EIT activity report for
2006/06/30 daily meeting

Planner: R.J. Leamon

DateStartEndGOESAR* OtherPADescription
2006/06/2911:2415:24  10897CME  Reconfiguration of loops at leading
S edge of AR. Dimming and slow motion
of material towards SW from 14:24 onwards.
2006/06/2920:1223:36  10898CME  Bright loop from SE corner of AR (but
minimal X-ray flux). Dark ejecta heads
almost due S. High thin loops remain
post eruption.
2006/06/3007:1310:00  10898   Filament channel activity in core of AR.
2006/06/3007:4810:00  10897   Sympathetic(?) activity at SW edge of AR.

*See note on active region numbers.

Web curator: Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Last revised - J.B. Gurman