SP table: /home/flare/slb/sotco/ops/plans/SP/TBL/SPTBL-200612294000.xml sot_tbl1.pro ver.1.1 Date: Title: RAMSUB#: 289 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 1 V.0019 SP compression test 1 110.1 Sub# 1 1 1 110.1 Seq# 28 V.002d SP compression test 1 1 110.10 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 42 V.002b 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 5 0 0 1 '17114 '47214 250 18.35 43 V.002c 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 5 0 0 1 '17116 '47216 250 18.35 44 V.002d 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 5 0 0 1 '17112 '47212 250 18.35 45 V.002e 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 5 0 0 1 '17113 '47213 250 18.35 46 V.002f 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 5 0 0 1 '10113 '40213 250 18.35 47 V.0030 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 5 0 0 1 '17110 '47210 250 18.35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 2 V.0024 Normal Mode, 128 sec cadence 0 22.0 Sub# 1 256 1 22.0 Seq# 55 V.0037 Normal Mode, 2 min cadence 1 1 22.02 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 56 V.003a 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 24 5 0 0 1 '17112 '47212 1 22.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 3 V.002d Normal map 512x512 1 469.8 Sub# 1 1 1 469.8 Seq# 7 V.0043 Normal map 512x512 1 1 469.76 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 21 V.003e 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 512 5 0 1 1 '17112 '47212 1 469.76 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 4 V.0027 Normal map Full FOV 1 3756.3 Sub# 1 1 1 3756.3 Seq# 58 V.003a Normal map Full FOV 1 1 3756.26 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 59 V.003d 0 0 0 0 1 0 1024 2047 5 0 1 1 '17112 '47212 1 3756.26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 5 V.002c Deep mode, single slit position 1 1.8 Sub# 1 1 1 1.8 Seq# 57 V.0042 Deep mode, single slit position 1 1 1.84 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 58 V.0042 0 0 0 1 1 0 1024 1 11 0 1 1 '17112 '47212 1 1.84 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 6 V.0025 Normal map half height and width 1 939.5 Sub# 1 1 1 939.5 Seq# 56 V.0038 Normal map half height and width 1 1 939.52 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 57 V.003b 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 1024 5 0 1 1 '17112 '47212 1 939.52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 7 V.0018 SP 1024 map, Q75 1 1879.0 Sub# 1 1 1 1879.0 Seq# 27 V.002c SP 1024 map, Q75 1 1 1879.05 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 28 V.002a 0 0 0 0 1 0 1024 1024 5 0 0 1 '17112 '47212 1 1879.05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 8 V.001c Evershed narrow/short, 1 min cadence 1 6.0 Sub# 1 1 1 6.0 Seq# 49 V.002f Evershed narrow/short, 1 min cadence 1 1 5.96 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 49 V.0032 0 0 0 1 4 384 256 13 5 0 0 2 '17112 '47212 1 5.96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 9 V.0029 Fast map 20 arcsec 1 29.4 Sub# 1 1 1 29.4 Seq# 59 V.003c Fast map 20 arcsec 1 1 29.36 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 61 V.0040 1 0 1 1 0 256 512 128 1 0 0 1 '17112 '47212 1 29.36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 10 V.001e Fast Map, Full FOV 1 917.5 Sub# 1 1 1 917.5 Seq# 51 V.0031 Fast Map, Full FOV 1 1 917.50 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 52 V.0034 1 0 1 0 1 0 1024 2000 1 0 1 1 '17112 '47212 1 917.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 11 V.0024 Normal Mode, 128 sec cadence 0 22.0 Sub# 1 256 1 22.0 Seq# 55 V.0037 Normal Mode, 2 min cadence 1 1 22.02 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 56 V.003a 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 24 5 0 0 1 '17112 '47212 1 22.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 12 V.0022 Normal map 100 arcsec 1 1266.2 Sub# 1 1 1 1266.2 Seq# 6 V.0035 Normal map 100 arcsec 1 1 1266.16 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 20 V.0038 0 0 0 0 1 0 1024 690 5 0 0 1 '17112 '47212 1 1266.16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 13 V.002b SP focus scan 20 slit pos 1 183.5 Sub# 1 1 1 183.5 Seq# 60 V.003d SP focus scan mtr pos 14 12 1 1 36.70 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x07000e] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x07000c] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Seq# 61 V.003e SP focus scan mtr pos 10 8 1 1 36.70 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x07000a] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x070008] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Seq# 62 V.003f SP focus scan mtr pos 6 4 1 1 36.70 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x070006] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x070004] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Seq# 63 V.0040 SP focus scan mtr pos 2 0 1 1 36.70 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x070002] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x070000] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Seq# 64 V.0041 SP focus scan mtr pos -2 -4 1 1 36.70 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x07fffe] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x07fffc] 1 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0700] 10 62 V.0041 0 0 0 0 0 256 512 20 1 0 0 1 '17114 '47213 150 18.35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 14 V.0000 progfill 255 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 15 V.0000 progfill 255 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 16 V.0000 progfill 255 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 17 V.0000 progfill 255 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 18 V.0000 progfill 255 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 19 V.0000 progfill 255 0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size Main# 20 V.0003 Flare Observation 5 min/cycle 0 27.5 Sub# 1 160 2 13.8 Seq# 18 V.0012 No.4 (Narrow 5 postions 512pix 30sec run) for flare region 60 1 4.59 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 5 V.0005 0 0 0 0 3 0 512 5 5 0 0 4 '17112 '37212 60 4.59 Seq# 19 V.0013 No.2 (10position 256pix scanning 20sec run) for flare region 40 2 4.59 Prm# y_sum s_step s_sum rep_flg extract offst higt npos ncycl tm_rst scl Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 3 V.0003 0 0 0 0 4 384 256 10 1 0 0 4 '17112 '37212 50 4.59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ size cmpress info. Bit Compression Mode Image Compression Mode Huffman AC Table No. Huffman DC Table No. Quantization Table No. 0: No bit compression 0: No image compression 0: for 8bit 0: for 8bit 0: Q = 98 1: 16U to 12U square root 1: reserved 1: for 12bit, standard 1: for 12bit 1: Q = 90 2: 14U to 12U square root 2: 8bits DPCM compression 2: for 12bit, optimized to ASP Q/U/V 2: same as No.0 2: Q = 75 3: 16S to 12U square root 3: 12bits DPCM compression 3: same as No.1 3: same as No.1 3: Q = 50 4: 14.5S to 12U square root 4: reserved 4: Q = 95 5: 13S to 12U square root 5: reserved 5: Q = 92 6: lower 12bit 6: 8bits DCT(JPEG) compression 6: Q = 85 7: EIS square root 7: 12bits DCT(JPEG) compression 7: Q = 65 8-F: 12bits-to-8bits compression Region Table name EW_CNTR NS_CNTR 1: Center 0 0 2: 50" to east -330 0 3: Center 0 0