UCMEO 93001 11102 1922/ 11102 60248 80654 0181/ 017// 333// 41629 11102 60136 80339 10114 12891 1112/ 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO HALO CME November 02, 2021 C2 Start Time: 02:48 UT C3 Start Time: 03:06 - 06:54 UT Type of CME: Asymmetric HALO CME — FRONTSIDE pa1: 018 pa2: 017 Total Width: 360 degrees Velocity Measurements: C2 3 points 1074.8 km/sec @ PA 018 C3 9 points 1548.6 km/sec @ PA 018 Average through both fields: 1629.4 km/sec Acceleration: -38.43 m/sec^2. COMMENT: AIA 193 shows a flare of AR 12891 at location [N14, E01] 02:45-03:39 UT. This event produces a dimming across the disk with an EUV wave followed by a bright post loop arcade. AIA 304 shows a cooler loop elevated at approximately 00:39 UT and ribbon flaring of the filament adjacent and East of AR 12891 beginning 01:36 UT. This emission is part of the CME seen in LASCO. STEREO Beacon Data - Data Gap: 00:38 - 03:38 UT COR2 A, shows a CME in progress over the West. Preliminary time/height measure gives 0521.7 km/sec @ 318 degrees. NOAA/GOES reports a M1.7 class X-ray flare of AR12891 01:20/03:01/03:50 UT. Preliminary UCMEO velocity and position measurements are delivered first. Images, movies, and time/height information for this event will be available at: https://umbra.nascom.nasa.gov/lasco/observations/halo/2021/211102/ Best Regards, --Kevin Schenk BT [Images from the original alert message are omitted here]