EIT activity report for
2002/05/24 daily meeting

Planner: B.J. Thompson

DateStartEndGOESAR OtherPADescription
2002/05/2300:2406:00   CME NW Small opening of field lines,
very faint, off limb,
possible CME
2002/05/2302:4803:24     SW Brightening/jet in AR 9954 - CME?
2002/05/2306:2411:00   CME NW Faint and off-limb
2002/05/2314:0114:36   CME E Small CME just N of E limb
2002/05/2403:3604:12   CME NW Off-limb CME
2002/05/2406:3706:51 M1 9963  NE  
2002/05/2408:3610:14   CME SW Part of Southern filament

Web curator: Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Last revised - J.B. Gurman