Subject: SOHO/LASCO Partial HALO CME 100228 - Backsided UCMEO 93001 00229 2220/ 00228 61254 80042 2612/ 073// 123// 40415 00228 61236 82224 1//// ///// 3222/ 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO observed a partial HALO CME (type P) on February 28, 2010. Event began in C2 at 12:54 UT as a wide symmetric slow loop front over the North Pole, centered approximately at PA 350 degrees. This CME progressed to an active multi-loop with core and scattered bulk materials as it expands with material eventually seen from PA 261 - 73 for a total coverage of 172 degrees. By 18:54 UT a burst comes over the NE at PA 70 degrees followed by an asymmetric loop with core(s). This could possibly be a shock event disturbed by the 12:54 UT halo. The event continues into the C3 field beginning at 16:18 UT over the North Pole and measured through the field as the event ends at approximately 3/1 00:42 UT to 27 Rsun. Time/height measurements were marked to 30 points and calculated to velocities of this event averaging 415.6 Km/sec at position angle 340 degrees through C2 and C3. EIT sees a slow far-side CME beginning at 12:36 - 22:24 UT in the NE centered at PA 30 degrees. This most possibly pertains to the event seen in LASCO. This event is determined a BACKSIDED HALO event. LASCO images, movies and time/height information for this event is available on the web at: Best regards, Kevin Schenk SOHO Mission EIT and LASCO Operations NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA BT