
Comments: Flare (M2.5) in 8614 @ 01:36 (SE quaddran)

CME from behind NW limb @ ~04:00 UT

CME from NW limb @ 14:12 UT - AR on limb.

Flare (M1) in 8611 @ 15:24 (GOES peak @ 15:20); small outbursts "immediately" thereafter in W end of 8602, 8603 (15:36 UT) - dimming in Difference @ 15:48 UT.

Loop brightening in 8611 @ 16:48 - 17:24 UT: PCMEL's? Large CME (good event in LASCO C3) from behind E limb between 17:48 and 19:32 UT (no 195 images inbetween).

Small burst @ W end of 8603 @ 21:26 UT, followed by material travellin galong loops (?) toward 8602.

CME from behind NNW @ 20:36 UT; more visible by 21:15 UT