UCMEO 93001 40219 2200/ 40218 6948 81430 0142/ 292// 233// 31092 40218 ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO HALO CME February 18, 2024 C2 Start Time: 9:48 - 10:00 UT C3 Start Time: 10:06 - 10:18 UT Type of CME: Asymmetric HALO CME — FRONTSIDE pa1: 14 pa2: 292 Total Width: 278 degrees Velocity Measurements: C2: 3 points 1379.7 km/sec @ PA 155.70 C3: 10 points 1067.6 km/sec @ PA 155.36 Average through both(C2/C3) fields: 1092.6 km/sec Acceleration: -29.68 m/sec^2 COMMENT: LASCO C2/C3 show a partial halo CME emerging from the SE with a bright leading edge and core. The CME progresses outwards in all directions with the bulk of the CME being in the SE direction.The CME is the result of a backsided eruption beyond the SE limb, seen as opening field lines starting at 9:37 UT. STEREO Beacon Data COR2 A, shows a partial halo emerging from the SE. The halo expands outwards in all directions but never fully wraps to the NE into a full halo only the ending of the halo CME could be captured .Preliminary time/height measurements give a velocity of 1074.0 km/s at PA 160.25. Preliminary UCMEO velocity and position measurements are delivered first. Images, movies, and time/height information for this event will be available at: https://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/lasco/observations/halo/2024/2402118 Best Regards, --James Tabourne BT [Images from original message are omitted here] ________________________________________________ Soho-halo-alert mailing list Soho-halo-alert@mail.nascom.nasa.gov https://mail.nascom.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/soho-halo-alert