EIT PLANNER NOTES
                               Lessons Learned
                            J. R. Lemen    12-Oct-1996
                            T. R. Metcalf  22-Oct-96  (minor changes/additions)


The SOHO program depends heavily on the use of acronyms.  The first couple of
days of the EOF can seem a bit bewildering to a newcomer.  I won't begin to
try to construct a glossary, but a couple of the more useful ones are:

EOF 	Experimenters' Operations Facility (in Bld 3)
EAF	Experimenters' Analysis Facility (in Bld 26)
FOT	Flight Operations Team
DSN	Deep Space Network
NRT     Near Real Time
SOC	Science Operations Coordinater
SOL	Science Operations Leader (this person leads the science discussions
	during the M-F planning meeings).


Write down the temperatures 3 or 4 times a day in the log book.
    T1 = near the front of the telescope (near sector wheel)
    T6 = is Not used.  T5 = CCD temperature.

Check recent EIT images.  I made sure that the full scale values were of a
reasonable magnitude.  Use eit_display in IDL on gavroche.

Attend the 10 AM meeting on M-S.



    On Tuesdays the EIT planner may be asked to take the minutes of the
meeting.  You probably won't understand much of the FOT's report.  For one
reason, practically every other word he utters will be an acronym.  Ask Laura
Allen for a copy of the view foils and ask her what she things should be
included in the report.  Send the report to soc@soc.nascom.nasa.gov.  I put
a copy of the report on hazel:/eit/daily_report/daily.9610xx

    Generally, there is a data club meeting in Bld 26 at 3:30 PM.

    LASCO/EIT meeting @ 2pm in Bldg 26.  EIT planner gives a summary of last
    weeks data plus an overview of next week's plans.

    On Wednesdays the EIT planner needs to work with Elaine to define the
observing plan for coming week.  She would like to have your inputs by about
noon if possible.

    Elaine will automatically schedule the EIT synoptic program.  Currently,
we are taking a 512x512 half-res image in 195 A every 2 hours in addition to
the regular synoptic program.  This leaves a total of 1024 x 3 blocks for
partial field observations that can be used to support JOPs and other special

    You must also schedule to dark frames (one 0s and one 3s full-frame,
full-res).  Because these images compress well, you need only count the
two images as 1024 blocks total.  You must also schedule straylight images
once a week.  There are two images:
           32 x 2 block 100s 171A
           32 x 2 block   0s 284A
These compress well and Elaine did make me count them against the total
telemetry usage for the day.

    After the daily planning meeting on Friday there will be the weekly 
planning meeting where the schedule for the coming week will be discussed.


  - EIT sub-fields can only be pointed at a resolution of 32 pixels.
  - The minimum delta time is 1 min for EIT images.
  - A single EIT image will block out LASCO for 7 minutes.
  - Normal time to download a full-res full frame EIT image is 22 min
        (this is the time that it takes to compress the image onboard).
  - If the sector wheel is moved more than once per hour, it is 
    considered a "fast" sector wheel sequence.

  - If a "fast" sector wheel sequence is being run, the EIT science planner
    shall be at the EOF to monitor the temperature.  If the temperature 
    exceeds ????  then the EIT science planner shall first try to speak to
    or call Elaine, then Chris St. Cyr, then Shane Stezelburger, finally
    Joe Gurman (the numbers are on the wall in the EIT operations room).
    If none of these individuals can be reached, then go to the FOT

  - Current synoptic plan:  1 set of full-res

  - The EIT planner currently gets discretionary 3072 blocks (not including
    the synoptic images).

  - The EIT planner's discretionary plan should not include more than about 
    120 exposures (120 is a lot!).


The two computers that the planner uses is hazel and gavroche.  hazel is a
DEC 3000 Unix machine whereas gavroche is an OpenVMS machine.  The reformatter
runs on gavroche and then the data is copied to a disk that all the Unix
machines mount.

HAZEL specific items:

The account that the planner uses on both machines is the "eit" account.  On
Hazel, I recommend that you create a sub-directory and that everyone tries to
keep the top directory clear of junk.  

Hazel does not have as many utilities as you might expect (no ghostview, gs or
LaTeX, ispell, for example), and it does not have the latest emacs, but it
does have netscape and xv.  To display PostScript files you will need use a
command like: dxvdoc -f ps 

On hazel, the eit account is setup to run idl with the command: sswidl

To run IDL on hazel:
  hazel> setssw eit sxt gen
  hazel> sswidl

GAVROCHE specific items:

dir/sin 		- shows all files created today
set def sys$login 	- returns you to the home directory
sh def d		- Shows the names of disks

On gavroche, the eit account is setup to run idl with the command: idl

The EIT movie directory is data_disk2:[eit.movies]


Some of the more useful routines are:

IDL routines that run on both hazel and gavroche:

eit_display	- Main EIT image display routine.  
eit_movie	- To display a specific EIT movie (also called by eit_display).
movie_maker	- A little clumsy to use, but the standard way to make EIT
		  movies.  On gavroche.
pr_fem          - Shows the Yohkoh ephemeris, in case of joint observations.
contacts        - Shows the Yohkoh KSC contacts, in case of joint observations.

IDL routines that run on gavroche only:

temp_check	- Displays the latest temperatures.  Good routine for
		  dial-in access, since it does not require X features.
hk_mon		- monitors EIT housekeeping functions.
eit_subfield    - The way to obtain pointing coordinates to give to 
		  Elaine, Shane Stezelburger or Chris St. Cyr.  The format
		  will be x0,y0/x1,y1 where x0,y0 is the coordinate of the
		  lower left corner and x1,y1 is coordinate of the upper
		  left corner in CCD pixels.  This is Elaine's program and
		  she is the best person to talk to about how to run it.
do_plan,k-0,'1996/mm/dd'  - This is the planning tool.  Normally, only Elaine
		  should run this program, but it might be useful to obtain
		  information about the exact times of observations.


To get your phone messages dial 6-1233 and then use 111 as the password.


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