Software load attempts on Tuesday, 16 March, 2004 1. All the mismatches between the EEPROM dump and the load image were in a small area, spanning 416 bytes. It was decided to generate a small patch file to reload this area of the EEPROM. 2. The patch file was generated from the load image file, FPP_FSW_04128.bin. 3. The patch file was reviewed by Roger Rehse and Dick Shine. 4. The patch file was loaded to RAM and the dump was verified visually. 5. The RAM data was copied to EEPROM at address 0xa10cf8. 6. EEPROM data was copied into RAM at a different address. 7. The EEPROM data was verified visually. 8. FPP power was turned off and then on. 9. The system rebooted properly. Next Steps: 1. Load the flight software to RAM, Dump and verify the load. Repeat ~5 times. If errors are seen determine if they have the same characteristics (quantity and distribution) as the ones seen in the EEPROM dump. 2. Repeat step 1 at hot temperature. 3. Refine the tools needed to verify the loads.