#title The EIS science activities database : Version 0.1 02/01/2005 DURATION changed to ms June 2005 #maxentries 500000 #items ID I*4 ID associated with this entry SOLARB_SCI C*80 Solar-B science associated with this entry OBS_ID I*2 Sequential number of observation JOP_ID I*2 OBSERVER C*30 Name of the Chief Observer PLANNER C*30 Name of the Chief Planner TOHBANS(2) C*30 Name of the KSC Tohbans OBSTITLE C*80 Title of the observation SCI_OBJ C*80 Target phenomenon (selected from a list) OBS_DEC C*80 Properties of the observation JOIN_SB C*10 Indicates joint observation NOAA_NUM I*4 EIS_SCI C*80 EIS science associated with this entry CAMPAIGN C*80 Campaign details associated with this entry NOTES C*80 Notes for this entry DISTURBANCE C*80 Any special disturbance associated with this entry TARGET C*20 Specific Target for this entry TARGET_ID C*20 Target ID (Active region ID etc.) STUDY_ID I*4 Study ID for this entry N_REPEATS I*2 Number of times to repeat this study DURATION I*8 Science entry duration (milli seconds) DATA_VOLUME I*8 Science entry data volume (units TBD) N_RASTERS I*2 Number of rasters in this study entry SLIT_SLOT(3) I*2 Used to track slit/slot movements AEC_RESPONSE I*4 response parameters for AEC EIS_FLR_RES(5) I*4 EIS_EVT_RES(5) I*4 XRT_FLR_RES(7) I*4 #index ID index