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Listing of $SSW/soho/eit/idl/util/is_gsfcvms.pro


function is_gsfcvms, big_daddy = big_daddy
; +
;   Name: is_gsfcvms
;   Purpose: single point maintenance of this list
;       add to list as required
;   Calling Example:
;      if is_gsfcvms() then ...
;   For VMS machines that do not have local copies of the catalogs 
;   you must define 4 logicals:
;	$ define /system /exec  eit_lz   "dnfs7:[lz]", "dnfs1:[lz]"
;	$ define /system /exec /trans = conc eit_quicklook "dnfs5:[quicklook.]"
;	$ define /system /exec  LZ_DATA  lz_archive
; 	$ define /system /exec  QKL_DATA ql_archive
;   Oct 1997 - Einfalt - modified to return "3" (which is true), for VMS
;			 systems without a local copy of the catalogs.
;   2002 September 26 -  updated by removing references to eitv and eitv1,
;			 which are no longer OpenVMS systems. D.M. fecit.
hosts=['gavroc', 'xanado', 'magda']  			; VMS hosts that have
							; local catalogs
if !version.os eq 'vms' then begin
     stat = trnlog('sys$node',thishost)
     if stat eq 1 then thishost = strlowcase(strmid(thishost(0),0,$
     stat = where(hosts eq thishost)
     if stat(0) ne -1 then gstat = 1 		; is one of GSFC hosts with cat
     stat = where(hosts_w_o eq thishost)
     if stat(0) ne -1 then gstat = 3		; 3 is GSFC-like VMS without cat
if gstat then begin
   if (thishost eq 'gavroc') or (thishost eq 'xanado') then begin
      big_daddy = 1
   endif else big_daddy = 0
endif else big_daddy = 0
return, gstat

Web curator: Frédéric Auchère
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682

Last revised: - Wed May 9 21:45:22 2007- F. Auchère