Subject: SOHO/LASCO HALO CME 100207 UCMEO 93001 00208 2220/ 00207 60330 81518 0901/ 089// 123// 40365 00207 60224 80236 12111 11045 1122/ 99999 PLAIN SOHO/LASCO C2 observed an asymmetric wide bright leading edge loop front over the East, centered approximately at 90 degrees, with material eventually seen at all positions on February 07, 2010. This full Halo CME began in the C2 field at 03:30 UT. The event continues into the C3 field beginning at 05:18 UT and measured through the field as the event ends and dissipates at approximately 15:18 UT to 18 Rsun. Time/height measurements were marked and calculated to velocities of this event averaging 365.2 Km/sec at position angle 86 degrees through C2 and C3. Acceleration 2.28 m/s^2. The event propagated from AR 11045 at N21E11 as seen in EIT with a rapid flare from the region at 02:24-02:36 UT. An EIT wave is produced and easily visible in the southeast and south regions but material is seen in the northeast and north on and above the limb. GOES shows a M6.4 X-ray flare at 02:20-02:39 UT claiming AR 11045. This flare is most probably associated with the flare and CME observed in the EIT and LASCO fields. LASCO and EIT images, movies and time/height information for this event is available on the web at: Best regards, Kevin Schenk SOHO Mission EIT and LASCO Operations NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA BT