Subject SOHO/LASCO Partial HALO CME 100329 - Backsided UCMEO 93001 00329 1800/ 00329 60854 91618 2002/ 132// 213// 20300 00329 ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO observed a very faint partial HALO CME on March 29, 2010. This event begins in the C2 field at 08:54 UT as a very wide rough edge across the NW and the East hemisphere, PA 200-132 degrees for a total 292 degrees wide. At 09:08 UT an additional leading edge of material surfaces centered at PA 285 degrees which expands. The event is seen in C3 beginning at 10:18 UT and measured through till 16:18 at 13.2 Rs. The event was measured at 2 PAs, at 8 degrees (246 km/sec) over the beginning of the event and also at 288 degrees (326.0 km/sec) which was centered over the brighter loop. The event dissipated quickly and slowed through C3 to an averaged speed of 296.7 km/sec out to 13 Rs. EIT showed no activity which could correspond to the start time of the event in C2. At 09:36 UT there is prominence material on limb which is active near PA 310 degrees and could possibly be connected to the core material seen with the NW looping. This event is determined a BACKSIDED event. Best regards, Kevin Schenk SOHO Mission EIT and LASCO Operations NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA BT