ray event on NOAA AR 0652 
			(N04W77) between 21:27 - 21:36 UT with peak emission at
			21:33 UT. Smallragged fronts into next day.

22:30 UT  S East	Diffuse loop front. It fades in C3. Very slowly 
			expanding system of faint loops to S afterward.

2004/07/29 (Thursday)

06:54 UT  S West	Bright elongated loop front.

10:54 UT  S West	Ragged front just appearing.

Web curator: K.M.Schenk
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771