FG table: /home/flare/slb/sotco/ops/plans/FG/TBL/FGTBL-200703230200.xml sot_tbl1.pro ver.1.1 Date: Title: RAMSUB#: 263 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 1 V.0065 Gb CaH full FOV 2x2 sum for seismology - 3min 0 16.8 Sub# 1 360 1 16.8 Seq# 1 V.00cd Gb CaH full FOV 2x2 sum for seismology 1 1 16.78 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 80 V.007b 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 20 8.39 81 V.007c 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 3968 0 120 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17211 20 8.39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 2 V.0025 Gband Full FOV 2x2 3min cadence 0 8.4 Sub# 1 360 1 8.4 Seq# 71 V.004d G band full FOV 2x2 50ms Q90 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 80 V.007b 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 8.39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 3 V.0077 G, CaH, IV 512x512 1x1 fast cadence 0 2.9 Sub# 1 8 1 2.9 Seq# 7 V.00dc G, CaH, IV 512x512 1x1 1 1 2.88 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 28 V.010f 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 5 1 0 1 512x512 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 1.05 29 V.0110 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 5 1 0 1 512x512 1 3968 0 300 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 1.05 23 V.0120 55 FG shutterless IV (.2s) 4 0/2/4/6 0/0/0/0 51 5 1 2 384x1024 1 6302 -120 -1 6 0 0 1 0 1 '17113 '47211 1 0.79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 4 V.0034 Synoptic BFI NFI 1 486.5 Sub# 1 1 2 243.3 Seq# 65 V.005c All BFI Waves Full FOV 1x1 + NFI no move 1 1 243.27 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 1 V.00ac 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4096x2048 1 3883 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67111 '17124 1 33.55 2 V.00ad 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4096x2048 1 3968 0 200 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67111 '17124 1 33.55 3 V.00ae 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4096x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67111 '17124 1 33.55 4 V.00af 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4096x2048 1 4504 0 75 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67111 '17124 1 33.55 77 V.0087 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4096x2048 1 5550 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67111 '17124 1 33.55 5 V.00b0 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4096x2048 1 6684 0 75 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67111 '17124 1 33.55 69 V.0079 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 4096x2048 1 BFI_no_mv 0 50 -1 -1 1 1 0 1 '67114 '17124 1 33.55 45 V.00a6 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 NFI_no_mv 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 3 1 '67111 '17123 1 8.39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 5 V.003c Gband CaH 1K x 1K 1x1 High Cadence 0 8.4 Sub# 1 30 1 8.4 Seq# 85 V.0062 Gband CaH 1K x 1K 1x1 High Cadence 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 35 V.00ab 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 1024x1024 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 4.19 11 V.00b6 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 1024x1024 1 3968 0 200 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 4.19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 6 V.003a Gband CaH BC Mag 4Kx2K 2x2 Wallpaper 0 92.3 Sub# 1 840 1 92.3 Seq# 35 V.0060 G-Band Ca H BC Mag Full FOV 2x2 1 1 92.27 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 80 V.007b 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 8.39 81 V.007c 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 3968 0 120 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17211 1 8.39 72 V.00d1 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 4504 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17211 1 8.39 88 V.00c3 42 FG shuttered I and V 8 0/4/8/12/0/4/8/12 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 6302 -120 90 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '17113 '47211 1 67.11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 7 V.0084 G/H 1Kx1K 1x1 + S IV 62" 0 117.4 Sub# 1 1 1 117.4 Seq# 16 V.00e9 All BFI and NFI 6302 IV 4kx2k 2x2 120 1 117.44 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 78 V.0046 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 3883 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '07111 '17211 1 8.39 82 V.007c 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 3968 0 120 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67111 '17211 1 8.39 71 V.0047 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '07111 '17211 1 8.39 72 V.00d1 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 4504 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '17111 '17211 1 8.39 73 V.0049 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 5550 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '07111 '17211 1 8.39 74 V.004a 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 6684 0 75 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '07111 '17211 1 8.39 87 V.0105 42 FG shuttered I and V 8 0/4/8/12/0/4/8/12 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 6302 -120 200 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '17113 '57212 1 67.11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 8 V.006d Ca H, Sh IV 2x2 Full Fov 0 75.5 Sub# 1 600 1 75.5 Seq# 52 V.00d5 SH IV 6302 for limb Full FOV 1 1 67.11 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 87 V.0105 42 FG shuttered I and V 8 0/4/8/12/0/4/8/12 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 6302 -120 200 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '17113 '57212 1 67.11 Seq# 94 V.00b3 CaH 4kx2k 2x2 for limb active region 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 81 V.007c 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 3968 0 120 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67117 '17211 1 8.39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 9 V.007f Ca H (16 sec) and Mag (64 sec) Full FOV 0 50.3 Sub# 1 32 3 8.4 Seq# 94 V.00b3 CaH 4kx2k 2x2 for limb active region 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 81 V.007c 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 3968 0 120 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67117 '17211 1 8.39 Sub# 2 32 1 25.2 Seq# 50 V.00e4 Ca H & Mag, Full FOV 1 1 25.17 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 81 V.007c 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 3968 0 120 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67117 '17211 1 8.39 8 V.0121 2 FG shuttered I and V 2 0/4 0/0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 6302 -120 200 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '17113 '57212 1 16.78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 10 V.0067 G-band 5 min for alignment and Ca H 30sec 0 71.3 Sub# 1 1 1 8.4 Seq# 36 V.00cf G-band, 4kx2k, 30ms, 2x2 sum, Q75 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 80 V.007b 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 8.39 Sub# 2 40 14 4.2 Seq# 37 V.00ce Ca H 2Kx2K, 300ms, 2x2 sum 1 1 4.19 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 96 V.00cf 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 12 1 0 2 2048x2048 1 3968 0 300 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67111 '17124 1 4.19 Sub# 2 39 1 4.2 Seq# 37 V.00ce Ca H 2Kx2K, 300ms, 2x2 sum 1 1 4.19 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 96 V.00cf 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 12 1 0 2 2048x2048 1 3968 0 300 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67111 '17124 1 4.19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 11 V.004b Slot FOV Slow G-band CaH Mgram 2x2 0 24.9 Sub# 2 64 1 8.1 Seq# 68 V.00e2 Slot FOV 2x2 G-Band and Ca H 1 1 4.19 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 86 V.011b 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 28 6 0 2 1024x2048 1 3968 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 58 V.011c 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 28 6 0 2 1024x2048 1 4305 0 30 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Seq# 56 V.00d6 Wide Slot Sh-less IQUV 2x2 1 1 3.93 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 57 V.00db 43 FG shutterless Stokes 8 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 43 6 1 2 160x2048 1 6302 -120 -1 6 2 0 1 0 1 '17112 '47212 1 3.93 Sub# 1 64 4 4.2 Seq# 68 V.00e2 Slot FOV 2x2 G-Band and Ca H 1 1 4.19 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 86 V.011b 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 28 6 0 2 1024x2048 1 3968 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 58 V.011c 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 28 6 0 2 1024x2048 1 4305 0 30 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 12 V.0080 Ca 1Kx1K (1x1) 4.8 sec cadence 0 4.5 Sub# 1 1 1 4.5 Seq# 92 V.00e5 Ca 1Kx!k, 1x1 with dark pad 1 1 4.46 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 34 V.0122 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 1024x1024 1 3968 0 500 -1 -1 0 1 500 2 '67112 '17124 1 4.19 99 V.0128 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 6 1 0 1 256x256 1 BFI_no_mv 0 50 -1 -1 1 1 500 2 '67117 '17117 1 0.26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 13 V.0086 Ca II 1k x 2k 1x1 500ms E or W Limb 0 8.4 Sub# 1 32 1 8.4 Seq# 47 V.00d4 Ca II 1kx2k 1x1 