Subject: SOHO/LASCO HALO CME 120324 BACKSIDED UCMEO 93001 20330 2000/ 20324 60024 80642 0842/ 083// 333// 4882 20324 62351 80120 ///// 11429 1112/ 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO observed a full HALO CME on March 24, 2012. Event is first seen in C2 at 00:24 UT as a symmetric halo with cavity surrounding the occulter. A loop of ejecting filament material seen in the south east at 01:25 UT in C2. The event continues into the C3 field beginning 00:42 to 06:42 UT leaving the C3 field at 30 Rsun. Time/height measurements were marked [LE] to 2 points in C2 with speeds of 958.9 Km/sec at position angle 84 degrees. The event is marked to 9 points in C3. Speeds average through both fields to 881.7 Km/sec at PA 83 degrees. Acceleration -31.96 m/sec^2. A second set of measurements were taken on the SE filament loop and marked at 5 points in C2 with speeds of 734.8 at PA 114 degrees. The event is marked at 10 points in C3. Speeds averaged through both fields to 841.3 km/sec at PA 113 degrees. Acceleration of -60.23 m/sec^2. SDO/AIA 193 shows material from a cme beginning 00:15-00:24 UT over the north and eash limbs in diff images. STEREO: Beacon data COR2 A, First seen at 00:24-01:39 UT as an asymmetric halo (west). Increased proton flux seen in COR2 A images. Preliminary time/height measure gives 1808.6 km/sec velocity at LE. EUVI A, 00:05-01:20 UT shows a flare with cme of AR 11429(?) on limb in the west. CME with wave over west hemisphere and post arcade. COR2 B, 00:24-02:39 UT, an asymmetric halo (east) EUVI A, 23:51-00:36 UT, cme burst with dimming and wave of AR on disk in NE. From 00:36-01:31 UT, a large release of loop (filament) with core. The observation of this event is considered 'GOOD'. This CME is determined a BACKSIDED event. Images and movies and time/height information for this event is available on the web at: Best regards, Kevin Schenk Solar Heliospheric Observatory EIT and LASCO Operations NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA BT