
Comments Regioin of emering flux on W end of 8603 continuew to be active

CME from behind W limb @ 04:12 UT

Flare (M1) in 8611 @ 04:36 UT; puff dimming to S of region @ 05:00 UT.

Flare (C5) in 8603 W end @ 06:48 UT.

Filament eruption (PCF) from NNW limb @ ~ 06:12 UT. Faint remnant visible in 07:18 UT 304 image.

Flare (M1) in 8603 W end @ 11:36 UT.

Eruptive prominence from AR 8613 on NE limb @ 12:36 UT; CME off NE limb @ 13:13 UT; Visible on NE limb shortly thereafter.

Flare (~C3) in 8611 @ 14:36 UT; not in SEC report.

Loop flare (M1) in 8603 @ 20:00 UT