sum REGION 3 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 7 V.00d8 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 57 1 0 1 1024x2048 1 3968 0 500 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67113 '17124 1 8.39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 14 V.0081 Bart's Wave Program II 2 6450.8 Sub# 2 1 2 8.4 Seq# 10 V.00ab Sh IV 6302, 200ms, 1x1, 1Kx1K 16 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 37 V.00d2 42 FG shuttered I and V 8 0/4/8/12/0/4/8/12 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 39 1 0 2 1024x1024 1 6302 -120 200 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '17113 '57211 1 8.39 Sub# 3 1 255 4.2 Seq# 9 V.00aa 4504, 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 42 V.00a8 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4504 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Seq# 8 V.00a9 Ca H 1Kx512 1x1, high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 40 V.00aa 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 3968 0 400 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Sub# 3 1 255 4.2 Seq# 9 V.00aa 4504, 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 42 V.00a8 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4504 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Seq# 8 V.00a9 Ca H 1Kx512 1x1, high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 40 V.00aa 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 3968 0 400 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Sub# 3 1 255 4.2 Seq# 9 V.00aa 4504, 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 42 V.00a8 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4504 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Seq# 8 V.00a9 Ca H 1Kx512 1x1, high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 40 V.00aa 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 3968 0 400 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Sub# 2 1 2 8.4 Seq# 10 V.00ab Sh IV 6302, 200ms, 1x1, 1Kx1K 16 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 37 V.00d2 42 FG shuttered I and V 8 0/4/8/12/0/4/8/12 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 39 1 0 2 1024x1024 1 6302 -120 200 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '17113 '57211 1 8.39 Sub# 4 1 255 4.2 Seq# 72 V.00a8 Gband 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 41 V.00a9 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Seq# 9 V.00aa 4504, 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 42 V.00a8 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4504 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Sub# 4 1 255 4.2 Seq# 72 V.00a8 Gband 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 41 V.00a9 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Seq# 9 V.00aa 4504, 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 42 V.00a8 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4504 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Sub# 4 1 255 4.2 Seq# 72 V.00a8 Gband 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 41 V.00a9 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 Seq# 9 V.00aa 4504, 1Kx512, 1x1 high cad 1 1 2.10 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 42 V.00a8 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 37 1 0 1 1024x512 1 4504 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 15 V.007e G band and 6302 fine focus 1 184.5 Sub# 1 1 1 184.5 Seq# 49 V.00e3 G-Band and 6302 Focus, Ctr FOV 1 1 184.55 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 68 V.0078 12 FG focus scan 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 21 2 1 '67112 '57210 1 92.27 70 V.007a 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 BFI_no_mv 0 50 -1 -1 1 3 0 1 '67114 '17124 5 16.78 17 V.011d 12 FG focus scan 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 6302 -120 200 -1 -1 0 13 3 1 '67112 '57210 1 58.72 18 V.011e 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 NFI_no_mv -120 200 -1 -1 1 3 3 1 '67112 '57210 5 16.78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 16 V.0087 G, CaH, BC, IV 1kx2k Limb patrol low cadence 0 33.6 Sub# 1 148 1 33.6 Seq# 79 V.00e8 G, CaH, BC, 6302 IV 1kx2k for limb 1 1 33.55 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 50 V.00f5 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 57 1 0 1 1024x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67111 '17117 1 8.39 7 V.00d8 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 57 1 0 1 1024x2048 1 3968 0 500 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67113 '17124 1 8.39 95 V.012e 2 FG shuttered I and V 2 0/4 0/0 57 1 0 1 1024x2048 1 6302 -120 120 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '17113 '47212 1 16.78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 