Comments: bright dot appears just W of 8516 @ 01:48 UT; tiny dimming to S of 8516 @ 02:12 UT; grows to small-to-moderate
Several - point brightenings in nondiscript region on ENE limb (N12, E~76) @ 04:12 UT, noticeable wave on disk to W, S by 04:24UT
Filament (oriented NE-SW) near CM in N errupts ~07:)) UT (really gets going ~07:25 UT, with sizable dimming on SW end (LASCO event visible at least off NE in C2). Looks like only ~90-100 degrees in C@ difference movie.
looping prominence material between 2 regions on limb at!
sputtering and activity starts in area on sick in NE (12.1N, 55.2E) then a CME takes off at 20:24 UT and usual post flare looping afterwards.