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Listing of $SSW/soho/eit/idl/response/eit_vis2euv.pro


function eit_vis2euv, img, degrad=degrad, reverse=reverse
;   eit_vis2euv
;   applies the visible to euv relationship to a vector or array
;   img = vector or array to convert
;   the converted vector or array
;   degrad  : degradation index defined as the average of a normalized calibration lamp
;   reverse : if present, then conputes the euv to visible conversion 
;   18-May-2001. F. Auchere
;   04-Sep-2002. F. Auchere Added the reverse keyword to make the euv to visible conversion
  if not(keyword_set(degrad)) then degrad = 0.922
  deg = degrad>0.873<0.922

  if deg le 0.912 then begin
    b = (0.410256d)*deg + 0.326847d
    dy = (1.53846d)*deg - 1.32308d
  endif else begin
    b = (3.40001d)*deg - 2.39981d
    dy = (15.0d)*deg - 13.6d

  a = 4.8d
  c = 0.4d

  if keyword_set(reverse) then $
    return, sqrt(((img - dy + sqrt(c))^2.0 - c)/a^2.0) + b $
  else $
    return, dy + (sqrt((a*((img-b)>0))^2.0d + c) - sqrt(c))>0.001<1.1


Web curator: Frédéric Auchère
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682

Last revised: - Wed May 9 21:45:13 2007- F. Auchère