Subject: SOHO/LASCO HALO CME 130424 BACKSIDED UCMEO 93001 30424 2000/ 30424 60036 80742 0422/ 041// 113// 30653 30423 62326 80036 ///// ///// 1212/ 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO observed a HALO CME on April 24, 2013. Event is first seen in C2 at 00:36 UT as a faint loop on the Northeast limb. The front expands with extensions to a full HALO CME by 01:25 UT. The event continues into the C3 field beginning 01:30 to 07:42 UT leaving the C3 field of view at 30Rsun in the North hemisphere. Time/height measurements were marked to 4 points in C2 with speeds of 644.6 Km/sec at position angle 42 degrees. The event is marked to 9 points in C3. Speeds average through both fields to 653.1 Km/sec at PA 42 degrees. Acceleration 42.37 m/sec^s. STEREO: BEACON Data COR2 B, 00:54-01:39 UT, partial HALO CME expanding over the North and East hemispheres. 01:39-05:24 UT data gap while CME is in progress. Preliminary time/height measure gives 876.6 km/sec velocity at LE. EUVI B, 2 associated events: 22:06-23:04 UT,elevated activity of an eruptive filament channel at approximate location [N30, E160]. There is a dimming associated with the eruptive which is crossing the AR below. 23:26-00:36 UT the AR flares with a CME causing a dimming of the area at location [N24, E165] and post arcade. COR2 A, 20:54-03:39 UT data gap. n/a EUVI A, 21:15-03:35 UT data gap. n/a The observation of this event is considered 'FAIR'. This CME is determined a BACKSIDED event. Images and movies and time/height information for this event is available on the web at: Best regards, Kevin Schenk Solar Heliospheric Observatory EIT and LASCO Operations NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA BT