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Listing of $SSW/soho/eit/idl/anal/eit_movie.pro


; EIT_MOVIE uses XINTERANIMATE to display movies from IDL save files of
; 3-dimensional byte arrays of images.
; Note: Assumes (i) file name is of the form 'movie_www_whatever.save'
; where www is the wavelength, and (ii) the image array is called b0.
; D.M. fecit, maxima in celeritate, 1996 January 31.
; Diagnostic lines changed, 1997 August 10. D.M. fecit.
pro eit_movie, filename
wavelength = [171, 195, 284, 304]
restore, /verbose, filename
j_wave = -1
print, '%EIT_MOVIE-I-WAVE, wave = ' + strtrim(wave, 2) + '.'
for i_wave = 0, 3 do if wave eq wavelength(i_wave) then j_wave = i_wave
if j_wave ge 0 then color = 42 + j_wave else color = wave
sz_b = size(b0) & n_frame = sz_b(3)
if !d.n_colors lt 250 then begin
   scl = !d.n_colors/255.
   print, '%EIT_MOVIE-I-SCALE, scaling movie by ' + $
   	strtrim(scl, 2) + ' to account for poor X11 implmentation.'
   b0 = byte(scl*b0)
print, '%EIT_MOVIE-I-N_FRAME, movie has ' + strtrim(n_frame, 2) + ' frames.'
xinteranimate, set = sz_b(1:3), title = title
for i_frame = 0, n_frame - 1 do begin
   xinteranimate, frame = i_frame, image = b0(*, *, i_frame)
; changed file name for loadct from logical coloreit to
; getenv('coloreit') for compatibility with unix. feb. 9 1996 -J. Newmark
if color gt 40 then begin
   loadct, color, file = getenv('coloreit')
endif else begin
   loadct, color
xinteranimate, /keep
; memory help?
b0 = 0
dum = temporary(b0)

return & end

Web curator: Frédéric Auchère
Responsible NASA official: Joseph B. Gurman, Facility Scientist, Solar Data Analysis Center
+1 301 286-4767
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Solar Physics Branch / Code 682

Last revised: - Wed May 9 21:45:01 2007- F. Auchère