Written 22-Oct-2024 by Kim Tolbert These directories contain the following: - FITS - GOES Level-0 FITS files in year directories from 1974 to 2020 - PLOTS - Lightcurve plots covering 2002 to the present - 24hr_plots directory: 24-hour daily plots - 12hr_plots directory: daily 12-hour stacked plots - rhessi_orbit_plots directory: plots on RHESSI orbit time intervals - EVENTLISTS - GOES event listings covering 2002 to the present - goes_event_listings directory: from NOAA - goes_event_listings_HER directory: from the Heliophysics Event Registry The GOES lightcurve plots were originally created as part of the RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager) project (please see https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/rhessi). They are displayed in the RHESSI Browser when 'GOES w/ RHESSI times' is enabled. They include shaded overlays indicating when RHESSI was in night or SAA. They also display time periods when RHESSI was off during annealing to rejuvenate the detectors. See https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/goes/goes.html for information on SSWIDL access to the GOES data (both these FITS files to 2020, and the more recent data at NOAA).