EIT activity report for
2005/02/14 daily meeting

Planner: R.J. Leamon

DateStartEndGOESAR* OtherPADescription
2005/02/1101:4802:48  10733CME  Faint...
2005/02/1103:3606:36      ...Arcade forms over dimming
channel to SW of AR after
end of coronal evolution.
2005/02/1103:48+  10730   FLux emergence.
2005/02/1110:0013:13  10734CME  Dimming region opens in channel
between ARs 10734 and 10733.
2005/02/1113:1313:48  10733   Small sympathetic flare to end
eruptive activity.
2005/02/1201:3605:24  10735CME  Faint loop eruption off limb above AR.
2005/02/1203:4811:48   CME NE Prominence eruption off limb.
2005/02/1204:1209:12  10732   Much loop reconfiguration,
but X-ray flux negligible.
2005/02/1214:36+     NE Prominence reforms.
2005/02/1310:2811:48 C310733CME  Flare and eruption in loops S of AR.
Dimming region extends E to AR 10734.
2005/02/1314:4817:48 C110734CME  Wave induces oscillations in quiet
corona at ~S10W30.
2005/02/1403:3605:24 C210734CME  Loops linking ARs 10734 and 10733 erupt.
(All X-rays come from AR 10734.)
2005/02/1409:24+ C210735CME  Very similar event from easternmost AR
of the chain. Dimming region
extends N to elongated coronal hole.

*See note on active region numbers.

Web curator: Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Last revised - J.B. Gurman