17 V.008c NB tests, move blockers, no tune 1 41.9 Sub# 1 1 1 41.9 Seq# 24 V.00ec NB tests, move blocker, no tune, part 1 1 1 16.78 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x05009d] 2 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0501] 20 45 V.00a6 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 NFI_no_mv 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 3 1 '67112 '17123 20 8.39 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x050075] 2 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0501] 20 45 V.00a6 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 NFI_no_mv 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 3 1 '67112 '17123 20 8.39 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x05004d] 2 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0501] 20 Seq# 25 V.00ed NB tests, move blocker, no tune, part 2 1 1 25.17 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 45 V.00a6 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 NFI_no_mv 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 3 1 '67112 '17123 20 8.39 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x0500c5] 2 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0501] 20 45 V.00a6 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 NFI_no_mv 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 3 1 '67112 '17123 20 8.39 Inst. Opcode= 114 MTR_POS [0x0500ed] 2 Inst. Opcode= 110 MTR_MOVE [0x0501] 20 45 V.00a6 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 4096x2048 1 NFI_no_mv 0 100 -1 -1 0 1 3 1 '67112 '17123 2 8.39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 18 V.0071 G, Ca, and IV 2kx2k, 2x2 - 30 sec 0 50.3 Sub# 1 30 1 8.4 Seq# 46 V.00d1 G-band & Ca H 2kx2k 2x2 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 46 V.00f0 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 12 1 0 2 2048x2048 1 4305 0 30 -1 -1 0 1 0 3 '67112 '17124 1 4.19 47 V.00f1 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 12 1 0 2 2048x2048 1 3968 0 125 -1 -1 0 1 0 3 '67117 '17211 1 4.19 Sub# 3 30 1 41.9 Seq# 46 V.00d1 G-band & Ca H 2kx2k 2x2 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 46 V.00f0 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 12 1 0 2 2048x2048 1 4305 0 30 -1 -1 0 1 0 3 '67112 '17124 1 4.19 47 V.00f1 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 12 1 0 2 2048x2048 1 3968 0 125 -1 -1 0 1 0 3 '67117 '17211 1 4.19 Seq# 2 V.0084 Sh IV 2Kx2K 2x2 1 1 33.55 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 16 V.00de 42 FG shuttered I and V 8 0/4/8/12/0/4/8/12 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 12 1 0 2 2048x2048 1 6302 -120 90 -1 -1 0 1 0 3 '17117 '57212 1 33.55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 19 V.0085 G 1x2K + S IV 62" wide 0 14.9 Sub# 1 1 1 14.9 Seq# 17 V.00e7 G 1x2K, S IV 120 1 14.94 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 98 V.0129 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 57 1 0 1 1024x2048 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 500 1 '67112 '17117 1 8.39 100 V.0126 44 FG shutterless I and V 4 0/4/8/12 0/0/0/0 49 5 1 1 400x1024 1 6302 -120 -1 3 1 0 1 0 1 '17113 '47216 1 6.55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size Main# 20 V.008a G/CaH/6302 IV 2kx1k 2x2 30 sec 0 8.4 Sub# 1 60 1 8.4 Seq# 38 V.00ea G/CaH/6302 IV 2kx1k 2x2 1 1 8.39 Prm# Obs_ID Obs_type n_img phase woff FDB_ID mask sless sum FOV bin wav(A) woff(mA) exp(ms) ncycl nsft drk nwl dwl(mA) Rgn cmp1 cmp2 Intvl nrep 13 V.013e 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 38 1 0 2 2048x1024 1 4305 0 50 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 14 V.013f 1 FG (simple) 1 0 0 38 1 0 2 2048x1024 1 3968 0 150 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '17124 1 2.10 32 V.0140 2 FG shuttered I and V 2 0/4 0/0 38 1 0 2 2048x1024 1 6302 -120 120 -1 -1 0 1 0 1 '67112 '47211 1 4.19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- size cmpress info. Bit Compression Mode Image Compression Mode Huffman AC Table No. Huffman DC Table No. Quantization Table No. 0: No bit compression 0: No image compression 0: for 8bit 0: for 8bit 0: Q = 98 1: 16U to 12U square root 1: reserved 1: for 12bit, standard 1: for 12bit 1: Q = 90 2: 14U to 12U square root 2: 8bits DPCM compression 2: for 12bit, optimized to ASP Q/U/V 2: same as No.0 2: Q = 75 3: 16S to 12U square root 3: 12bits DPCM compression 3: same as No.1 3: same as No.1 3: Q = 50 4: 14.5S to 12U square root 4: reserved 4: Q = 95 5: 13S to 12U square root 5: reserved 5: Q = 92 6: lower 12bit 6: 8bits DCT(JPEG) compression 6: Q = 85 7: EIS square root 7: 12bits DCT(JPEG) compression 7: Q = 65 8-F: 12bits-to-8bits compression Region Table name EW_CNTR NS_CNTR 1: Center 0 0 2: East 30" for East limb 30 0 3: center 0 0