UCMEO 93001 10221 1415/ 10220 61124 82206 0021/ 180// 123// 40470 10220 60958 81315 21845 ///// 2222/ 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO HALO CME FEBRUARY 20, 2021 C2 Start Time: 11:24 UT C3 Start Time: 13:30 - 22:06 UT Type of CME: Asymmetric PARTIAL HALO CME — FRONTSIDE pa1: 002 pa2: 180 Total Width: 178 degrees Velocity Measurements: C2 11 points 274.1 km/sec @ PA 112 C3 15 points 563.2 km/sec @ PA 112 Average through both fields: 470.4 km/sec Acceleration: 30.15 m/sec^2. COMMENT: SDO AIA 304A shows an activated eruptive filament 09:58-13:15 UT centered at location [S45, E18]. STEREO Beacon Data COR2 A, 12:23 - 17:53 UT; shows a loop CME over the SouthWest. Preliminary time/height measure gives 396.6 km/sec @ 222 degrees. Preliminary UCMEO velocity and position measurements are delivered first. Images, movies, and time/height information for this event will soon be available at: https://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/lasco/observations/halo/2021/210220/ Best Regards, --Kevin Schenk BT