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Listing of $SSW/soho/eit/idl/anal/fake_missing_blocks.pro


; FAKE_MISSING_BLOCKS sets the values of missing pixel blocks in an EIT
; image to a fixed value or a block from elsehwere in the image (e.g. a dark
; corner).
; D.M. fecit, 1996 January 19.
pro fake_missing_blocks, a, index, block_size = block_size, $
   before = before, after = after, n_block = n_block, high = high
if not keyword_set(block_size) then block_size = 32
if not keyword_set(before) then before = 0
if not keyword_set(after) then after = 0
if not keyword_set(high) then high = 0
total_high = block_size*block_size*255.
; 1996 Dec 24 JSN changed from indgen(32) to indgen(1024/block_size)
; x0 = indgen(32)*block_size & y0 = x0
x0 = indgen(1024/block_size)*block_size & y0 = x0
sz_a = size(a) & nx = sz_a(1) & ny = sz_a(2)
n_bl_x = nx/block_size & n_bl_y = ny/block_size
n_block = 0 & bs = block_size & bsm1 = block_size - 1
for j = 0, n_bl_y - 1 do begin
   for i = 0, n_bl_x - 1 do begin
      t_block = total(a(x0(i):x0(i) + bsm1, y0(j):y0(j) + bsm1, index))
      if high then begin
         replace = t_block eq total_high
      endif else begin
         replace = t_block eq 0
      if replace then begin
         if before then begin
            replacement_block = $
               a(x0(i):x0(i) + bsm1, y0(j):y0(j) + bsm1, index - 1)
         endif else if after then begin
            replacement_block = $
               a(x0(i):x0(i) + bsm1, y0(j):y0(j) + bsm1, index + 1)
         a(x0(i), y0(j), index) = replacement_block
         n_block = n_block + 1
return & end

Web curator: Frédéric Auchère
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682

Last revised: - Wed May 9 21:45:04 2007- F. Auchère