EIT activity report for
2002/05/17 daily meeting

Planner: B.J. Thompson

DateStartEndGOESAR OtherPADescription
2002/05/1623:4702:24   CME SE Eruption from AR SE of disk
center - halo candidate?
2002/05/1603:2305:35   CME E CME from AR at East limb
2002/05/1603:3606:33   CME NW Very narrow faint CME off limb
2002/05/1605:1206:35   CME SW CME just off limb, dimming
2002/05/1606:2407:36   EPL NE Filament erupts from on disk
2002/05/1614:2415:12   CME W CME/dimming off limb
2002/05/1723:5903:47   EPL DC Lots of filament evolution in
uge filament running N-S right
disk center - probably a CME.
2002/05/1700:5501:30 M1     
2002/05/1701:2501:48   CME E Off-limb CME just S of AR 9957
2002/05/1705:1605:28 C7 9957  E  
2002/05/1707:1308:47   CME SE Sigmoid-ish eruption on disk
from a relatively quiet-looking
filament area
2002/05/1707:3608:40 M1 9957CME E Fairly fast CME and dimming

Web curator: Joseph B. Gurman
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Last revised - J.B. Gurman